Tree of Savior Forum

List of Gimmick Rewards

I know you don’t need tokens to do it.

and sorry, not sure which IPF file, sometimes it’s just bad luck, try doing it later on or on a different channel

You are right. It worked after some times. I think it was an issue in the server, IDK. I just got stamina pills in the EVAC 4 times , is that suppose to happen? I thought it would be a nice place to get abrasive. I think only the cube with purifying evil spirits with a ball is the one that could help me lvling my gem. If you know sth that can help, I would appreciate your help =) .

It’s just RNG, don’t worry about it.

Sometimes I get 4 stamina pills on 2 of my characters too.

But work hard enough, you may be able to see two level 2 abrasives or level 3 abrasives.

So this happened today (12/23/16) while I was doing the Sventimas Exile [shooter game]. I got an Advanced Gem Abrasive for the very first time

(I’ve been doing this since the start pretty much and it’s never happened before.)


yup, it gives basic, interm and advanced, I listed them on first post


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That’s how rotten my luck was, in the sheer sample size I have for this, only once has it happened >.<

Thank you very much for the effort in creating this.
Thank you very much with 100% love. :slight_smile: :blush: :+1:

At least u gave me motivation to keep doing it

Need confirmation, Kadumel gimmick doesn’t seem to work after the patch

— the one that gives abrasives.

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LoL the Shooter Game in Sventimas Exile is broken.

Landed dead center.

Ball just expired.

yeah, I sent a ticket already and mango responded


if anyone finds any new gimmicks on any of the R8 maps please notify me, I’ll take a long stroll over maps.

the one on Marius Storage room doesn’t count, it’s on the same category as Topes Fortress and Legwyn Chest

Is anyone else having trouble with the Grynas Hills Torch Defense? I’ve been there 3 times since the update at X:00 and the Torch Defense never started.

seems to be working fine, check chat

sorry for the late reply, I stopped doing grynas for a while now

can anyone kindly test if kadumel cliff gimmick is working now

edit: tested, as expected, still broken.

about the ticket by the way, I got the default automated answer.

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I tested today and Kadumel still not working. Also Narash florest silver was nerfed (as mentioned here is now around 10k or less, but it usually was more than 250k at least, up to 600k).

I found one game file that mentions the Gimmick Rewards , I would like you guys to checkout :


Is there a section for how to activate these gimmicks?

how to activate them = the first part

where to find them = none, just ask here if you need any info

If anyone would like to contribute things in the guide, message @Xanaxiel for the permission on the doc

I’m done updating the guides for now, I don’t think it’s worth doing anymore, thank you

I’m farming dawn shards at kalejimas and I’m actually getting the cubes (regularly get 3 a day) but I don’t know how I’m getting them. It just me doing stuff and “oh a cube”.