Tree of Savior Forum

Does SPR really increase abnormal status resistant?

By the word status resistant i mean
Froze from cryomancer skills, sleep, petrify(ele’s stone curse) etc.
One of my friend informed me that
100 spr will increase the rate of resisting abnormal status by 55%
Is this true? I’ve search for information about this but havn’t got any in the past hours.
could someone confirm this for me please?

Afaik, no it doesn’t.

SPR increases your magic def (among other things), so high SPR reduces magic damages but not abnormal status.

Would be interested in a confirmation as well tho :wink:

It increase the “Resistant” on magic CC. It might counter the Resistant of your enemy, but I am not sure if it is worth it. Most people do not spec on SPR, and you are better off spending it in CON.

I tried a pure SPR and a 2/3 SPR in Beta as a Cleric up to level 100, and it was disappointing. High level does not need more SP due to leveling increase it, which puts SPR in disadvantage for being meh.

I don’t have a solid data but I’m pretty sure it does. Had a “Cure battle” against a cleric with no SPR (while I have 250 SPR). I resisted maybe 80% of his Cure hits while he resisted none.

I doubt it’s that simple. Different status ailments seem to have different “ratings” as to how hard is it to resist them. Perhaps it’s connected to their level (as in the status ailment level, not the skill/player level). Need to do more testing.

That is your magic def working, Cure isn’t an abnormal/ailment status, it’s just magic dmg.

OP is talking about CC i.e stun/freeze/sleep/etc.

As you have a high SPR, could you please do some test against a wiz/cryo (for sleep/ice bolt) ?

I’m leveling a priest, but too low to run proper tests. And just like OP, it’s something I would like to know.

Thanks !

I have around 250 spr as a Priest and I play with a Cataphract. Whenever there is a mob that casts sleep I resist it 80% of times while my fiancee always falls asleep.

I am also close to immune to cataphracts Impailer skill. While other people are usually not, unless they are Clerics with high spr.

There are more skills that I resisted, some curses, area effect attck skills like cure(I didn’t take dmg from cure 80% of time) , area debuffs like zalciai, ect.

I still get often frozen, less than a Cataphract tho.

Alright, good to know high SPR helps resist sleep and such !

Weird you resist more often sleep than freeze as both are status ailments rank 1. I guess sleep has some flat chance of proc.

Thanks for the quick confirmation.

Still talking about ToS ?

Cure can be resisted.
So can Heal.

Yeah, I know that.

The thread is about status ailments, not magic damage :sleeping:

Thanks anyway !

Yes, my guess is that freeze is a % chance thing on its own. So you can’t resist it with pure stats, only with skills that block damage (safety zone) and so on. I never saw the resist text when I got hit by ice pike and didn’t get frozen.

Cure, and simillar skills remove freeze. Same goes for dispellers.

It feels like some old ragnarok logic. There you could resist all kinds of cc with stats but freeze, for that you needed a Marc card. It is possible since the ToS maker is the same one as ragnaroks.

Haha, my fiancee plays that cataphract. xD

cure inflicts status ailment that does damage (very similar to DoT mechanic). If you resist that status ailment you dont get damage, magic def just reduces incoming magic damage by fixed value.

[quote=“kristipomo, post:10, topic:209093”]
It feels like some old ragnarok logic. There you could resist all kinds of cc with stats but freeze
[/quote]In pre-renewal RO freeze could be resisted with mdef from equipment and lots of LUK, and even if you got frozen status duration was greatly reduced. It was fun to watch getting frozen 3-4 times per Storm Gust (guarantee freeze on 3rd hit, 10 hits total) on some private servers that allowed over 99 on base stats. Or getting unfrozen before enemy wizard could cast amplify > JT

Interesting, I didn’t know that, even tho I have played Ragnarok for the past 6 years. Maybe because I never made a high LUK character. And since I used to be a high Int Priest, I ignored mdef equipments.

Never knew Cure applied a status ailments before dmg as it is not listed as such (opposed to Exorcise and its obvious DOT). I’m guessing this status refresh at each tick.
Does this mean Bloodletting makes you completely immune to Cure ?

only if cure is a rank1 ailment which i doubt it is.

SPR does help resist freeze. I tested it against Ice Bolt, Pike, and Wall. I get the “Resist” text against all 3 of them. It’s harder to resist (I can only get roughly 50% resist rate instead of the 90% I get against Cure/Heal) but it’s definitely possible.

And before someone say “That’s not your SPR resisting it, Ice Bolt has a freeze chance of it’s own!” I’ll say that when Ice Bolt freeze fail to proc, the “Resist” text wont show up. It only shows up when the freeze procs but you successfully resisted it.

Oh and SZ doesn’t block status ailments. It blocks the damage but you can still get frozen.

Bloodletting protects you from Rank1-2 that’s another reason why it is a bit too good.

It would be weird too if Cure is Rank 3…but it is weird anyhow…XD

Cure and Heal arent listed under any rank. But their damage can be “resisted” completely because of their mechanic (applying microbuffs/debuffs).

Interesting… I guess we have to figure out some of these stuffs with time then.

Just tested. Both Bloodletting and Beak Mask completely blocks Cure and Heal. I reckon it would also work on Fire Pillar and other similar “status ailment” damage skills that can be resisted.


You should try Dispeller too or Prophecy… Just to know if they are Rank 1 or 2.(if we can say now that they have Rank XD )