/wakes up /takes a look at the forums
Guys stahp! Don’t burn down mai thread!!! lol
Oh my… Chili, you have the biggest balls I’ve ever seen! /insert childish giggle
RIP MeiMei /sob
I need the character slot for the new wugu guy! So sorry… (It really hurts to delete pets! )
I always found them useless (for me). But it hurts… knowing that you spent money on it.
Their only use is to be extra target and aggro fodder as well as exp hog to your Team level which is still pretty good imo until they actually become more useful
Noooooo poor Hoglan
hugs my own hoglan tight
Additional Character Slots are expensive though…
Birthday picture. Kino-Alchemist using telekinesis for his work.
And yeah… I’m trying to find a sage wall recipe but… yeah… doodle for day 2,3 & 4 coming soon… (why am I so unlucky in this game?! ;__; the only thing I got from cubes was the arde dagger… after that: nothing but talt!! uguu)
I saw your pics around facebook but didn’t know they were yours @.@
I love your artwork so badly x3
They’re both suppa funny and cute!! Keep it up the awesome job \ ( * • * )/
Just wanted to express some appreciation for art so that’s all for now .w.
(Following here tumblr and all of that ;3)
@S-Loxe T-thanks!!
Popolion headphones! Want those ingame <3
I’m still thinking about what to draw for the loading screen contest… hmm I would love to make something with a “Diorama”-look where a lot of stuff happens… but the deadline is so soon argh
@pixelp0p Nooooo!
Your strengths would be super suited to a comic loading screen XD Your art is crisp, fresh, and so beautifully chibi I just want to explode every time you submit a new one. I can’t get enough lol
What about something like the ones used in HeroWarz?
There is a whole series by this artist and the mix of entertainment and a tip is always welcome. With your style I’d intentionally find ways to bring up loading screens more than normally necessary xD
@Darkon omg thanks a lot for that nice comment! I would love to make a comic but… no idea and the deadline is so soon… (= w =; )
Tomorrow/Today it’s time for Cleric C8!!
My biggest wish would be a good support skill for Oracle c3 but… I’m prepared to get disappointed! orz (Mapo is still at C6 with class lvl14 + 97% exp since weeks lol let me choose the next rank already <:3c I miss playing my main…)
Ps. Only young Kirei Kotomine allowed in this thread
Oracle C3 can swap your gender… aww I can’t wait to see Mapo in female from ! XD
@Revanche7th omgggg!!! I have to draw this! xD
So uhm… re? ´w`)9 I stopped playing ToS some weeks ago because of personal reasons but I’m still a huge fan! Also it gives me so many ideas for drawings… idk… tos is… very inspiring? lol
Line work for the loading screen contest. At this point I had only some hours left for the coloration…
Little thing for @Chili and Dulces! (> 3<)
For someone on Tumblr lol
The question is… does Mapo know what he is doing here?? lol
(Probably yes)
Sloppy character sheet for Tofu
With short skirt because it’s more fun to draw! ´w`)
She has a calm personality but gets excited for stuff she likes. Polite but speaks out what she thinks. Loves cute things. Has a strong sense for justice. Likes scrapbooking and handwork like Omamori crafting. Also decorates her own talismans used for Taoist skills.

I want an onsen in ToS!
Waaa, I’m so grateful!! > 3 <
ToS has eaten me alive QwQ (besides work) and now I must find the time to draw too /inspired
omg I like this T.T:astonished:
AAAHFKHFASFJL Cleric xmas dress IS SO CUTE… halp…
(It’s a giant exp card cookie…)
@Malcom Thanks!! ;w;)9
Mapo hates solo questing.
Hey mapo. I really like your arts and everytime you post something, I feel like I can imagine days in ToS. I am also a priest and I missed those days when players really needs healer around and those suffering days when solo.
It’s a shame to see you quit but I’m happy that you’re still around.
I have a priest C3 costume with me and I bet you’ll love it too (athough my character is female) and I was wondering if you can draw something based on my character(even just for your inspiration, it’s fine)
I know I’m asking too much. Or at least if you don’t want to, that’s fine. I just want you to keep drawing. I really like your art and hope you all the best out there
By the way, where did you learn English? Your English is pretty good too.
@Megiddo_Yggdra I’m busy until next year ;w;) But if you can wait a little, post a screenshot of your character here :3 I’ll doodle her if I got the time! ^p^) And thanks hehe!
Snowman Tini & Clerics (Did I already mention how much I love those costumes? lool)