Tree of Savior Forum

[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

What’s the best option for Sword with the Hunting Grounds update? I just got this one today!

That sword goes up to for slots.

I still prefer Velniup for the 3AoE ratio(no slots though,but has some crit attack),it’s cheap and does the job.

These swords all kinda suck to be honest,best ones have only 1 AoE ratio.

I finished my hacka this week, hurray!

I went for the aoe stacking configuration, is possible to reach crit cap in this configuration but is hard. You need to have practonium xbow (either purple or orange) and the 1st lolo bonus. Also, u will need to invest basically everything in dex (I do have 780 crit rate with swift step, stat invested are 21STR rest Dex) so I woudln’t suggest this item configuration // stats settings for starters.

For cards I went 8x glassmole and for penguin my standard HP stacking gear.

Let me share my 2cents with you:

  • hacka is a pretty good filler class. It gives you over 6k HP (mount), better pdef/evasion (plus penguin bonus) and the sword off hand increase the dps by a good margin. I was surprised by the skills, especially skarp is pretty good (an extra better barrage with 2 overhead and 20sec cd), while storm bolt is decent but I don’t see why he miss enhance attri atm. Cavarly charge has a pretty bad animation, but is still aoe damage so leftover points from me went there. Big bonus of everything is that the CDs are pretty good at around 20sec CD mark

  • fletcher is kinda meh in this content IMO. Yeah, you will burn down anything but the overhall lack of aoe is embarassing. Problem is that there is nothing else that shine with hacka. Sapper2 //wugu2-3 require u to unmount (losing the big HP bonus) and with the overhall buff to bazooka, IMO, you are gonna do smthing pretty suboptimal to go wugu/sapper into hacka. This leave you with QS,Ranger,fletcher. Not any of this shine in AoE.

Talking about the so flamed crossfire. You can go with 1/15 to have yet another anytime effect. To be somewhat okish u will need a diev and a pretty high mob density to consider it (et) but IMO it does found its uses in those situations, becoming at the very least better then oblique shot in et/miki.

Finally, my skill build:

Talking about practo weap, in the end I went with purple xbow to save a practorium (I’m tempted to see if cannoneer will be playable and the purple cannon seems so bad that, if i will jump into canno, I will want to craft the orange for sure), but the orange xbow seems better by a good marging. Now that we got the possiblity for 4 sockets sword (even if I think they will be ultra rare) there is no reason to go for practo off hand, even if the purple sword is pretty good for solo (all that magic def it’s oppa on an archer).

Moving forward, I do think that hackapell enter in the avarage category of archer in R8. The class suffer from low magic def and overhall lack of aoe, but it is such a powerfull filler circle that to screw u up in r9 all the following things should happens:

Hacka 2 bad circle, R9 classes no sinergy with hacka as filler (limiting set of weapons, unmount prereq to cast skills).

I would be surprised if all of those things happens at once, IMC pls xD

Hope this helps!


Do you really believe a fake multi-hits can be compared to barrage that is a true multi-hits than can hit up to 10 times in close range plus feint?

This video is a mess and I use trinity sword, but even I had 315 orange sword+ red gems + transcend 6 on sword it will never do 1 million damage for the simple reason that it’s a fake multi hits (x7 numbers but divided damage)

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didn’t consider dmg cap, u are right :wink:

Appraiser subweapon booster skill will NOT boost sword in off-hand slot. :expressionless:
Still considered a Main-slot weapon, advantage is main weapon gem bonus.

@Nyuha Have seen up to 4 slots on some items but need appraiser class. Don’t think NPC is able to do it.

All hunting ground items:

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Yeah, I have seen a couple of 3x socket swords in ah, one of each type, but since we are playing with content delay and we do know already that appraiser will give us best items (err more sockets :stuck_out_tongue: ) I didn’t even bothered to do math vs imperni, seemed a minimal upgrade at the cost of yet another set of gems.

Better saving cash and wait for your own appraiser to identify items later.

There are a couple of exception, like leather gloves with +250ish hp and +19 crit rate are basically red veris gloves vs 2.0 (plus better accuracy if they are never gonna rework that in pve) and cloth gloves with 40 magic def (my guildmates have already trashed lolo gloves after this update xD) given that extra sockets on gloves are basically useless.

Overhall, we at least got a highest level red veris gloves and a much CHEAPER cloth mdef off set for our archers in form of prakeh set that I will roll for sure, thx god I didn’t give up at the tentation to buy an off set hasta cloth :stuck_out_tongue:

But I think people are gonna realize what is gonna be good pretty fast no matter what :slight_smile:

Not even Hackapell, first identification and no appraiser tho


Now i’m tempted for the extra 1400 crit atack with lvl6 yellows

That’s impressive :slight_smile:

I don’t think I will have the stamina to go for it, but looks preeeeetty good on paper!

Oh well, i have at least done already the cloth sets for my alts :stuck_out_tongue: Protas boots Prakeh Robe Prakeh Gloves War Mage Pants

This is atm the best off set for magic def in game (u can also use hasta top/bottom for a bit more phisical def, but 2 sockets on top // bottom of HG gear is easy to get). Sadly, the protas boots (directly for armorsmith recipe) are still the best mdef cloth boots in the game :v: unless u want to snipe 3 sockets on some HG boots.

With didel u should at least go up to 1.5k mdef when needed pre trascende // practo shield, not optimal but let you grind r8 map if u are so maso to do that with a dex char :slight_smile:

Where did u get it? I want it too >. <

are they really better than virtov cloth set?

My new set for my alts, judge by yourself, 136 mdef on top of 2 blue sockets for shoes and 4/4 cloth bonus. Also BiS for archers unless u have windrunner at the very least.

hey, how’s your build going? Was thinking of making a build just like this one.

Does running shot works while mounted? And falconer only gives you AoE for your skills right? It wont do any good to your auto attack right? If that is true, can you please explain to me why get falc? Thanks

Running shot works on mount.
Falconer circling does not affect archer auto attack.

I went for it, HG has been a good update for hacka.

The 91 holy dmg +27str sword is also nice, I have seen a +10 with 4 sockets on my server from the only other active hacka here :stuck_out_tongue: but I do prefear the lvl 220 couz +235 max dmg is a lot and base dmg is better, kinda close anyway. Good hunting to you!

ps: If u want a fast imperni on Fedimian +5 with 3xlvl 6 yellow gems whisp me, otherwise I’m gonna keep it just in case I will ever need block penetration in PvE :slight_smile:

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Q: skarp is multi hit? i thought it was just fake hits but i can hit multiples on dummy (after stacking 7 arrows)

<edit: ergh nevermind>

Also some additional discovery, leg shot slow seems to work on bosses, at least I see leg shot icon on the boss debuffs

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Did you test this today after the maintenance?

I know some swordie skills which are fake multihit, they changed into true multihit but ONLY on objects.

If hacka skill has become true multihit it would be nice. Have you ever had mixed crit/ no-crit when you use the skill on mob/player? It will indicate true mutlihit (each hit will proc crit separately).

Nice find about leg shot debuff, I will add it.

Just tried it again:

sometimes non-crits get mixed in, I think it was like this yesterday too

As for the leg shot, the leg shot icon is indeed in there (no screenshots yet) … but I can’t verify tho if the siluai tree slowed down since that thing doesn’t move much. I’ll try and make more tests and save up on the attributes to fully verify

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