Tree of Savior Forum

Mapo's Fanart Cube

Talt drop chance: 90%, Fanart drop chance: 10%
Hello~! Besides playing ToS I like to draw so… let’s combine both!

:curry: ToS Blog:
:rice: Art Blog:

Team name/Server: Mapo/Klaipeda
Feel free to add me as a friend! I like to socialize in games! ⊂((・▽・))⊃

I think some people may know this picture… It’s really old but still important to me! I sent this to Mr. Hakkyu on Twitter and he retweetet & wrote a short “thank you”-tweet!! I’m still happy about this! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

My wiz-cryo from CBT1

My Wiz-Pyro-Link-Ele-Chrono (omg :sweat_drops:) from CBT2

aand Mapo… currently cleric-priest3-cleric my main atm! (not taking chaplain)
I will add some comics I made about mapo’s life in another post. :3c

Thanks for visiting this topic!
Here, have some Mapo Tofu: :curry: (k it’s curry I’m sorry orz)


those looks amazing. awesome fan art.

wish i can do that (╯ಠ‿ಠ)╯︵┻━┻

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Cute art.

…And good colo ;_;
I did draw when I was younger…But I never succeeded in doing a good colo.

…Oh, I just found a talt? Need to enter this artblog instance once again…Oh wait, I can’t enter anymore? Wait, what? Oh right, need to wait 6AM EDT. .-.

Seems like most of the artist are on Klaipeda server…?

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So here are the comics! (I’m sorry they are not really funny + bad English lol This is my first time drawing comics… it’s really hard :'D )

The Cleric Master is just too cute! :heartpulse:

Don’t tell him about a third possibility!

I wanted to highlight their personalities therefore this is a bit ooc… (Drawing characters with personalities is more fun!)

(I know that the priest master has a different look in game… I will draw a comic about this later lol)

This is the most important comic! 80% of the people I meet in random dungeon parties are boring… they never talk! ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚


@LargeBanana @Masaya
Thank you! :two_hearts:
I’m sure you can do it! With every picture you get better! <3 (That’s the good thing about drawing~)

This instance isn’t even accessible every 24h … sometimes you can’t enter for about one month LOL (I’m a very slow artist lol)

Ah really? I have to go trough the fanart category tomorrow and stalk them all in game kukuku… :busts_in_silhouette:

Omg I so agree with you. Most of the people in dungeon don’t talk…
And, unfortunately, I became used to it so…I started to speak less…

And your comics are quite funny giggles
Since I also chose Cleric (and Priest), I can picture the scene quite well I guess xD

(Lurking on the forum and answering quickly since there is a huge maintenance xD)

Well, the few artist that I saw/remembered were on Klaipeda I think. Since I am doing the transfer to Fedimian, I will never meet you all.
…Oh well, I can always follow you art on the forum and your art blogs. :stuck_out_tongue:

“and destroy this ****” lmao

and I feel the same about parties in tos =/

I feel you… if I enter a dungeon and nobody else greets, I’ve already lost every motivation to start a conversation… <:3
I almost transferred to Fedi too (because I’m from Switzerland) but I will stay on Klai now to improve my English! lol

lool Your avatar/name… I would like to make a JoJo x ToS comic! But no ideas… we need a stand master class!

Oooh, that’s too bad. Well, transferring to Fedimian because the ping is way better…And since I am currently playing Monk, having a lower ping would help me a lot haha.

Anyway, waiting impatiently for your next funny talt…I mean comic.

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your ToS comics are gorgeous and absolute 100% hit in the right place
and they are so funny :smiley:
you’re very skilled, definetely looking forward for more stuff from you! :smiley:

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hi i was ecstatic when I found your blog on tumbnlr because I love your art so much AHHHH its so soft and wonderful like tofu

I would love to stalk you ingame aahaha (if someone named Daruma adds you, winks)


I think sadhu is an option :smile:


These are great ! I am impressed how much you drew for this game considering it’s only been out for a short time.

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@demonanivia Thanks a lot!! I have many ideas for new comics but I wanna do some illustrations next ;w;) Too much stuff to draw! lol
@Darumy loool thanks for the compliment, tofu is amazing! <3
(I already added you this morning! kukuku :kissing_smiling_eyes:)
@II_JoJo_II omg yare yare daze… this is great(o)!
@dotapazappy Hehe I’m a fangirl since Project R1! :3c

So… can we talk about the spring flower costume for male cleric?

All the other costumes are amazing! Only cleric M looks really boring uguu <:3 So I tried to design one by myself and… it’s super hard! omggg :sweat_drops: Maggi is a genius!

Bonus Falconer doodle:


Hi. I realized I’ve never commented here and expressed how much I love you (and your art) aslkdjas;ljda;sldjas;ldkjasd :kissing_closed_eyes:

Thank you for being such a nice buddy on tumblr and twitter QwQ WOBBLY TEARS makes me so happy.

your yonkomas make me so happy too, they’re hilarious. QwQ

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oh god im so in love with your art! it’s adorable and beautiful +_+!!

and that spring flower dress on male clerics is so cute
if it were real i would through so much money to get it gklfdjgklf AAHHHh so cute :two_hearts:


Omg. I am a male Cleric in game and…Just give me your version of spring flower dress. Please. xD

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@Chili AHHH I WANNA THANK YOU TOO! chu ARGH I wish we could play together! (I hope they merge orsha and klai lool) well we can’t now but I can draw our characters together! (^ p^) May I have a screenshot of your fav outfit/headgear? Would love to try this next week!! thx! :two_hearts::heartpulse:

@Mistreil Thank you! (I love yours too! :sparkles:)
I really hope they add some >CUTE< costumes to the shop (for male characters) ;_:wink: right now there are only “beautiful” or “cool” clothes… <:3c

(Got the pudding headgear today lol)


Yes, we can be together in our kokoro Q.Q /sobhugs
omg is this an art trade @ A @ !!! laksjdaslkdjasd I I I I aslkdjaslkd /slapped I mean…

Let me have a reference from you too ; u ; I shall draw us together too! /slowly /slapped

it be this. my little strawberry cupcake x-x


aah so cute! :two_hearts: :two_hearts:

i agree, there needs to be cute clothes for boys in the shop! i want my character to be a super cute boy ;o; (i think they need more cute hair too – there were models in the early version of the game of this hair for boys which was really really cute, but it’s not in the game! ;_:wink:

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