Tree of Savior Forum

KTOS latest update 12/05/16 - More Swordsmen buffs & Stone Skin nerf

Source from reddit

The important parts for Swordsmen:


•Stunned targets will receive 200% additional damage when hit with Pouncing at a 2% chance per skill level.


Shield Charge
•When hit by missile attacks, the chance to block will increase.

•Block chance increased during use.

Battle league only changes (PVP):

Team Battle League has received the following changes:
1.The duration of 3 skills effects will be displayed in the tooltip.

Healing Factor effect duration / Bloodletting effect Duration/Heal magic circle duration

The following skills have been rebalanced in Team Battle League:


Pain Barrier
•The Buffs resistance rate against abnormal effects will be increased by 20% whilst under the effect of Pain Barrier.


•The target that is swapped by the caster has a chance to be afflicted with [Bind] for 2 seconds.

Gravity Pole
•Damage Reduced by 50%, Cooldown is now 45 Seconds. ( Previously 35 Seconds)


•Heal Tile Circle Duration will expire after 10 seconds. ( Previously 40 Seconds )


Stone Skin
•The block rate scaling has been decreased to [SPR x 0.5] ( Previously [SPR x 4])

Personal comments:

More Barbarian & Rodelero buffs!
This time the Rodelero buffs will put them firmly into a tanking role. Slithering will be good for both physical AND magical attacks with the increased block rate. Shield Charge will now actually be useful to combat archers. Might look something like this:

In the PVP front (battle league only), Stone Skin was nerfed heavily, giving physical damage dealers a chance at battle league. Previously a c3 priest with 200 SPR using Stone Skin will give 1200 block, after this change the same priest using Stone Skin will only give 500 block. With this, a lot of physical attacks will pass through but the biggest winners from this are still archers I think.
Also Pain Barrier gets an increase to status resistance by 20% will be nice too. If lucky in PVP, this can turn fights around against heavy cc classes.

Overall I think they’re taking a step in the right direction, although Swordsmen still need a lot more tweaking imo, especially in the PVE DPS department.


Pouncing <3
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See, all of this is meaningless considering IToS has different balance updates for…“some reason?”

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Pouncing’s boost isn’t as big as it seems initially.
The chance to do 200% damage only works when the enemy is stunned. The longest stun that Swordsmen have is Seism at 3 secs, so out of 10 secs of pouncing, only 3 secs has a chance of doing 200% damage. Unless you can get someone else to stun the enemy for you, it’s not that big of a big boost.

Does do anything to help swordsman. No proper skill dmg scaling = no late game party for dps swordies.

Well i mean if you go Swordsman c3 , grab Restrain , you have a static +200% bonus while you’re using Pouncing. thats “scaling” in a sense.

That’s if you continuously proc while using Pouncing. 40% stun proc chance from max Restrain isn’t that high and only last 1 second, so you need to pray that the stun procs first, then the following pouncing hit procs 200% damage. 2 procs in a row, very hard to do.

Best just to use Seism first then Pouncing straight after that then hope you can get some procs after that. Or get a friend to stun for you. Also, if enemy has bloodletting from PD then Pouncing’s 200% won’t proc at all. Pretty useless “buff” imo.

lets hope thats tranlate is wrong and pouncing is having 10% (at lv5)
to do 200% more damage and stun :heart_eyes:

well if this its may be pouncing is worth for 85 sec cd

For the love of… hng… THE HELL IMC? Why aren’t you implementing this? Why aren’t you actively working on class balance when CLEARLY the game is about having a ■■■■ ton of classes mixed together?! Is there any kind of permission you need to ask in order to do so? God, it drives me nuts…