Tree of Savior Forum

[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

You will dismount when you use sapper skills. You need to be on mount to use hackapell skills. Dismount & remount has some delay on iToS.

Sapper skills do not apply any arrow stacks (they are not Missile type).

If you like crit archer, Archer 2 swift step (attribute +25% crit rate) is recommended.

Hi guys, I was thinking to reroll my 330 archer to a farming build and I would like to pick hackapella for the affixes.

Farming char, up to 290 dungeon clear.

Suggested stat, gear and circle?

Thx in advice <3

Hmm, QS3 hackapell in enemy team:

There is no discussion about STR vs DEX whatsoever since gems got boosted. For any physical attack classes - archers, swords, combat clerics. Only DEX. STR is for bonobos. Amen.

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C3 Rogues are bonobos then?

We need lot of hogmas type monsters so low block penetrations will do low or no damage.

I just reset my Ranger 3 Fletcher 3 Hakkapelle
need some advice
current i m stuck with Archer 1>Ranger 1>Archer 2>X>Fletcher3
i love the fletchner 3 dps out put
what i m struggling what to fit at R4
Archer 3>give more buff in swift step, more survival since better evasion, but thatā€™s all it offer
Ranger 2>it is very meh, just 5% more steady aim for fletcher skill
Wugushi 1>give some extra skill in the rotation, but since i m high DEX, i need high dmg main hand to do dmg with Wugushi 1, and Fletcher have low CD already, not sure this is a good choice
Scout 1>Cloaking is nice, but cant be use on mount

Same dilemma.

I am tempted to believe that wugushi gives better damage, since steady aim does not increase hackapell damage at all (or does it?).

However, I also think that wugushi skill has too little up time to worth one rank investment.

Idk man. Might just go ranger2 personally.

when you mount, you dont need cloaking. many hakka atm pick hakka at rank 8 just to be able to use sword to boost their dps further, doesnt really care hakkaā€™s skill compatibility


Same dilemma here also.

I donā€™t see any options different than Wugushi at Rank 4

I really dislike Ranger 2 (Time Arrow sucks, and I always forget to use Steady Aim at my rotation), even Ranger 1, but I donā€™t see better fillers at ranks 3 and 4 (Sapper 2, Hunter 2 and Scout dismounts, Archer 3 falls off hard at late game, QS 2 is not an option)

I think Iā€™m going Archer 2 > Ranger 1 > Wugu 1 > Fletcher 3 > Hacka, being some kind of king of DoT

I think u should pick a3, more point into swift step, multi shot and twins arrow are nice spam skill :3

Thatā€™s tricky question. C3 Rogue is too narrow character, but yeah, you got me there.

Yeahā€¦ Ranger 2 purely for 5% more damage over 10s, which translate to roughly 2% more total damage over 25s timespan, assuming constant damage over time, which kinda makes sense for fletcher 3.


If you notice, none or us actually votes for archer 3, simply because it doesnā€™t fit into fletcher skill rotation. With hackapell skills, it is even worseā€¦ There is always some skills that has higher priority than twin arrow off cd, let alome multishot 15 which takes forever, considering fletchers skill rotation.

It is not that i am telling people how to play, but i personally wouldnt.

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Archer 2>Ranger 1 shits all over Archer 3

Iā€™ve changed my build to it and itā€™s ages better(iā€™m also Rogue C3).

Iā€™m pretty sure most part of the translation are completely wrong in gameā€¦
I already know how Skarphuggning works, correct me if Iā€™m wrong please: the more arrow stacks your target have (max 5) the more additional damage it will deal. Ex: it normally hits twice, with 5 stacks which is the maximum, you can hit the target 7 times. Am I right?

The problem is when it comes to Storm Bolt, how much the target becomes more vulnerable to arrow attacks? It doesnā€™t give us any informationā€¦ does it buff the previous mentioned skill or what? I saw a video that the player said that it increases the maximum stacks your target can receive from your arrows, but I did test it myself and I couldnā€™t notice any difference with or without Storm Bolt debuff

Can someone please clarify this to me? Thankx

Yes, this is right. Max 5 or with stormbolt -> max 7 stacks. Each stack = +10% damage bonus with skarp.

Also in first post. After stormbolt debuff -> max 7 arrow stacks (instead of 5).

I seeā€¦ thank you! And how much do you guys usually crit with Skar? I think the damage is too low for a r8 class :frowning:

None of the fletcher skills dismounts right? Iā€™m having trouble choosing between flet3 and wug3 for a haka.

Yeah, all fletcher skills can be used on Mount.

Wugu guu pot dismounts. Jincan gu dismounts.

Why IMC?!?? Why?!!??

Sigh, maybe Iā€™ll just use the reset then wait r9 out. The rank cards have no expiration date anyway.