Tree of Savior Forum

[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

Imo using a sword is not worth it for now…we have to wait Orange sword…for now i’ll just stick to my manamana

ar3-r1-rog2-falconer1-hack1 , can this build work for aoe hack build ?

I only use Hacka skills when targets are Linked anyway,so Velniup guarantees both get hit with triple damage.

Such a big mistake lol. It only shows that you are using wrong sword.

Seems multi socket sword + high level gems is key.

Obviously, Hackapell now is the best R8 to ANY archer build, srsly. That one hand sword attribute is just mega OP. Three LV6+ gems boosts your damage insanely.

I’m Qsc3-Roguec2 now and i dont know which one i should pick, roguec3 or falconer, could anyone tell me goodthing and badthing about these two if i pick hacka for r8. Ty

Rogue 3 burrow is not compatible with hackapell mount requirement for skills.
Rogue 3 grants you stronger rogue 2 skills (backstab, sneak hit, evasion, lachrymator).

Falconer = Call&Circling (AoE booster by reducing enemy AoE defence ratio). Turns your skills into AoE without +AoE equipment. However you have no way of stacking arrows in AoE quickly with QS3 Rogue2, and qs3 rogue2 has few big AoE skills. Rely on party [missile] or just spam circling+ cavalry charge. Circling is party support too.
Requires +1 character slot (each pet takes 1 character slot), and +1 more pet for hackapell (so another character slot)

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DO NOT GO ROGUE 3!! Don’t do eeeet. And if you ever plan to use werewolf cards don’t take the rogue attribute dagger mastery: sudden attack. It disables werewolf cards.

So what should i pick in r7 to stacking arrow in AoE, i though qs is best class for hacka to stacking arrows @@

What @@, is it some kind of bug? I 've already taken that att

I’ve done my tests (including making another rogue) and filed a ticket. Customer support just says “everything is fine, no bug”. They just won’t acknowledge it. I even asked @STAFF_Max to take a look but he hasn’t even replied to the thread.


Can we go around this by using other weapons in our offhand? Like Manamana or later Swords with Hacka?

@theworthyone says he doesn’t have problems with werewolf cards and he has dagger mastery: sudden attack. Mine could simply be an isolated case. You could take the attribute and it might not affect you. If I had known there was a risk, I wouldn’t take it for just a 7.5% increase in damage on a dagger (hackas dont use daggers anyway so why take it and risk it).

Yes, QS3 is able to stack arrows quickly on single target. Your build has less AoE arrow stack possibilities. It is very strong single target focused.

Can i ask few more questions? Does barrage stack arrows? If yes then how many? Do u know which skill is the best AOE stacking arrow? I though only AA stacking arrow so i chose QS3 for hacka, this build was my first archer T.T, so many mistake

Each [missile] skill hit will stack 1 arrow, normal attack count as 1 [missile] attack too. QS3 can stack very fast on 1 target.

Your build is very focused on single-target damage.

Any multi-hit skill will stack arrows. Fast animation is very helpful too.
For example ranger barrage or rogue-ranger feint&barrage. But feint will dismount you, sadly. Have to practice remount.

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Recently i made hackapell with the build of a2-qs3-SR2-hacka!

Im at level 276 now(stopped few days ago after 1 day reaching hacka). Not that the build i went is bad, its actually pretty good, i never lose in AoE DPS nor Solo DPS at my level, except when i grinded at alemeth before and partied with linker+cannoner(1 shotting all the mobs).
I say this build is perfect because it has pretty good solo and aoe dps… SR 2 basically cover all the aoe, SR 3 doesnt really add much i think, marching fire is bad without attributes, retreat shot lvl 15 is another +5 mobs but its very rare to get 15 enemies at once, even if there are 15 enemies, u always have party on grinding right? they will help with AoE dmg. On the other hand, going hacka will raise my single DPS(and alil bit AoE) by alot! the skarp lvl 3 with 35 att dealt like 40k on plate(imagine on leather and cloth) with 5 or 7 stacks i forgot… Its also easier to AoE stack arrows with retreat shot.
The Sword-Usage attributes surely provides alot more dps, atm i use +10 DGC with 2x lvl 6 yellow gem and a +11 trin sword with 2x lvl 6 gem too. Any 3 slotted swords will provide better DPS and u dont have to transcend it, but for now im stopping the progress of my hacka simply because i like swordsman type better(im a swordie main), also the reason that i dont spent much resource on this char…

I have a question tho if anyone knows how much dmg they usually do on SR2-3 at this level range 275-290… I did like 7-7,5k retreat shot and 8-8,5k+ with concentrate fire. I have both skills on lvl 50 or 60 att(kinda forget).
and heres a sweet info, my concen fire now has higher dmg than retreat shot because somehow when i use bow+swords i can use concentrate fire, but i cant use retreat shot… swords>pistol

I hope these long sentences can be of use by my fellow hacka! cheers!

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I have just made a ranger but when i use barrage there arent any stacking arrow show up, i though there would be 5 arrow stack after i use, are they invisible? Lol
Feint ll dismount but i think it 's still acceptable, i think i ll reroll to ranger2 scout1 rogue3 hacka because my build dont have scout to use with burrow, deploy pavise and caltrop also dismount , so many dismouny skill =.=

Any ideas what he slot-in a Falc on that build ? I guess it’s for circling and since rouge3 is doesn’t synergize well with Hacka…

Looks to be a high STR build :confused:

Does not dismount.
Yes, arrow stack from skill = invisible. Normal attack arrow stack = visible.

Example of arrow stack from skill (circling multishot -> hackapell sword attack):

@darkisredisdark I think to AoE backstab + AoE cavalry charge? :confused:

im not exaggerating this but i just won in DPS rank vs fencer lvl 291, im lvl 276… the fencer was well geared, venier, karacha, virtov leather full, 2 sissels etc etc… i won in boss(all boss) DPS at saalus area of ruins…
i think im on good build now xD might continue this toon sooner… cheers!

but area of ruins bosses arent leather tho, it may be hard to win on leather boss vs fencer but the achievement is still good to me xD

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