Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

I think this would still result in a bunch of identical lv15 potions on the market. people would just not list any potions that don’t have lv 15 or max success.

the reason named potions are so good is it allows each potion to have a unique power level and value based on the player who made them, and it doesn’t result in the market being flooded with variables of the same item with minor differences.

Eg: a ‘lv 15’ potion that heals for +3400 health, and another ‘lv 15’ potion that heals for +3399 health would have to be listed as separate items on the marketplace as their values are not identical.

At least with named potions, you just have the potions categorized based on who sells them per batch, and their variable can be whatever.

has anyone tested Sapper or knows which class synergizes well with it now? dunno if it was discussed already. TY :slight_smile:

A few question to those who have access to ktest pretty plz :smiley:

How much does the dagger and sword atk influence the dmg of scout dagger skills???

How much does the sword atk (if any) influence the pistol skills of scout pistol skills???

tyvm in advance <3

SFRs and damage overall is down for every single skill in the game, many overheats were removed and many large AoEs like zenith have longer CDs now.

They did a broad sweep on the wizard ones to lower the CDs back down the other day since it was a bit of an over-nerf, I’m sure they’ll get around to archers soon.

Broadly I think RFM is still the highest DPS in the game–ranger and fletcher are mostly untouched and mergen is brought down to be comparable to the other class former rank 8s. Maybe a new wizard combination will outshine it for either single target or big AoE, but I don’t think anything will come close to having the best of both worlds like RFM does.

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I can share mi doc where i put all the SF, CD and hits of all the classes and skills… but it needs a lot of work and it have a lot of speculation of hits in some skills…
Also it have “errors” where i dont know the % of each weapon for scout tree…

It may give a roughly idea, maybe later i will post it in a dedicated post for it if enough “likes” of this happen :V


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Seems like a lot of work, given that RJG’s database is live and has all that info.

As an example

Where Power level is (SF * HITS * OH)/CD, i have it mostly complete, but i dont know if ppl actually are looking for something like this…

So far with what i got, i dont see too much disparity of classes, and all of them seems viable for PvE from mi point of view…


Love this ■■■■, post a link?

Welp, it seems at least one is hyped for something like that… let me fix it a little and will post it later today… need to do some family stuffs now…


Indeed so I can tell Cleric is weak alone at lvl 300+. Come on, don’t act stupidly, talking about the rank itself is not possible unless you really pick only one rank after the base class. In fact you’ll probably put a rank that increases the power of Mergen (Ranger ?), so that’s why people are answering with a build, cuz there’s no fuking crazy people to run Mergen alone, and that’s the same for every ranks, even ranks that could work as a “standalone”.


It seems to me like IMC is finally owing up to their words. In an old dev blog they said they would balance skills based on hit count, aoe, buff/debuff effect, and function (CC or not). It seems like that has come true. Yes, some skills are still sub-par in terms of balance, but a majority of the skills seem rather balanced, not counting a few exceptions (I’m looking at you Owl Statues :distinguished:).

I think the reason why some people are disappointed with these changes is because our power is FAR “weaker” compared to what we are currently use to. For instance, using a trans 10 +11 weapon would be all you would need in the 330 dungeon. You would smash through that dungeon in less than 2-5 minutes depending on your build. Now with these changes that 2-5 minute run would now change to 15-20 minutes. Not to mention the fact that you would take far more damage compared to the current iteration and likely end up dying during those runs.

Now these changes by far don’t mean that the game is going to be worse. In actuality this allows for various other classes/builds besides “DPS’ers” to function in this game. Tanks, Healers, and supports will now be more prevalent throughout most forms of content, rather than just in Raids and high level CM’s.

The only sad part that I see right now is that most videos only show builds facing enemies that are way below their level. More videos of 390’s fighting 380+ enemies needs to be shown.

There is also a huge problem with Ktest. What we see in terms of damage input/output from these videos is what is unlikely to be the norm for an average player in ITOS. The Ktest players are using raid equipment with special effects, trans 10 +11 weapons and armor, and attributes that are level 70+. We all know that this isn’t the norm/average with players in our servers. So what we are seeing now is technically a skewed representation of how some of our builds will in actuality, perform.

The point of all this rambling… I don’t know. I just felt like saying it. :tired:
Now, back to my lurking. :male_detective:


Sapper got some big buffs. Spike Trap is very strong now, an installation that can compete with Broom Trap in terms of usefulness. They get some other small traps to fill out their down time and detonate too.

1 Like i want to do similiar mage, turtle shield is still strong :slight_smile:

wow! Thanks! any good class to synergize with it? and, if possible, link some vids as well (can’t seem to find any).


Enjoy… and dont burn me to harshly plz :smiley:

9 Likes this guy’s channel seems primarily sapper experiments. Here is the new spike shooter in action.

looks to pair well with cannoneer.

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If all builds are “viable” as IMC has stated that its goal is, it’s also important to be able to judge a single class on its own merits. Synergies of course are important, but a single rank or class should not rely on another to even so much as function. Mergen will probably be okay without ranger, but the options are actually pretty limited in the tree right now on the whole, depending on what you want to do.

@owiekho is within his right to be concerned about mergen, but it’s clear that IMC is aware there already might be a problem, given the buff to spread shot in the last day or two as well.

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Yes this is true but some skills still have bits of the old tool tips.

Sacrament Live

var stat = TryGetProp(pc, ‘MNA’); <---- = Character Spirit value

var value = 180 + (( skill.Level - 1) * 60) + ((skill.Level / 3) * (Math.pow(stat , 0.9))); return Math.floor(value)

Sacrament KTest

var pcLevel = player.Lv ; <---- = Character Base Level
var pcMNA = player.MNA ; <---- = Character Spirit value
var value = (180 + ( skill.Level - 1)*60) * ((pcMNA / (pcMNA + pcLevel) * 2) + 0.15) value = value * SCR_REINFORCEABILITY_TOOLTIP(skill) return Math.floor(value)

Some skills still scale of player stats like for instance Last Rites, Enchant Fire, Enchant Lightning, Blessing. But in the case of Last Rites it follow the formula of the new Sacrament which is just not in the direction that they are pushing for Chaplain which is a physical auto attack holy warrior.

But to make matters worse Enchant Lightning still has the old formula on kTest just like on current live international servers and Enchanter is in the scout tree which has nothing to do with INT or SPR.

this is gold! thanks again!