Tree of Savior Forum

Has anyone thought about using this to help tank?

At lv 10 it’s 5.5 secs each cast X2 (overheat) = 11 secs of 75% chance to block cc with a 45 sec cooldown. Although the rest of the class won’t help much with tanking at all…

Its buged or the tootip is wrong.
I have this skill buged at lvl 6 so it is 90% . But i never have resist any cc.i allways tank in fedimian and every time that i use cyclone and i got grazed by the boss im fliying. I never have resist it and i have 90%

it’s 75% at max, 15% per attribute level~ 5 max.

I use this on my Dragoon and I do see it resists the sleep casted by Coliflies on Roxona. Cyclone can be interrupted though so it’s best used after Pain Barrier.

Maybe coz you have it bugged at lv 6, even though it displays 90% it’s actually not working properly, hence you never see any resists.

At lv 5 it does resist effects, but if you don’t resist the cc then your cyclone will be interrupted, as atomos above points out.

Combining this with the buffed pain barrier from kTOS can give swordsmen some counters against cc though.

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You probably missed it due to the forum lag.

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That’s because knockback and knockdown aren’t status effects. They’re a separate category.