Tree of Savior Forum

Machine Gun Musketeer

why do people still posting in this thread of mine? it was just a question regarding 1 type of build. move on people! XD

You should flag is as a guide, get it stickied, and take all the credit. :]

You can put running shot gem on gloves.

loooools you evil evil snake! haha

edit : your name is very very familiar for some reason.

How about archer 1, ranger 3, archer 2, scout then musketeer?

What is the attack soeed difference between different weapon types?

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hey sorry to necro this but what bow did that person use? the damage is super good even though it’s a 2h bow. is everything about cafrisun,arde is just some worthless math? that guy definitely deals more damage than any machine gun vid under it.

Hmm I’ve no idea too but upon watching it again I think it only seems high because he was hitting flying targets? seemed normal for his level when he hit the archers (2.5k+ crits)

ah so the attribute damage?

Do you have any videos showing cannon being used to do the machingun thingy!

Cannon can’t shoot, it’s just an accessory for cannoneer skills.

What he means, cannoneer skills complement single target DPS of QS3 better than extra musketeer burst.

Though musketeer is probably better for world bossing, as you need max single target DPS to get the cube.

Has anyone tested A / QS3 / Fletcher 3 for boss fighting? Before you tell, I already know thats IMPOSSIBLE to lvl up. (but not that much)

QS3 is easiest class in the whole game to level up. But it’s pointless to get Fletcher 3 together with QS3, they have zero synergy, you can’t use fletcher skills together with running shot. It’s like getting hunter3SR2.

There are much better builds for both fletcher3 and QS3.

Like ranger3fletcher3 or QS3Archer3Musketeer, etc.

Running Shot is an instance type? like kneeling shot?

no running shot is a buff. but it buffs your basic attack only, so fletcher skill doesn’t count.

also running shot allows you to run while attacking BUT not run while skilling so yeah zero synergy there.

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Oh thnx… I hadnt noticed until you say it. I thought it increased attack damage in general!

How exactly does Running Shot work? it gives you additional attack like cafrisun, which damage is basic attack+300% from skill? So we have 2 basic attacks with +300% dmg each?
And how does it work with kneeling shot? Its bonus damage multiplies to both attacks and is +300% too?

It just adds an additional line of damage which is 200% of your physical attack. It only applies once per basic attack.

With kneeling shot you get bonus physical attack, so bonus damage from Running Shot is higher.

“It only applies once per basic attack.”
What does it mean?
And my real basic attack doesnt give that 200% bonus?