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[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

Chosed to join the hackapell hype (?)

A2Ranger2Fletcher3Hacka incoming.

Mainly couz I love too much mounted classes, and a penguin lvl 330 imo gives a lot (hp and extra magic def), plus the off hand weapon with 3x yellow gems sounds so gorgeous.

Anyway, as most mounted classes, IMO they are p2w. Penguin >>> all (free magic def) and, now, add 4slots on top of that for extra stacking.

Speaking of which, this bring me 2 questions:

a) what are the best slot for a premium pet in your opinion?

b) Cavalry charge: Applies [Decreased critical resistance debuff] on the enemy. How much is this value?

Gonna ask because I will use the same gear of my SR: 3/4 virthov leather (top/bottom yellow, boots blue), plus virtov vubble gloves and 2x gladiator.

So Iā€™m giving up the sissels, even if +4aoe atk ratio is kinda meh on fletcher.

Usually I go 31con for clean 20k hp (with lvl 330 penguin and 2x bifecta headslot hp/phisical atk gear) which let me switch freely cloth/plate/leather (while using yellow gems on top//bottom over red gems).

How max dex should I use given 5x glassmole and 3x helleganos?

Given that my headslots are:

150 crit atk + 1850hp
150 crit atk + 1700 hp
130 crit atk + 125 phisical atk

and that Iā€™m gonna wear 3/4 virtov leather (64 crit atk boots) + 2x gladiator + vubble gloves (42 str and 188 crit atk) I donā€™t see an heavy reason to invest in str unless we are at crit cap. Also the off hand sword with 3 socket give us 78 block penetration. If, finally, we add all the rest aka max peta(+14all), imperni sword (+14str) and silver hawk(+16str+28dex) without adding character stats Iā€™m gonna have:

86 str
42 dex
680 crit atk ( without the 6x yellow gems on main and off hand)
125 phisical atk
4 aoe ratio
78 block pen
0 crit chance

on top of 20k hp (more If I switch plate) while using yellow gems top//bottom all day long.

I do own all the gear, aside for main xbow 315 (practorium ready, gonna craft it when I will it hacka) and the rare sword (grind incoming I guess :p).

@Nicola can u help a wannabe fletcher/hacka with a small inside on how much str should I invest with this item set up after the standard 31con/rest dex? :wink:

I would go plate set yellow gems with wind runner * 3 lv 7 blue gems.

I dont think you need cons if you have hp hat and pet stats. So what i would do is get to like 675-700 ish crit rate without sissels. 48 into str then you can play around with left over. You can put it into cons if you wish.

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Yup, thatā€™s pretty much it.

Top + bottom plate is tempting (let it be virtov or lolo or hasta), but I do prefear leather simply couz leather gloves and boots are BiS in most sircustances:

wind runner: BiS 99% of the time (3x blue gem +3 MS, kappa)
Vubble Gloves (+2aar +10 str not shining but better then nothing)
soul chaser (Imo best single target gloves)

especially given how accuracy is USELESS in PvE for dex build, you can pretty much go:

2/4 plate and give up set bonus (meh)
3/4 plate
4/4 leather (for a meh bonus but still better then 2+2, IMO)

the 3rd set up require you to slighty invest into con but, as I said, my lvl 330 SR with good penguin and 2 headslot with hp is at 20k hp with 31 con, which I like no matter what for trascendence armor bonuses over 0 con. 4/4 leather is still kinda meh as set bonus (compared to 3/4 plate, not even 4/4 plate) but given that I can switch between windrunner/vubbe/soul chaser I do prefear it over virtov plate, honestly.

So, as I said, plate is better only if you consider the plate bonus standalone. If you consider the garbage plate gloves/boost vs leather gloves/boost Iā€™m not sold on it, not at all.

I think I will start with 31 con / full dex + 4/4 leather and save 100ish points to see how thing will go once I got cavalry charge :wink: at the very least I do have all the virtov sets 4/4 gemmed and ready to be tested no matter what. Gonna share some insights once Iā€™m at R8 with this char.

Ofc, the major drawback on this set up is that u are gonna need 3x BIFECTA headslots, which are not so common or achievable for anyone. But, in the end, if you are picking a DPS char you should, IMO, at least aim to 3x bifecta headslots no matter what (they are way better then 4/4 lolo with garbage headslots, for example)

Which tp pets add stats to hakapelle?
For example normal pets add stats I suppose but 0 hp.

We should edit the 1st post to know what skills dismount precisely.
How many damage must the sword reach with or without transcend to be on par with barrage for the skarphugnnig?

Iā€™ll do it.

All mounted classes get HP on any pet.
+25% HP of pet when mounted.
+10% Def of pet.
+8% evasion of pet.
And +4 movespeed when mounted.



flat 30 phisical def 30 magic def (+2 weapon slots and +2 armor slots)


flat 85 hp regen 115 spirit regen (+2 weapon slots and +2 armor slots)


25% hp 10% def 8% evasion are given on any pet, tp or not.

Btw, I do own both penguin and battlebird at cap level. Penguin is much BETTER if you are doing anything serious. Battlebird is decent while rushing /grinding, especially if comboed with the add on that let u know when to sit down to rec faster, but itā€™s more a newbie / exping mount IMO

In the end, penguin all the way guys.

for slots, Iā€™m thinking to go with virtov plate top + bottom with red gems and 2x hp weapons (catacomb club + ?) because the hp stacking on the char is the best one since it is 25% for hp vs 10% (def) and 8% evasion (lol).

Also, remember that, since u are mounting, u dont care at all about stamina (even if u die multiple times, just use the addon for autmounting and all u have to do is just spam ā€œmount upā€ and wait for the pet to respawn, usually around 5 secs). So level up only HP/evasion/phisical def as much as u wish :wink:

I canā€™t wait to gear up the penguin, even if Itā€™s gonna be so much BETTER then a normal mount that this P2W is not even fun, honestly Ƨ_Ƨ

Thanks for listing the dismounting skills.
Did IMC ever mention the reasons that we are forced to unmount, mount depending on random skills?
Even if there was an hakapelle with sword transcend stage 10 and 100 attributes with that fake multihit with the stacking arrows beforehand, it will lag far behind barrage sadly currently before new attributes or new spells for rank 9.

When it comes to penguin, I suppose lot of people are waiting hunting grounds for possible 4 slots and spam awakening so they can get the rare xxx-1000+ hp

Force unmount skills are skill that canā€™t use while mount(just like wrong stance), IMO at least itā€™s better than grey button.

BTW appraiser interest me, I also want to try mounting class.
If R9 hackapell got similar impove like what happen to dragoon C1>C2.
I thinking of make a hackapel what class do you guy think is good for stacking arrow? (I know SR3 seem to be the best with appraiserā€™s overestimation and only hackapellā€™s Skarphuggning use sub weapon dmg, but archer with dash might be fun) the propose

From what I see so far fletcher3hack seem good, but canā€™t the problem is appraiser canā€™t fit in the build
Now what I think become ar2>QS3>app>x>hack vs ar2>ra1>y>ro>app>x>hack
what do you guys think?

First have to check whether appraiser skills are usable on mount

Dismount & remount is quick and easy on other servers.
But on itos you might get lag.

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I wanna do a hackapell build with wugushi, I have some serious question before I start play.

For skarphuggning and Storm Bolt doing extra dmg

  1. what is the max stack? is it proportional to amount of extra dmg

  2. how long does this debuff maintain.

  3. does debuff disappear after using either skarphuggning or Storm 1 time

  4. Also, I know Needle Blow and Wugong Gu are described as missile but ALSO poison type. so what I guess is first hit count as one stack, poison DOT dont stack?

I need precise answers, pls help, really appreciated. :slight_smile:

cant go pass wugu1 or else it will unmount you.

I want 1 too but the 2 major wug skills i wanna use will dismount ā€¦ T_T

  1. what is the max stack? is it proportional to amount of extra dmg

On targets without stormbolt debuff, you can get 5 stacks max.
-All archer class [missile] type attacks (normal attack & skill) will apply 1 arrow stack per True multi-hit.
-Each arrow stack reduces enemy physical defence by 10%.
-An enemy may receive 5 arrow stacks (equal to -50% physical def). An enemy may receive 7 arrow stacks when they have the Storm Bolt debuff.

Targets hit by Storm Bolt may receive up to 7 arrow stacks (regular stack amount: 5). Duration: 6 seconds per skill level. After this duration, targets go back to [max 5 stack].

For each stack, your shark and storm skill will deal +10% damage. long does this debuff maintain.

Hmm, 10 seconds or 12-15 seconds. Around this duration. If you re-stack another arrow it will refresh duration (+ maintain stacks).

3.does debuff disappear after using either skarphuggning or Storm 1 time

No, stacks do not disappear after shark skill.

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For wugu hakka aspiring archersā€¦

  • The initial hit of Needle Blow and Wugong Gu creates one stack. The DoT portion does not.
  • Zhendu, Throw Gu Pot, and Jincan Gu does not create stacks.

The arrow stacks last exactly 10 seconds.

Source: myself.

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anyone know if shark cutter proc with some kind of dot skill like one from wugu or zapper ?

to make a build like quarrel 3 - any3 - haka.?

Weird thing but shark cutter is procing like hackapell skill, when I use skarpugging without storm bolt I hit x2 of 9kā€¦ after storm bolt skarpugging is doing 2k-3k but hits 5-8 timesā€¦ please confirmā€¦ that would mean itā€™s not really a damage boost

Hey there guysā€¦ Im a newbie on the game of ToS as of right now my char is Ar 2 QS 3ā€¦ Im interested of being a Hackapell. Hereā€™s the set up that im planning.
Ar 2 QS 3 Falcon 1 Wugushi 1 Hackapell.

My question is, is Wugushi 1 a good choice?? Ive saw @nfprivaron 's Hackapell build and he goes with Ar 2 Qs 3 wugu 2 hackapell. The reason i dont want to go wugu 2 is to have falcon c1 on my build which is circling to provide some good AoE damage on my build, Also with wugu c1, i can throw my wugushi skills without dismounting (Needle blow & Wugong Gu) cause with wugu 2 you need to dismount to cast throw gu pot. ( which i feel for my self hustle) So, is wugushi c1 a good choice?? if not, what you guys think should fit my set-up Ar 2 QS 3 Fal XX1 Hackapell. Badly need you judegement :slight_smile: Thanks :slight_smile:

may be u se the multi atack from the shark cutter. or another stuff like the bleeding. the problem of the cutter are some little bugs. like the DoT, becos is invisible so its hard determinate how much damage do per second.

im still stuck on roge3, with QS 3. the only rank usefull for me is hakka, and i think if i can make proc the 5bleed stack easily will be a decent build. but with others previus class like QS3 with zapper 2-3 and fletcher 1 (for the bleed) shark cutter can work better

To me one of the reasons couz if you stick to a ride class you should never dismont is the hp granted to you by the pet.

I wrote a little guide about how to dress your mount this week, if you have a min/maxed mount it gives you more then 6k HP.

Let me repeat, 6kHP.

If you dismount and remount, you will have those 6k has maximum HP value but you will need to re heal those.

For example:

you are unmounted: 10k/10k HP

You mount: 10k/16K HP (so you need to heal 6k)

You dismount: 10k/10K HP

You re mount: 10k/16k HP (you need to heal once again)

I can see why they did this, since if u go really low on HP in a fight dismounting/mounting would have be an Insta heal with good value, making riding class almost immortal given a good timing while mounting//unmounting in combact.

On the other hand, is already a bit annoying to burn a couple of heal potions at any given loading screen but, if you do HAVE to unmount in your rotation, these extra 6kHP will be totally useless (even worst, you will randomly consume carpet heal from clerics for NO reason).

I do have a A2R1Rouge1SR3 (8x WW cards) and I do NEVER dismount for feint+barrage combo. It is just that bad to unmount.

I wouldnā€™t suggest wugu 2/3 single handaly for this. Trust me, giving up 6k hp on your character is like nerfing half the value that you gain as a rider class.

Especially since hackapell is take ONLY for her attributes (letā€™s be honest guys, the skills sucks) and in the end the list are:

-pet bonus (my penguin gives me 6kHP, 50 phisical def, 30 magical, 55 evasion)

  • Sword in off hand for 3x yellow gems lvl 6+

If you start to give up around half the value of the pet you are starting to really waste an already soso R8 class.

Why would some people buy virtov plate and put red gems inside while most already have 6 7level yellow if they are meta instead of just waiting hunting ground with items 3 4 slots?

When I see a fake multi hits like shark hugging doing horrible damage, I still prefer dismount and do around 550 000 feint / barrage under glassmoles level 276 instead and mount again.