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[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

so i’m an A3-Scout3-Falc
can this build go for Hacka for rank 8?

Maybe people are forced to full transcend the 315 sword and upgrade it if there is a decent damage ratio.

I think you would sinergy better with Mergen. Scout doesn’t work well with Hacka

I would like to reset my hackapell among this build which one you think the best PVE? my current build is Ar>Qs3>Sap3>hackapell. I feel like QS3 is quite difficult to AOE stack arrow but great for single target. Oh I forget to say I intend to keep my sapper c3 as I love Sapper.

The following is the build i think of:
Ar> Ran 3> sap3> hackapell
Ar>ran>sap3>Rouge2> hackapell
Ar>Ran>Sap 3>Flet 2> hackapell

Or you think my old build just fine?

my build is a2-sap2-sc3-hack , attribute from hack helping me clearing dungeon faster i think faster than mergen scout3 build , but yeah falcon with mergen better than hack

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I’d be concerned about not choose Archer 2 because crit is life. If you really want to mantain Sapper 3, I recommend Archer 2 > Sapper 3 > Fletcher 2 > Hackapell (Magic Arrow and Multishot quickcharged for Arrow Stack).

If you don’t mind losing AoE dps, I’d do Archer 2 > Sapper 2 > Fletcher 3 > Hackapell. Solid for single target DoT experience and mantain Broom Trap utilities

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Showing arrow stacks on enemies:

Image shows 5 stacks.
With stormbolt debuff it can go to 7 stacks.
It lasts 10 seconds, it refreshes if you hit enemies with [missile] attack again.
Yes, skills generate stacks too

Fletcher broadhead DoT doesn’t add or refresh any stacks.
Each magic arrow tick adds & refreshes stacks.

Fake multi hits like Archer3 twin arrows add 1 stack.

Archer normal arrow attacks add 1 stack. Even with cafrisun set & sacrament (extra lines) it adds 1 stack (depends on main hit).

QS3 running shot adds 1 stack (per arrow).


Hello guys,

I really liked Hackapell style and skills. I will try play with it.
I’m looking for a build PvP oriented. I wanna Rogue C2(Backstab) and Hackapell in it.

I made this one: Link.

Quarrel Shooter to stack arrows and Rougue to support STR build.
Feel free to suggest changes in circles and skill points. Please don’t remove Rougue C1(or Rougue C2 if possible ^^) and Hackapell.


if you make a STR rogue, you need 10 werewolf cards lv 10 to have best DPS
if you make DEX rogue, you can use any card
without ranger, your rogue can’t use feint+barrage combo

As previously said, if you went STR rogue you keep bonded to werewolf cards, and it kind of limit yourself when you, as a DEX rogue, could use glass mole for compensate the “lack” of damage, ella for more dex or even nuale for survivability.

QS3 is not as good as Ranger to stack arrows, AA surely is awesome, but you lost Feint+Barrage combo. I propose the build above for what you want:

Rank 7 could be exchanged for Falc (AoE) or anything you want, seeing that Rogue 3 is not so worth itself. Scout would provide some good utility at PvE and PvP.

Just putting this here in case you want to use werewolf cards.

dex rogue3 :joy::joy::joy: , best skill of rogue3 and the only reason to go rogue is sneak hit. Yes u just waste it XD. I think the build QS3 Roguex xx Hacka is available if runnig shot stack with dash, compose these two i think we can ignore werewolf card because u can run fast enough to get behind boss and deal crit hit in maybe 1-2 AA? U absolutely will lack of aoe damage, so u need take aoe class. SR? Aoe and more movement speed, so the build is Qs3 rogue1 SR2 Hacka, anyone want to try it out :grin:

As I said, I particularly don’t like Rogue 3 (put it on build just for an option), and @Wilhelm would like to stick with Rogue 2. Considering some PvE environment surely the 80% crit chance from SH 10 (Rogue 2) would overcap crit rate with a dex build hitting from behind, but you also became pretty future-proof from rank 9 att and can invest on crit dmg and AoE ratio equipments like Phada or G.Band and Glass Mole cards, that combed with yellows and transcendence would provide some damage similar as a full str build (with the advantage of some damage mitigation from dex’ evasion). Of course in the end is just a matter of preference, you could stick to a full str build (that would be even more effective if you have a party to control aggro and provide you time for positioning) and invest in Evasion skill for some damage mitigation if needed…

About QS3 I still think it could work, but worse than Ranger+Scout that would provide some AoE damage (Feint+Barrage plus Flare Shot captured) and utility.

SR as a rank filler in this build is kind of complicated because it would demand 3 different subweapons (dagger, pistol and sword). Certainly that’s some good AoE damage, but expensive and switch-demanding also

Doesn’t really make sense, better to just stick to STR/CON or STR/minimal DEX

The STR heavy also needs Phada anyway,and that’s better with Werewolves(you get to use the critical attack from Phada/Gems to full potential). You need Link+AoE ratio for Hackappell skills to do some real damage.

The real problem with Archer endgame is Transcedence, the class has too many switching and rellies too much on main+subweapon damage. SR is so great because he really only needs his gun with trans.

I currently have a QS3 R3 Hacka with minimal Con and rest STR. Its a fun build and I like it for the Gameplay more than I think it’s useful.

Backstab has a very high chance to Stun an enemy for 7 seconds and if you don’t activate the massive bleeding attribute it only has 10 seconds CD.

In a single target environment it kills quick and controlled. Atleast for me. Biggest issue is that this doesn’t exist almost anywhere in the game. Its nice for farming once you reach a certain gear point since it can pretty much blast through 200k+ HP mobs not breaking or slowing down for anything.

But once mobs are aggro and come in hords after you it really falls off in an instant. And all you can do is throw your Caltops on CD and kite with Running shot in circles. Not that 20k+ AA crits on basic gear are bad, but only one target gets it.

I will keep mine as a nice hobby since it can kill worldbosses super quickly and once a dragoons serpentine+spearthrust are on the damage skyrockets. But its definitely not main char material in that combination.

edit. Also NEVER EVER learn Daggery Mastery from Rouge, it bugs out Werewolf Cards making them not work at all. As can be seen here:

It is really good for field farming (since monsters rarely cluster and the build excels in single target).

People say glassmoles won’t work on guns and daggers, what about swords?
Is there a brave hakkapale high or max transcend orange sword on youtube with glassmoles?

Can Hackas use C to auto attack with the off hand sword? Or is it for skills only?

Yes we can.


Guys… are there new Hackapell video gameplays out there? I’ve seen every single one that’s in youtube :frowning: