Tree of Savior Forum

[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

You already asked me with that.

To me, the investment is worth it for a few reason:

  • Virtov plate robe is cheap (on Fedimian at least), I took recipe 2x at 700k each. I farmed the whole components in little less then 4h, while gaining a enough gems to craft 5x lvl 5red for the robes, making it a virtually cost free gear for the pet aside the time invested (relatively low)

  • this is a korean game, if you think everybody and her mom will walk with a lvl 170 top // bottom with 4x slots after 2 weeks from hunting grounds release let me just say Iā€™m assuming you are optimistic (let say dreamer). I will not consider 4x socket armor till we donā€™t know drop rate (which I feel safer to assume is gonna be REALLY, REALLY low).

  • ok, give up 50% of the reason to be a rider (HP stack) to cast a barrage. That is up to you, if you donā€™t care about min/maxing. I do, instead. I can only suggest you how to play optimally, I canā€™t force you in doing that.

Meanwhile, I enjoy my 20k hp with 0 con invested on top of a good penguin and 2x headslot with crit atk+HP (3rd headslot is crit atk + phisical atk) on both hacka and SR WITHOUT using a plate set and with yellow gems on myself on top // bottom for phisical def stacking.

Would I give up more then 25% of my effective HP just to cast barrage?


If appraiser npc or appraiser player can proc a max slot and sell them 10 millions I will instant buy like lot of people because it will be the best for anyone because of retarded gems revamp.

For now people stack level 7blue boots+ 60/70 armor on chest /bottom and lot of upgrades and low transcend on these items + shield, so they reach 3000 armor and 3000 magic resist effortless.
What happens is the famous getting hit for 1 damage most of the times but Solmiki or some specific encounters.

Until we get the the japanese patch with stats rework before october, we cannot predict the final % damage reduced and flat hp needed to survive.

If you dont care about ET progress, you are good to go with 0 trascendence.

Stack up to 1k phisical def and 1k magic defense and do whatever you wish with a purple 315 practorium weapon.

Still, your answer make no sense to me.

Unmounting is a FLAT lose of around 25% effective HP.

You canā€™t answer me back with: omg I dont care we can faceroll the contest with +2sockets on top//bottom/boots couz the game is EZ mode.

One thing is if we do discuss about OPTIMAL play, one thing is we do talk about how we can do whatever we want couz high trascend gear let you do whatever you want.

If you assume you can waste 25%HP on a riding class, do as you wish.

Just dont come here and say that you can give all that HP away couz you are gonna play god like mode with high lvl trascend.

IMO Iā€™m talking to a frustrated Wugu 2 // hacka or smthingā€¦

As I said, Iā€™m never gonna dismount. If you do, keep in mind you will give up all the mount HP potential (plus consuming carpet from clerics for no reason every time you are gonna re-mount, which is horrible). Be aware of that, and do as you wish.

As long I donā€™t do Solmiki or pvp cos wooden pc, wooden internet and take very low damage or just 1, the min max hp lost while I dismount is not an issue.
The min max damage I gain from dismount because of specific build is worth it.

Hackapell circle 1 damage skills are a joke for new until rank 9, and I wonā€™t transcend the sword before the crossbow for a cluncky fake multi attack low damage horrible hitbox without a falconer.
So this is my definition of optimal play unless I feel the need to transcend my sword and take too much damage.

My transcend is nothing special soon 6 on crossbow, 2 on top and bottom.

You are just assuming that right now I am a big burden for cleric cos of instant eating heal tiles.
I just answered my point of view and I doubt people in the same situation are so uncommon by now.

No, the carpet cleric is just the funny thing to even make your party worst :stuck_out_tongue:

I assume that most people think picking a riding class will give them:

25%HP of the pet (up to over 6k for yourself)
10% phisical def
8% evasion

while, if they have to unmount, the truth is that they change that bonus into

10% phisical def
8% evasion

and this is a good way to nerf themselves.

I did my point and Iā€™m out from this dialogue with you dude.

I just want to let people know what will happens to their effective HP if they go Wugu 2 into hacka or cast feint pre barrage on a mount class, since this interaction is not to easy to understand if your not used to riding classes in the 1st place.

The most important thing is the info given by the theorycraft, then up to everybody make their choices like you do.

how? full 8 10star glassmole? mine only 3x120k with 100 attribute and +8 stage4 aufgowle bow (feels weak suddenly)

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i dont know what is the tru problem here. everyone knows who realy kills every monted class. the magical damage. but also i don know why everyone don notice that the most efective equip for a pet are 2 didel towers upgraded and maybe tracended x2 and on weapons slot some who give over 1.5k of hp

im pretty sure tis is the best set for a pet. becos put some red or yellow gems on the equip realy suck. (a lvl6 gem give to you 200hp and are over 1kk)

and the other problems. dismount realy dont care to. keep thinking thats in tis moment the game is made for meta partys. the archer is the mos week class and works like a cannon glass so be in a party with a heler is the most inportant here.

You already know my items since you asked me other time but here are the 2 screenshots with glassmoles effect.

Since I have 4 archers I made a good isbality for team storage transfer it was +11 and dropped to +8.

Tbh, wugu 1 is not that great anymore. It works but itā€™s also whatever.

On the other hand, with your build, you donā€™t have much leeway with class choice at R6 anyways.

Can always get falcon at R6 and then a R7 class (because itā€™s more damage than a wugu c1) but I donā€™t know if itā€™s really worth going cannon/musket 1 and hakka than going cannon/musket 2.

may i know your build and card composition?
your build is really unpredictable
rogue usually use werewolf
cloth set usually use nualle
full dex usually use glassmole

Archer 1 ranger 2 (I remember something about t0 and t1 multiplier) scout 3 rogue 1 + 8x glassmoles.

When it comes to bossing or ā€œaoeā€, I donā€™t have any issue in clearing speed, or stacking arrow with barrage/ feint / split arrow / flare shot.
Without taunt or someone bursting the boss beforehand, itā€™s almost impossible to make the full combo under 6sec in the back of the boss + random knock up/ knock down/ on the floor forever =>
Capture/ flare shot / feint/ steady aim + sp pots/ mount + stormbolt / barrage (7stacks) /sharkhugging/ stormbolt / barrage / sharkhugging / barrage.

While I was waiting for 4 slots items to buy from market to come Iā€™m using this because the awakening was good, I needed the sp pool, Iā€™ll try to make it +12 later.

There are 2 things that I dont like of virtov cloth:

a) it is NOT hasta. Hasta cloth is atm the most amazing set in the game, it gives you +31magic def a peace on top of high physical def couz he has high item lvl, while cloth virtov physical def sucks

b) the best boots and gloves for archers atm are leather (wind runner, virtov vubbe, soul chaser gloves) forcing you to give up those or the bonus set (which is totally fine, one of the best PvPers of our server run with lolo plate top+bottom, wind runner and solmiki cloth gloves on his PD2, for example)

I chosed to stick with 4/4 leather, since with my headslots + pet I needed 0 extra HP at 0 Con invested on both hacka and SR. Leather bonus is horrible but better then nothing and kinda counter the evasion on wind runner (plus I do like the +20magic def of virtov leather pants).

On my Inqui I instead use virtov plate top // bottom and I give up set bonuses (good solution if you need HP as well, luckily for me my headslots are pretty good).

Talking about HP, I do find kinda funny how you claim 6k+HP from pet are useless while u have a red gem on the bottom over yellow :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw this is my switchable gear between my alts

Both SR and Hacka are good to go with 0 con and 20k HP, with 1k magic def // phisical def and evasion not considering main hand // off hand. I also do own 4/4 virtov leather, 4/4 virtov plate and 4/4 grinas but honestly I never switch them to min/max, is more annoying then anything else given my standard set up.

I just do switch plate top when Iā€™m vs strike archers if they do damage: game coding is horrible, remember that income damage ONLY check your TOP armor for malus//bonuses, so always run with 1x cloth/leather/plate TOP no matter what.

On a side note: I do like gladiators given how much cheap they are to upgrade, even if Iā€™m incredibly unlucky with jewels upgrade (if somebody else has burned a max peta before +10 we can share the pain I guess) they are easy to upgrade at +10 covering the low lvl malus on magic def. I donā€™t like Phada, since it make you lose block pen vs the inbuild str of gladiators and gives you -90 evasion, unless you value magic def much higher and you have the wallet to enchant them at least at +7 to make them good vs +10gladiators.

I do see every day people with lvl 6 gems and +3 enchant, which is an absurbly bad ratio on how to invest your silver, IMO, so as a general suggestion try always to think how much you gain from upgrading jewels/armor before jumping the ā€œMUST HAVEā€ lvl 6 gems train. On main hand & off hand MINIMUM +6 gems are a must have for sure, instead :wink:

Talking about cards, I was wondering which direction we should take after the nerf to a maximum of 5x glassmole stacking. @nicola any brainstorm about this one? I was thinking 5x glassmole 3x nuaele to be honest, with the side call of 3x elleganos if you need crit rate.

Ella is not need since we are reaching/near dex caps with swift step (unlike Fencer). Iā€™m sticking to glass mole dued to Meltis combo. You can use Nuaele but I prefered burst/overall damage boost.

In ktos they are gonna nerf card stacking effect up to 5x, that was why I was wondering what to do with the 3 leftover slots

either con or naulele i guess. Not much option to begin with anyway.

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what? how do you know about 5x stack effect? please share the url?

Canā€™t you just let it go, we disagree on things, itā€™s life nothing to make a fuss about, but youā€™re insisting again.

Iā€™m not focusing on min maxing, or having the best build the best items at the current content etcā€¦
I was never trying to get Manahas because I donā€™t like that ā€œā– ā– ā– ā– ā€, Iā€™m not trying to drop or buy the very expensive items be it hasta or anything.

I pointed the virtov pants because of the "good awakening " a low can be around 300 hp for example.
With my current build with this archer Iā€™m not planning on stacking aoe attack ratio or use vubbe fighter gloves but rather a hunting ground cloth with 3 4 slots with level 7 green gems.
Maybe you forgot but I said I donā€™t do pvp at all in a previous post in this thread.
I always say the same to anyone, do what you want, we donā€™t have to agree with each other or force thoughts.

For people doing the highest content in pve or pvp they have their preferences and goal, and others like me who donā€™t compete just donā€™t care.
Since you could not know and you like to troll, argue and harass, I bought in market the virtov cloth with the red gem already inside for 2.5 millions maybe.

You donā€™t have any idea about how I manage my time in game or silver income and you try to ASSUME again random ideals POV about you.
If I ā€œJUMPEDā€ in a train, just read again the points @myself asked me about [quote=ā€œmyself, post:272, topic:335263, full:trueā€]
may i know your build and card composition?your build is really unpredictablerogue usually use werewolfcloth set usually use nuallefull dex usually use glassmole
, and because you donā€™t know I have 0 meta chars, absolutely 0.

For gems gaining only +10 like the magic resistances and armor Iā€™ll wait better items before using level 7.
You have the choice with attributes silver sink, anvil upgrade, cosmetics, min max headgear, buying enchant scrolls, buying s hitons of level 6 / 7 gems etcā€¦
Before assuming how bad is the ratio I invest my silvers let me clarify a few things, I have 10 alts for saalus, 1 merchant, 2 farmers.
Iā€™m able with some strong alts sometimes alone to do 10 saalus run within one hour, I have 1-3 millions from merchant + 2 millions stop farming from farming char.
Iā€™m currently buying monsters gems or crafted level 6 / 7 in huge amounts for 2 chars then later attributes and upgrades.

Canā€™t you just move on like you just said in a previous post or will have a go at it with random wrong wild guesses and assuming everything going through your mind again?

@lunettesrouges I wasnā€™t talking at all about you for the lvl 6 gems vs enchance stuff, just talking in GENERAL (and I wrote it in the post).

Dont be so salty :slight_smile:

On a side note you make me consider elkosh set over virtov cloth set for one of my alt so thx you for that!

Elkosh gloves has 2 sockets over virtov one (so good to go for both heal and divine might gems for your cleric needings), and top/gloves/bottom gives you +69magic def (considering set bonus) to combo with windrunner.

On a side note: yup exping cards is always a pain zzzzz

i still cant find the source of this info. @Gwenyth is this true?

Havenā€™t heard about this happening anytime soon.