Tree of Savior Forum

Are youserious IMC? Fan art event?

The first one? You mean, the sketch or the actual first one of the non ToS related Lol. And thanks~

As far as things go; The exploits, and hacks don’ really bother me. This is just something I spend massive amounts of free time on but, it’s just a game. Besides there is no real competition here. No real raids to be the best at, no pvp to be the best at. It’s all just to kill a few mobs quicker. (Arena all gear will be standardized anyways) shrug I’m just very passive but I’m also old enough that I don’t let little things bother me so much.

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300tp sure but there’s more to it then that. Regardless If I do submit my work it’s not to win. It’s to join in the community with something not Toxic like 98% of the posters here in these forums.

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He/She does have some pretty amazing style. :slight_smile: I’m looking forward to seeing what else the community can post up.

haukinyau pls there are other artists better than me mapo i cHOOSE YO


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But you have some awesome suppa duppa works as well!! ;3
In fact… I really wouldn’t be able to choose between you two!! x3

There’s a huge difference in temptation in getting artists to actualy draw a superb piece and getting them to just puke out sketches.

Drawing requires time and time is a currency for investment. If I have to pick between working on something like this

Or half-ass something like this

You can easily guess which one a 15$ prize pool is going to get.

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This thread is so stupid I cant even…

Guess that’s the thing about being an Artist, what you find “puke” someone else may find beautiful. It’s more then just the prize. Iirc your drawing becomes a loading screen too. I could have read that wrong. I don’t expect to win, but to see the creativity flow amongst it’s players, is a great thing. The only “puke” I’ve really encountered in ToS is most of the vocal player base.

I… actually like the one you considered to be half-assed. That kind of painterly style is not too uncommon. Although the first one has a lot more details and looks more “complete”, the second one is not exactly bad either.

I would call the 2nd one a style difference if anything… art is weird like this I guess.

Yeah lol You and me were thinking the same thing.

hey, I’m glad IMC is paying attention to their fanartist community. a lot of really talented and nice people who love the game enough to draw for it.

Timely art block but I’ll def participate if I can. (if I’m not too busy playing transistor heh)

i think i have to stop looking at this beautiful fan arts of you guys. it discourages me to continue my fan art for the event xD. btw is it required to add a subject on the title? :o

A little something I’m sketching around with while I wait for a DPD2 pt or Bee pt…Not sure how I can tie it into ToS Lol

@gwa_pao don’t let others art make you feel less of your own. You do you and own it! On a side note; all the information is in the News feed that tells you where to post it and such.

PS: Someone log on in Klaipeda and make a DPD2 or bee group!



Im in love with the Fan Art community and there are a lot of talented and dedicated artist in the fansite section… so i don’t see

However… doing such an event would only back fire due to the numerous unaddressed fixes or plans for the bugs and exploits/exploiters.They only started addressing this yesterday when this exploits and bugs have been here for like a month or two… and all they did was sweep it to one corner and hope no one sees it…until now…

I was a gray/rainbow knight once… now i ditched the suit of armor, shield and stuff and just go plain naked…picked up a “This game is dead” and follow the rest of the doomsayers going…

Then again… coming back to the forum is fun… i get a kicked out of it reading some post…

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XD …when its time to move on…just pack ur bags and fck off… …i’m just watching this from afar…

Very Dramatic… Much Debate…

Watching knights fight all day long…

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