Tree of Savior Forum

List of rank 2 status ailment?

Basically the only difference between prophecy and bloodletting is rank 2 status ailment. Is there a list somewhere so I can see what pd can dispel that oracle can’t?

Hi, i’ll copy/paste the info i have, you will get the idea.

Rank 1

Status Effect Type Classes

Armor Break DEF Debuff Highlancler, Peltasta, JV[onk
Bincl Root Linker, Squire, Sadhu, Cornair, Hoplite
Blind ACC Debuff Rogue, Rodelero, Bokor, Sorcerer
Bleeding DOT Fletcher, R.ogue, Corsair, l\Ionk, Hoplite, Swordsman
Chaos Confusion vVugushi, Scout, Chronomancer, Hunter, Sadhu
Decay DOT Necromancer
Disable lncapacitate Psychokino, Hunter,, Cataphract
Flarne DOT Pyromancer, Fletcher, Sorcerer
Freeze lncapacitate Crvornancer, Elernentalist
Petrification Incapacitate Elementalist
Poison DOT \i\Tugushi
Silence Silence Dievdirby, 1\fonk, Fletcher
Sleep Incapacitate vVizard
Slow Slow Chronomancer , Squire, Ranger, Rodelero, Archer, Swordsman, Cryomancer
Stop Incapacitate Chronmnancer
Stun Incapacitate Swordsman, Rogue, 13arbarian, Rodclero, Quarrcl Shooter,
Psychoking, Hunter, Cataphract, Peltasta

Rank 2

Skill Name Type Classes

Exorcise DOT Priest
Death Death Oracle
Growling Root / Fear Hunter
Jincan Gu Spawn / DR Debuff \Vugushi
13lood 13ath DOT Featherfoot
Headshot INT & SPR Debuff Muskcteer
Rain Slow / Misc Elementalist
Feint DR Debuff Rogue
Chortasmata Type Change Druicl
Mastema Type Change vVarlock
lnvocation Spawn vVarlock
Pole of Agony DOT vVarlock

Rank 3

Skill Name Type Classes

lncineration DOT Plague Doctor

Rank 10

Skill Name Type Classes
Joint Penalty Link Linker
Ogouveve: Decrease Strenµ;th STR Debuff Bokor
Scan / Hounding Reveal Scout, Hunter
Coursinµ; IVIDEF/DEF Debuff Hunter
I3ack IVIasking Time Reversal Chronomancer
Iron Hook I3ind Corsair
Tclepath Control Druid
Collar Bomb Damage Sapper


Interesting “table”. May I ask you where you got it?
Is it from a website? If so I would visit it frequently for updates.

Of course, credits go to @vyne_. It can be found on GitHub in this link:
> ToS Mechanics

is there sone new info? :smiley: