Tree of Savior Forum

[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

Not active anymore.

Most archer builds prefer critical hit & yellow gems. Wugu poison cannot crit.

So you have to get a powerful weapon to add +physical attack to the poison. Or treat wugushi as support bonus damage. And iToS still does not have wugushi buff from Korea. :disappointed_relieved:

The animation of throw gu pot is quite long.

yeah thanks :slight_smile: So if i go wugu 2 instead of falcon is a good one??

Gosh those are some amazing boots. So useless yet so amazing.

Are they trying to kill their own game? what the heck is up with such items, brings everything else down.

On the bright side it’ll be an amazing way to boost my pet’s damage. (is it any bright though?)

Heh, if hackapell wasn’t a mounted class I’d perhaps get it at rank 9, but it’s not compatible with me. I’m curious now, I’ve had a guildie that used a hackapelle and decided to ditch it in favor of a plague doctor, Never had the pleasure of seeing how a hackapell worked in teamplay as he was too much of a wuss and liked being alive, so he didn’t use hackapelle skills.

How does a hackapelle function inside a group? or would you say that it is a solo exclusive class?

Can a Hacka Pelle dash while using retreat shot? If so, it may be a good way to quickly kill the other team in TBL. Right when it starts, quickly dash over to the other side use retreat shot and kill as many people as you can before Ausrine/Missile Hole/Safety Zone.

Hackapell can dash while using retreat shot. It doesn’t show the animation so it looks like your pet is dealing damage by farting


Today it has been fixed on ktest. It was unintended. Too many gem slots by appraiser.

Big question is if itos will get the fixed or unfixed version.

Hackapel doesn’t really have party stuff. Just the cavalry charge crit resist debuff might be useful to your physical members. It will turn around bosses to delay their attacks briefly.

The pistol shot slow is a level 3 debuff, might be useful at PvP. However archer at pvp vs immunity, missile hole, 
 not in a happy spot.

@Lurii Yes. However retreat shot will shoot behind your character. If you dash forward to them, your attacks will miss.

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Do you think that these skills will be in Hackapell C2?

Or will one be in C2 and one in C3?

I hope that they will both be in C2

Do you know if Hackapelle is popular on kTOS? How about jTOS?

The Hacka Pelle skill was turned into the attribute with the same name, so we already have that.

I kinda hope we don’t get bombardment because I don’t feel like it makes much sense with hacka skills. I imagine it’s going to be like elementalist’s hail. Unless it has a combo with skarp or storm bolt, it just seems weird to me.

Is it viable an Archer 2- Ranger 1- Scout 1- Fletcher 3- Hackapelle build? or should I take Mergen Instead of Hacka?

I still need help deciding!!

Schwarzer Reiter 2 or Schwarzer Reiter + Falconer??

Schwarzer Reiter 2 is literally nothing but +5 targets with retreat shot, wild shot sucks.

Falconer would give me more AoE ratio for Hackapelle skills, multi shot and concentrated fire combo. But only 5 targets with retreat shot. What if Falconer c3 gets an attribute that increases circling duration? Then taking only 1 circle of Falconer would be useless and Schwarzer Reiter 2 would have been better


Every server mergen = more popular archer.

Falcon1 build will have more combo but you will have to use more buttons.
Reiter2 is easier build (just retreat shot a lot), some concentrated fire. Less skills to use.

@camiau1 Is viable, you just have to dismount to use scout invisible skill. Other skills all usable on mount. Don’t use kneeling shot.

Have one video of ranger3 fletcher3 in video section of post #1. Very similar playstyle.


IMO both are good in their own ways.

Most Fletcher skills will root your to the ground when using which contradicts Hacka’s mobility. You can’t also take advantage of Cloak’s bonus damage for Hacka skills since riding will cancel it. Mounted classes always have some advantage, mainly mobility and pet bonuses.

Mergen is cheaper to build since you’ll only need to keep upgrading one weapon type (2h bow) but that also means you’re locked to using it (can only use Mergen skills w/ 2h bow).

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[quote=“greyhiem, post:306, topic:335263, full:true”]
Necklace for mdef max petamion, rhevisan necklace with passive vs dark element, 

Necklace for damage is agny neck for the +200 fire damage bonus. Cheaper neck is Strenght pendant. Cheapest neck from quest is a +10CON or +10 dex or +10 STR neck from the pilgrim questline near fedimian.

Lower level cheap bracelet is 2x zachariel bangle. Could get bracer of archer 2x. Finally get sissel bracelet or gladiator band and finally Phada.
For mdef get glass bracelet or rhevisan.[/quote]

cheap necklace for mdef > superior guardian necklace > 77mdef for 200k
bonus stat isn’t big, mdef is real deal
just get cri/dex from stat, focus more dex if lack of dex/cri rate gear
str/cri atk is easily to make by yellow gem in main hand
u mostly getting 1 or dodge physical attack
1k max hp bonus is pointless without mdef

agny for damage

bracelet, nothing good as sissel and phada
use glass bracelet, rhevisan until u get sissel/phada


Appraiser skill info and pvp test:


I hope mergen 3 won’t become too much op because the canoneers took a huge risk.
Mergen + falconer1 and whatever are more versatile damage and insane vs flying while hackapell for now is just for fun with maybe the weakest red circle rank8 for now.

Hackapell is indeed in a rough spot. But in the archer tree I think that falconer is the red icon class that in rank 8 deals the least damage with its skills, funny it is more of a support than a red icon damage dealer.

Atleast rank 9 will be wonderful for a falconer 3, but for a hackapell. usually C2 stinks. Have fun wielding swords. just yell “I am the bone of my sword” at the enemy and everything will be alrite.

Hey guyz I just got Hackapell today and I have two swords I obtained while leveling this character. BTW I have A3/QS3/Fal1/H1

And I have just over 100 strength 60 con and rest all dex around 200. I know these are not the best but which sword is better? And what other swords are end game for now?

Well, Magas Sword provides an interesting HP bonus, but with pet’s mounted HP and DEF bonus, that isn’t so much relevant. I would recommend Imperni Sword or even Durandal for 3-gem slots

The raw damage number on the swords don’t matter at all right? except that one skill where you hack with the sword but even that’s for buffing your other bow skills I guess. So basically when it comes to swords you look at the bonus stats and # of sockets?

go either imperni or orange 315.

Don’t go scout, if u unmount u lose all the max HP of the mount (mine is geared and gives me 6k HP)

If you go SR, just go A2Ranger3SR3. Best 2 things hacka gives you is pet (extra HP and resists from penguin) and sword that u will not use while into retreat shot.