Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Hello Saviors, Information regarding the upcoming maintenance on kTOS(12/01/2017) has become available.

  1. The Item ‘Heslan Token’ will be added.

    • When used, you will be able to start a ‘Token Quest’ which can be done to acquire new accessories that are based upon the level of the token.
    • When the conditions for the token have been met, you can accept the quest with party members.
    • Heslan Tokens can be obtained in some maps and is a tradable item.
      ※ Further information will be available on Thursday.
  2. New Free-Dungeons & Appraisal Items will be added. (Dungeon Recommended Lvls 100, 230, 240)

  3. A new guild raid ‘The Returning Crisis (Tenet Garden)’ has been added.

  4. Small additions have been made to the storyline.

  5. The 6th Balance Patch will be in progress.

  6. Laima’s Blessing Event will end.

    • Un-redeemed Rank Reset Vouchers will be deleted from user’s Lodge Mailbox on 12/01/2017
    • 20% Attribute Discount will end
    • Enhanced Token Benefit effects (Instant Payout, Unlimited Token Trades) will end.
  7. Laima’s Gift Event will end.

    • Unopened Gift Boxes will be removed on the maintenance scheduled on 23/02/2017.
  8. The Homepage & In-game TP Stores will close temporarily to be updated.
    ※ Laima’s Gift Package sales will temporarily on hold until Thursday.

    • The package items that were only available on the website will now be moved to the in-game TP Store.
  9. All hair accessories that were on sale have now been removed from the TP Store. (27 In Total)

    • The Hair Accessory Category will be removed from the TP Store’s Sub-Category list.
  10. The sale for the Christmas Costumes will now end. These items will not be moved to the recycle shop.

  11. Various in-game bugs will be corrected.


My body is ready. See you in 6 months, balance patch.


Hmm can we know more about this “Enhanced” Token benefits effects? Higher exp% bonus or just the payout/unli trade?

Unlimited token trades meaning player to player trade?

This was part of the kToS event.

Anyone from ktos know how to get marble grand cross

Thanks @Anarth

iTOS does have the Instant Payout permanent right? If that feature means you can get your silvers right away once the item you post in the market has been sold.

Not sure about the “Unlimited Token Trades” though? What are the mechanics for that said feature.

Yes, iToS already have the instant silver redeeming from the market, exclusively to token users.

About the token trades I have two guesses:

1 - Token users won’t have their creating counts decreased
2 - Buying Tokens from the market won’t turn them untradeable.

Kewl. Wondering if iTOS will get the same event lul… if yes > if I buy tokens now will they be changed to Tradable status. I may reserve 2 tokens to be safe from being IMC’d.

Thanks @Anarth hope someone from KpopTOS can confirm the mechanics.

about the token unlimited trade thing
if they mean if you buy token from market it’ll still be tradable, thats already exist in iToS

It’s probably means the 30 trades become unlimited (for kr event) patch out

google translate skill balance summary

warcry cooldown 50 ->42
warcry attribute has 10 lvls (10 seconds extra debuff duration)

jolly roger duration increased
jolly roger decreases DWA stamina consumption by 5% per skill level

rune caster:
rune of giants: Wizard Class skills usable during rune of giants

mastema: increased duration of effect from 5 to 20

Cannnoner( OH BOI)
Cannon Blast range increased by 20%
Cannon Blast overheat is now 2.

shootdown range increased by 20%

cannon shot range increased by 20%

siege burst cast time reduce by 50%
sieg burst cooldown 30 -> 7 seconds.

siege burst new attribute avoids being interupted while casting ( i think)

New attribute that increases crit chance/rate when in kneeling shot with cannon skills

cannon barrage range increased by 20%

increased range by 20%
now you can use cannon skills while in bazooka
something about increasing range by 200% of cannoner skills

double punch attribute 50% of reducing stamina consumption by 50%

reduced cast time of energy blast from 0.5 to 0.25 per lvl

golden bell cooldown reduced to 14 seconds from 120 (24 seconds in pvp maps) , cooldown is reduced by 1 per skill level, duration base is 1.5, effect is maintained for 0.5 seconds after casting ends , cast animation should be faster.

a new attribute that increases cd by 1 but a nearby ally will recieve golden bell effect.

bug fix

sorcerer familiar: it will no longer attack the user under certain circumstances ( i almost killed a wugushi in siauliai :v…)

something for daoishi that i dont understand (similar to sorc)

EDIT: Corrected golden bell


this is awesome

this make siege burst interesting, another low cd skill with good aoe.

O lawd. /20charsssss

Edit: i had made a mistake about the skill level, so i removed my previous conclusion.

golden bell is C3 skill, max level is lv5

but why did you ask me though?

the attribute i corrected it, the coodlown not sure google translate is hard to understand at time. just double checked. is not that much duration not really sure why there is even a reason to lvl the skill now even lol need an actual video to know what it does

1 Like

sorry, i must have mistaken the reply is 4 am here. !
but at least good to know that is a lvl 5 max.

thanks for the reply, but now i believe is OK, is OP without doubt, but at least with a level limit of 5, there can be some leeway, and is without doubt a good buff for monk!

edit: just saw your edit: with the level 5 max, is OK; but i have checked the site now; the attribute increase the cd of the kill for 7 seconds (21 pve-31pvp) and gives a entire one second duration for the immunity buff.

GBS Don’t Reflect Damage…

well i was more or less talking about the combo with iron skin, that if i’m not mistaken, you can use iron skin >> golden bell, so you clan reflect the damage without receiving any damage.
since before this patch, most monks i knew have use both skill together, since they had higher cd, and a good synergy.
mainly, even if you do not receive any damage, it seems that the reflect was still working as normal.

How you use two channeling skill at the same time, i play monk since close beta but maybe i missed something…

well, i only play swordsman, like i have said, this is what they have told me!
maybe i have misunderstand what they have said , and now that you have pointed it out maybe what they mean when they have told me about their combo was that they have use iron skin and once it was over, they would use golden bell and not use both at the same time.
to be true i do not know, because i do not have a monk.