Tree of Savior Forum

[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

But would you want to? We still have 1 AAR by default right? Haka does nothing to increase that right?

Iā€™m sorry for interrupting your conversationā€¦ Iā€™m just curiousā€¦ what is an AAR?

Aoe Atk Ratio i guess

No I donā€™t use it at all.

I was answering his question about ā€˜can you useā€™ but not ā€˜would you useā€™.

It honestly feels like daggers offhand. You can too press C for both sword and dagger. The only difference is dagger feels like piercing and sword feels like swinging. I can use karacha dagger for hacka skill btw.

A ranger3 fletch3 hacka with decent gear.
Though no Arch2 swift step crit rate buff.

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Poison dot counts as stacks?

Hackaā€™s offhand Sword AA is garbage,itā€™s slow and completely locks you in place, they didnā€™t even get a proper animation for it

But like I said, this build doesnā€™t use hacka for its skills.

Typical imc. Garbage devs.

I just noticed that he can ā€œdashā€ why riding a companion (peng) howā€™s that possible? Does it work on SRs/Cata too? :slight_smile: if yes, can you let me know how?

It is a Hackapell attribute.

Thanks :frowning:


For Wugu-Hacka variants, if you ā€œmainā€ an off-hand sword rather than a Manamana(or Venom?), wouldnā€™t that hurt your poison damage? Or it can be covered by multi-socketed ones like Durandal?

Unless Iā€™m mistaken, elemental damage also boosts Wugu poison.

Yes it boosts poison damage.

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Is there any point in going rogue 2-3 for a hacka since I would have to manually switch from sword to karacha for a better backstab?

Honestly I donā€™t think Hackapell mixes with Rogue at all. Hackapell is designed for crossbow+sword and crossbow+pistol (leg shot still confuses me but whatever). And the benefit from sword gems is greatest for classes that donā€™t have weapon restrictions, like ranger or fletcher.

So Manamana is better for Wugu poison? I need to bring both a pistol and a sword then, I guess?

Iā€™m planning to reset into QS3-Wu3-Hacka build, itā€™s high STR though. Dunno also if I should switch to green gems or just stay with Reds.

Not if you keep both the Sword and Karacha as secondary slots for auto swap

I use crossbow+manamana/2hbow, leave the upper slot with crossbow+karacha and the lower with crossbow+sword. It will auto switch to Karacha for backstab and sword for Hacka skills

As far as skills usage goes,the things against Rogue are Lachrym,Capture and Feint unmounting the user(and Burrow unusable while mounting).

Secondary weapons diluting your silver investment is an Archer Tree issue

Thatā€™s my build.
Mamamana with red gem as ā€œmainā€ offhand and 3 slots green gemmed autoswap one handed sword for hacka skills.
I have a shield too, for when there are archer mobs Ā°Ā°

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How about for XBow? Should I put Reds?

Same as offhand :

  • 1 xbow for WuguQS dps (red gems)
  • 1 3 slots xbow for Hacka skills (green gems)
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