Tree of Savior Forum

Leticia's Secret Cube Item List: Updated June 20

So you should buy the cubes instead of complaining it’s not pay 2 win enough to worth buying?


There is other ways to make money than selling RNG boxes with high demand items such as the practorium and abrassives.


I wonder what is P2W for IMC… Buy all those things directly in TP shop instead a RNG cube? Geez.


are you kidding … Maybe for some but…

Let check for Astra.(2H bow)

54x yellow caro antenna.
1,6k Yellow caro farm Drop 2 time.
Unit price in market 1,7M (91,8M total price) Lowest price I saw … 1,5M x 1 in more than 2 week.

2 Practo is a joke compare to that.

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The imc staff already said that we dony have 2practo 315 weapon rescp.

I wouldn’t care about new cube IF:
You fix the horrible dpk system back to HG release.
Remove cube from HG, so we can farm only the items we want.

@STAFF_Amy, @STAFF_Yuri, @STAFF_Letitia, @STAFF_Ines, @STAFF_Ethan


While having practo level 9/10 abrasives diamond anvil itself is fine right?

Isn’t that an exact copy paste of the post from the last Leticia’s Cube thread (by STAFF_Yuri, I believe). It can’t be that hard to understand that “other service nations” have a vastly different gaming culture and a fundamentally different feeling of what is acceptable to be sold in the cash shop.

I was never one to bash “white knights” because I don’t believe insults and negativity will make a game better, but the way people keep defending a company continuously pushing their game in the wrong direction - without learning from past mistakes while ignoring scores of well thought out and respectfully worded feedback from a player base that is loyal to this game despite its flaws - on the grounds that it’s very unlikely to get the items you want despite paying large amounts of money is astonishing… Things like practo, mats and recipes should not ever be available in the cash shop, no matter the mechanic used and cosmetics should not be put behind a gambling mechanic.Yes, DPK is a problem, but the answer isn’t P2W band-aids…


It’s actually incredible how people complain about the cube and the possibility ( before the staff mentioned it wasn’t) that it would bring the 2 practo recipe. I already farmed 5~6 orange weapons and it was a F*king horrible experiencie. Tree of savior has one of the worst possible drop system out there. Little mob density allied to a stupid huge DPK generated number with maps that barely have 10 players in each so the item rotation goes along well.

I would gladly agree with anyone complaining about the 2 practo recipe being an “insult” to those who farmed, but ONLY if this game had a decent drop system. This drop rate is mind numbing and a real pain. HG 320 purple box is a fine example of this, being even MORE horrible than said DPK material drops.

People should be aiming for the 2 practo recipe as it makes the game >faster<. You’ll be able to tackle endgame content and actually dedicate your time into something truly rewarding instead of farming for weeks for a single stupid recipe. Rank 9 is on it’s way, these weapons will soon be “obselete” as newer, stronger and probably even more stupid recipes come into play, so screw the “oh it’ll break the economy”. Oh for god sake, it’s not like every single person in the game will get it’s hands on the recipe. If it wasn’t tradable it would solve peoples problem.

Instead we have people worried that their “2 weeks of play” will be tossed in the trash. Really? IMC bring those insanely stupid EXP events for newcomers ( and former players who created multiple accounts, even for selling - RMT much) and we have a huge mass of players who hit 330 within a day or two asking " Omg what should we do". So whats happend to your 400~500hours of play to get a character to full 330? Not so much complaining huh? People accept some stuff and cry about others.

This game needs to review their drop rate ASAP. Because stronger weapons in newer content will probably be 2~3x worse than what we currently have. This cube is a joke and a complete cash grab if it only brings the normal recipes into play.

This is my first and probably last rant about anything related on the matter. 3310 hours of gameplay for this lol.


practonium is already 15kk on silute, will definitely not buy it. I would get at least 1000tp or more if there was 2practo-recipes, but the common ones are not worth it. The contents are getting cheaper and cheaper on the market and the box content doesn’t buy itself. There’s rank 9 content to come and the chance of it killing the value of the practoniums and 2-practonium weapons being so high makes farming suicidal, and money saving suffering. The decision of not making the 2practo recipes in this edition of leticia cube was indeed terrible.

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I d like to know why are u complaining,most ppl bought leticia’scube to “try” it. Then why should they stopped what give them money,

Does this include the diamond anvils?

Yes, some of them are not easy to get at all, theres a reason why some goes for as much as 1m+ each.

But if its easy, please farm me some and ill happily pay 100k or less each.


oh, thank you, I’ll pass this time, I wanted the 2 practos only recipe, I’m tired of farming materials already, and those recipes are becoming really popular these days, thank you but no.


Bummer. Guess I will also save my money this time around.

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Oh how wonderful, this cube is back.

Yet again. IMC terrible at communicating with players, delivering content, patching issues in a reasonably amount of time.
However, they see a chance to RNG the game with boxes containing sought after items and they won’t miss a week to implement it.

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what? Guess i wont be spending any TP on this round. what a waste of time.
We are working adults and have limited time to farm materials, sooner we will be falling back and cash players will leave the game.

If the leticia doesnt come with 2 practo recipe, no one will bother to spend hard earned money to try the cube. that will means fail product for imc as they can’t generate enough money to sustained the game. If they can’t sustained the game, means no more updates, no more server maintenance.

For those who keep saying p2w, how is that p2w when someone can grind without spending money and get similar item.

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Let me guess: Ours will gives the orange recipes with lower mat cost, but for funsies (since those damn Americans love their gachas so much) they’ll throw in a whole bunch of the garbage white/blue recipes to make sure that not only do we not get the same cube as ktos (cause that’s what we’re bitching about, right?), but that it’s also super fun. Just like DPK! DPK and gachas are so much fun! Aren’t you having fun?

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Lol reading this thread makes me feel real sorry for the staff. Y’all are impossible to please, istg.
And don’t take me wrong, I’m not buying those cubes cause I know my bad luck too damn well to ever risk my money on them. But like someone already said, IMC is a company that needs money to keep this game running. I can’t spend real cash on TOS atm but farming silver is always a viable (and free!) option.

Anyway, I’m glad they kept the 2pract-only recipes out of iTOS but I wouldn’t quit had they chose to implement it, either. I do wish they’d do something about the current DPK system, though, it really feels insane and frustrating rather than challenging and engaging.

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Not sure how leticia cube would please anyone in the first place, or Blessed cube, they couldve just kept old TP shop system.

I fail to see the pleasing part with “scam rates” for something you want in a lottery.

The cube pretty much works like this

I mean,lets take leticia cube for example, first you need to be lucky and roll the A-rank item, then you need to rng for which A-rank item you get in which case some appears to have a lower ratio in others within the same rank.
The same goes for Goddess Blessed cube.

And whats even worse is, costumes used to be cheaper with just raw TP, some even costed around 60 tp (forgot the precise cost)

Sure, we can exchange our prizes from blessed cube to get what we want for exchange shop, but all the costumes turned more expensive that their first prices anyway.

So yes, ofcourse people will be dissatisfied with these RNG cubes.