Tree of Savior Forum

[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

Even if they want to nerf glassmoles + meltis, they should instead rework meltis duration depending on skills.

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How about wugu 2?? ar 2 qs 3 wugu 2 hackapell?

Deploy Pavise, stone picking, teardown, throw gu pot will dismount you. Have to dismount & remount. :confused:

Ar 2 QS 3 Fal XX1 Hackapell.

1 circle of damage class or buff class or arrow stack class.

Wugu1 short poison duration.

Ranger barrage stacks arrow in limited-AoE quickly with low damage. You could use this when your circling+multishot combo is on cooldown.

Donā€™t recommend cannon or musketeer due to weapon swap and dismount.

Falcon2 not worth. Is falcon1 or falcon3.

Archer3 very long multishot charge time. Twin arrows is fake multihit (1 stack per cast).

Maybe appraiser. Appraiser is buff/shop class. Skills may be used on mount.
No appraiser here yet. Appraiser quest is :rage:

I saw the Archerā€™s Sailor costume and I love it. I want to make a Hackapell for when it comes out.

Archer 2 - Ranger 3 - Schwarzer Reiter 2 - Hackapell

This was the original build that I was thinking. Archer 2 for Swift Step, Ranger 3 for fast arrow stacks and Steady Aim, and Schwarzer Reiter for more pistol skills and AoE damage since Hackapell struggles with it. But, Schwarzer Reiter 2 doesnā€™t give that much other than Wild Shot, a Multi Shot clone, and 5 more levels of Retreat Shot. But 5 more levels of Retreat Shot means 5 more enemies to attack.

Archer 2 - Ranger 3 - Schwarzer Reiter - Falconer - Hackapell

Instead of Schwarzer Reiter 2, this would have Falconer instead for some more utility. But the duration of Circling is really short, and I donā€™t know if it would really help any of the skills Iā€™d use. Does it? It makes up for the -5 less AoE attack ratio for Retreat Shot by not going Schwarzer Reiter 2. Can I even use Falconer skills while mounted?

Please help me choose between which one I should take! Thank you.

SR-hakka is very expensive build, you need to focus on xbow,pistol,1h sword and equipments for your pet. Do you still want to continue?


Well, shouldnā€™t Hakka be focusing on all 3 of those weapons anyways? Since Hakka has gun skills too and will obviously get more in the futureā€¦ so yes. I have the money to do so.

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Falconer circling will not help your retreat shot hit more targets.
Retreat shot doesnā€™t use AOE mechanic. Retreat shot has fixed 1 target per skill level (target size doesnā€™t matter). This is why reiter2-3 is strong at AoE archer especially at earthtower with the krivis3 melstis set-up to extend retreat shot duration.

Still have some old vids of a reiter falcon hacka. This girl has a rainbow build though.


Some more vids from the closed video thread (very old)
Sprint/dash retreat shot:

Hmm, so what do you think is better, Schwarzer Reiter Falcon or Schwarzer Reiter 2? What skills from Archer/Ranger/Hacka are good to use with Circling? Does retreat shot build arrow stacks? Is circling level 5 enough? Is retreat shot level 5 enough? Or should I just scrap falconer and go Schwarzer Reiter 2 for retreat shot level 10? But wild shot doesnā€™t do a lot of damage, and Iā€™d just be using an extra circle for +5 targets when I could be strengthening other skills with circlingā€¦

SR3, but you arenā€™t doing that. Either is fine. Itā€™s up to you.

Multishot, barrage, all hakka skills beside gun one iirc. The ones that use aoe atk ratio.

Yes. All missile skills count.

Yes. There isnā€™t much reason to go past lvl 5 circling.

Yes and no. Depends on if you wanna hit more targets or not.

Up to you. Is 5 extra targets worth it to you?

Since mount restrictions are the most remediablecrux of Hacka sucking, anyone has an idea if we can macro a remount command of some sort?

Can the skill cooldown addon do that?

Get the addon that tp your pet to you for mounting, set mount keybinding to something easier to press, set pet auto-attack to off.

Then you can just press mount button to remount when you use non-mounted skill.

Highly doubt skill cooldown addon can do what you asking. Can always just make a macro for it using various macro programs. (Press single key for skill key few sec later presses mount key).

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Edit hotkey file.

Well, I did it once 5 months ago. I binded QS Teardown to my mount on.

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Decide on the playstyle you like.

You have to move away from the enemy to hit retreat shot. Retreat shot must be used near wall or you have to continuously move away from the enemy+ spam oblique shot on the enemy to slow down your movement. Requires some user input.

On large group of enemies
Circling 5 + Archer multishot 10/ barrage any lvl / reiter concentrated fire lv5+ to AoE stack arrows. Multishot and concentrated fire have cast time.
Or use retreat shot without circling.

Circling + hackapell sword skills&cavalry charge works. The AoE hitbox is small. Prefer grouped enemies inside circling.

Duration of circling is 10s, feels quite short. Canā€™t fit in combo if you have delay/lag/ positioning issue.

For example the rainbow hacka,
Circling -> Cavalry charge -> Stormbolt -> concentrated fire ->slash -> circling end.

Nice attribute on hacka is sword in offhand. Sword gets main-hand gem bonus. 3 gem slot sword + high level gems for big Boost.

I have an Archer2 Ranger3 SR2 Hacka. I get weird looks sometimes but I like it a lot, and its my main char.

Hackapell sword gems really brings back ranger skills. I usually do burst damage from ranger skills, multi shot, and concentrated fire, particularly against bosses. For the tanky R8 mobs and aoe, I usually do retreat shot and finish off the survivors with ranger skills or skarp.

The main issue would be that with Ranger, SR, and Hacka, your equipment ceiling is ridiculously high. Sword gems do wonders for ranger skills, but it also means that you want to invest into a good crossbow. SR favors pistol on Retreat shot, so you want a good pistol. Hacka of course needs the sword, so you want a good sword. I donā€™t really know if the build biases toward any weapon, though it might become more apparent with more circles of hacka.

Falconer definitely would help hackapell skills but not SR. The bigger issue would probably be the crowding of your skill rotation. Personally I donā€™t know when Iā€™d have time to use circling. But I use retreat shot and concentrated fire all the time, so Iā€™m glad I chose SR2.

EDIT: Of course, I should reiterate that Iā€™m biased because of the build I took. But the videos of the sapper/falc/SR/hacka give insights on how falc/hacka works.

Yup,itā€™s really cruel that endgame for hacka is Regard Horn Xbow+Abdochar+Emengarde Shield. Even worse if you also want to use Bow for 100% against flying(Scout or Fletcher Hackas) or pistols.

Iā€™m mentioning Shields because imc really seems to want us to play the 1 damage taken game,even if you reach max def without a shield it may fall apart as soon as rank 9 comes.

Anyone knows what sword is this hacka is using?

Must be this:
STR +27
CON +11
magic attack -1189
Holy attack +92
Dark resist -72
2 sockets


Are we going to get magic swordies or magic archers that thereā€™s a sword that subtracts magic attack? or is it just there to not make it appealing for a cleric?

Or are they using an rng weapon creator??

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Must be a company secret.


Some questionable stats on many items. Such as +8 int on double stack purple pistol:

Though some weapons have hidden effects. Such as blood dagger, it will apply Bleed status effect on enemy.

Blood stealer dagger could have some effect too

Maybe some new items will have hidden effects. Still many untested items.

Toy hammer applies explosion on 10 stacks, the most known weapon with effect. Stacks easily with linker.

thanks bro for the replyā€¦ :slight_smile: cause im already ar 2 qs 3 wugu 1 right now, i have no choice but to take wugu 1 to fill the XX1. haha but i really the wugushi even though the poisom DoT is short its fantastic.Yeah i also taught that appraiser is the best choice for the XX1 cause of the +5 secondary weapon buff (which the Hackapellā€™s sword) unfortunately Appraiser is not yet available on our server.

As a QSHackapell, what equipments should i aim for?? (considering that im a newbie) as of right now ive using + 5 viper (additional poison attack) and + 6 cafrisun set (for extra line of damage)

and one last thing, whats this ā€œfake multihitā€ thing?? Thanks again bro :slight_smile: