Tree of Savior Forum

March 28, Get Your Firecrackers!

What a joke. Clearly, you can do better than this.



Yeah in dischord we were talking about how cute it’d be to have a firecracker offhand or something that we could keep and use (like the current ones that are just for fun like the bubble wrap and vuvuzela) or an armband or something; maybe an npc that just thanks the saviors for their continued support and hands it out once per account. Heck even just a recolored armband (that cute pink bow ribbon would look… really cute in about every other color as well and is already IN the game) would be really nice with some flavor text.

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Awww no rank reset for the anniversary ?


Here I thought IMC would have something tolerable for the anniversary celebration, perhaps one that would make me play again even for just a day.

What we get instead is this bad joke. WTF. Seriously, IMC.


It’s one day only, everyone~~!!! :smile: :grin: :grin: Spend them well!!!

Cheap event for special occasion.


Wow! Several nothing.


Well they gave us 2 events…well meh i guess

The firecracker is still useful


Man… that is so disapointing.

This seems like some last time remember.
Another bad sign again

This can’t be everything… There’s no way that this is all we would get as a 1 year anniversary, unless the level up event is ‘considered’ part of it.

No really, this is extremely underwhelming. I am sad now /(ㅇㅅㅇ)\

I was actually really looking forward to the one year anniversary.


Based on the facebook staff responses, there very well may be more and this was just a poorly done announcement. Wouldn’t be the first time, but I’m not holding my breath on it. A lot of people are starting to get really jaded about this kind of thing. Anniversaries should mean more to the company than they do to the players and should represent the company’s appreciation to the players who support the game (and the company). That’s why this whole “well you have an event going already, here’s a log in reward that’s good for 24hrs” kind of puts a sour taste in one’s mouth. But I’d be happy if we just jumped the gun and there’s more to it.

Don’t worry~~ We have so much more in store for our future updates! :kissing_heart:

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That’s not quite what I meant Letitia. :slight_smile:

Most game companies here in the west make a very, VERY big deal of anniversaries. I can give more specific examples if you like.

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welp. yet another day to get


:grin::smile_cat: :wine_glass:

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i lold at “think of all the fun”.


My favorite on the fb comments. XD


With the firecrackers only being around for one day, a bunch of people will be offline that day and miss them. They’re going to announce more stuff by the time maintenance notes come out, though.

IMC could just post a shiny picture and replace all the text with random lines from the EULA, and facebook wouldn’t know the difference.

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Even my cat’s birthday gets more attention and festivities than this.

But think of all the fun!!!1!