Tree of Savior Forum

Let us discuss the "Fan Art Event"

Artist, Creators, Saviors and Lovers.

I read the conversations after our 4th Fan Art Festival. Like I mentioned and always same, that all works are unique and I certainly don’t want to see that most of those are their last piece of work.

So I would like to talk about, How this work but also this Fan Art Fest is still in early stage it’s a 4th Fest now and I think that we still could make the procedure or very festival some improvements.

1. Why 10± pieces be nominated?

This would be a good start. Picking 10 is not because we hate numbers more than 10 :smiley: We would love to put the entire works for the loading screen. But to do so, we also faced difficulties with patch applying procedures and administration. So that is why we limited number with ±10 works.

2. Who to be nominated?

To be honest with grading the Artwork, I think admiring art is the matter of perspective. I don’t support who is better than who or grading someone’s effort by some cold number. What do matters is when you felt something through that piece. But at our Fan Art Festival we also have to consider things such as something could be problematic or debatable. Since this piece will put in to show, for many people throughout the regions. But this is not the serious competitions. We don’t put serious rules to grade them. But we look into if this got some bright ideas or fits ToS atmospheres.

3. Repetitive nominees?

And our thoughts leads to repetitive nominees.
Like I said I think all the works are unique, by every new theme, it will lead to every new work. And if there is one that shows great effort and with shiny ideas it could be nominated the second time in a row. But that, I think it is a luck. Since this nominating process involves not only our staff but also other sections too. For example the graphics. So I thought, by prohibiting someone to enlist the event just because he nominated last time is not really giving everyone equal chance.

4. What are we going to do NOW?

It is also the fact that we didn’t put much deeper thought about it too. Thoughts about the one. Whom didn’t receive an honor. Is this means their work is not good enough? I think we all know that their work is as great as the nominees. But how could improve this Fan Art Fest? making the procedure or the event better than before, This I would like to discuss with you.

So if you have any ideas do not hesitate to talk about it.
Every Idea could inspire someone else, and by inspiring and talking about it would simply make improvements.

I also want to appreciate that every creators who apply for the event. -and of course who didn’t too- and I respect them. I also want all the creators, artists, Fan fiction writers, imaginations to be respected too. Since they are the people who enriches our Communities.



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Copy paste god


Allow me to do the TLDR version for the lazy derps like me :3

there did I did a good representation of it :blush: @STAFF_Yuri


Hello Staff Yuri, I think I’m one of those who contirbuted to the idea of non repeating winners.

To clarify this mechanic, I did mean that the next time a previous winner could win would be one contest after the contest he previously won. Sort of like a cool down mechanic. However I understand that the idea eliminates equal chances and opportunity for everybody.

I think the judges should also consider if it is legal to use ToS materials as part of their artwork such as ingame sprites and official art just so participants know where to draw the line.

Just my 2 cents. Im particularly happy with the community’s enthusiasm in the fanart department. Have a nice day.


File Format : jpg/png/psd
Size : 1920 *1080px , 300dpi

Type: Tree of Savior-related Valentine’s Day or Romance themed works

  • Illustration
  • Comic panels
  • Image that utilize ingame screenshots
  • EXCEPT for real-life photography or image that utilize such

This, I think we have to talk about it, since the rules says “Image that utilize ingame screenshots” So using in-game materials needs to be discussed. Do you think this rule should be removed?

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D: you got ahead of me… I was just coping the rules to post here :persevere:


as for the rule, without that rule you are stepping on people creativity…

heck, I sucks balls at been artistic, but copy cutting and pasting can make a nice art too…

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When you have poor souls that worked their hearts out on things like…

For your game, you can see, they put so much effort into it, to get beaten by something like this…

That probably took an hour to make with your in-game models… Yeah? Or is it missing too much pink and hearts?


As I already posted rules on your reply using in-game materials are allowed. - As long as someone is fake from other’s work.

I understand the point that you criticizing, But DO NOT SLANDER other’s work. That is just not decent. Once again, respect other’s work and their job. That work that you currently criticizing was nominated because we thought the Idea was original and suits to loading screen well.

Again this nomination is not based on who is better than who. The other works could have put more efforts and received more positive reply than the others.


well said by IMC


In-game screenshots, these are not in-game screenshots, these are file images/models, and this person has used images that utilize such, so have they broken the rules or am I just reading this wrong? (Also if you look at it from another perspective, all they’ve done as ‘art-worthy’ is put together some little head figure and strap on some images to their forehead.) Is this really commendable among others?


I checked it again, and also received that in-game materials are also Okay to use.
I warn you again, DO NOT slander other’s work. It may seem to you some strap on image and little head figure, but to someone that could cost more time.

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even fanart event is RNG :smirk:


I think this is also a good idea.
Making exclusive section for art event.
When it’s done close and archive.

Well… with Artists consent of course.

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like, why not? ToS is all about RNG anyway XD


While art as a whole is subjective by concept, an art contest should be as objective as possible. You are right; you cannot assign an absolute number to artwork, but to say that we look into if this got some bright ideas or fits ToS atmospheres is already biased to a niche. What does this even mean? Does this mean art, which is largely an evolution of experimentation of expression, has to conform to these bright ideas or atmospheres? What about those who dedicate significant time and effort or those who stray from the “topic” (i.e. bright ideas) yet come up with a well designed composition? This makes the contest very tricky to approach from the direction of artistic thought, because now contestants are confined to a yet unknown rubric. Up until now, I thought all types of creation, in whatever style, could qualify, but I think this is one of the focal points that people have taken offense against.

Furthermore, regarding point 3, “Repetitive nominees?”, you (IMC) misleadingly removed a clause from the first fan art contest that prevents a previous winner from winning consecutively, or outright altogether. (I can’t quite remember if it was the latter. I believe it was the former.) Each contest gets about 50 entries. I think reinstating the clause could bring some faith back to the contestants who are dismayed by the results anyway.

Overall, I think the scoring rubric should be made more apparent. Some works deserved a spot, given the composition and effort, and were not given one.


The Part Random is because there are good, I mean too much great works to be chosen. So to eliminate personal selections, We choose to be random. But also this could be discussed too. How to pick good works not by randomly but also with some rules without judging the others.

A consolation of sorts would be nice for all selected art. 50 entries? 30 made a good effort?

Pick 10 for final loading screen, give 20 finalists something for their efforts. (By that I don’t mean 14 day exp tomes)


That’s all it really is however, barely anything honestly, I could do the same in an hour with Photoshop but I didn’t because I’d much prefer people who took the time and love who actually know how to draw and create to win.
Let’s take a look at their previous works…

Wow, they definitely improved.