Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Wise words.


lv 10 Kneeling shot worth for canno 2?

Was Glass Mole card nerfed to 4s in Korea? I got 600Dex with my inquisitor and i’m wondering on what card building on him


general cannoneer change - cannoneer skills have increased crit chance while in kneeling shot

all skills aoe increased by 20%

siege burst cast time reduced by 50%

siege burst new attribute: getting hit doesnt cancel the casting of siege burst

new attribute for C2 cannoneer, further increases critchance (or crit rate) during kneeling shot by 1%*attribute level

Could some of you please check what’s the maximum level of the new attribute that increases crit rate while in kneeling shot? Could you check if it increases flat crit chance or crit rate?

After cannoneer changes:

Would work:

Archer C3, Wugushi C2, Falcon C1, Cannon 2?

indeed, it is still 5s even on iTOS because at the last second (which should be 1s), the game client shows as 0s so you still get the buff. The buff is gone only when the icon of the buff disappears :slight_smile:

in Itos desciption say 10s

Why is that a good combo?

That’s my build way before the update in patch. Right now with this new changes makes me want to skill reset instead of class reset.

It Works good? :grin:

I mean with these new buffs, Kneeling Shot will work great with cannoneer aoe and wugushi will work good in single target dps right?

It is IMC’s mistake. They have made a lot of mistakes in skill description also.

the patch is for next week is only a preview

I suggest you open a thread on the Archer forums because more people with specific knowledge post there.

That 3rd Archer Rank is hard to decide if your core ibuild starts at rank4(both Hunter C1,Sapper and QS1 have utility in one circle that goes well with Canoneer kit), i think the only good reason for going Kneeling Shot 10 is the range bonus, if that applies to canoneer skills aswell then it’s good. Otherwise leave it at 1 or 5,archer C2, the attributes and DEX should give enough benefit themselves. A more deep calculation may prove me wrong.

just wanted to dig some old info…

anyone here got the highlights from barbarian (wild) attribute effects? i keep seeing some devastating Pouncing nowadays.

Hi guys.

Anyone can tell me how the optmization affected kTOS servers?

Also, how many CPU cores the game are using, and how much % usage per core, on a crowded place?

Also if possible, how much of % GPU usage it is using on these crowded scenarios!

Thanks o/

6% barbarian skills damage per stack right now.

once we get the next balance patch on iToS.

imaple stuns for 2 seconds per stack caps at 10 second stun (half duration in pvp)

stomping kick 2 extra range (unsure if AoE ratio or just range) per stack

10 crit rate per stack for cleave (so 50+10 per stack capping at 100 bonus crit rate)

7% bonus stun chance per stack on helm chopper

seism 5 hits when you have 5 stacks

giant swing aplies the wild damage bonus twice (so 60% more damage)

probability of extra damage on stunned enemies from pounce increased by 6% per stack (is 2% per level so you get a 40% of doing i think is 3 times more damage to stunned enemies with 5 stacks)

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Anyone know how to get marble grand cross

sound really great do you know how wild buff duration or limit?

currently uninstall TOS but last time i check even using skill wont remove wild buff

and anyone know about new frenzy buff in ktos?

Thank you

using skills dont consume the buff, in ktos they added extra functionality changes.

C3 gets an aditional attribute for Wild Nature that increases its duration by 5 seconds and using barb skills suposedly “refreshes” or extends the duration, not sure.

and as far as we know, only warcry has confirmed changes for this week on kToS(the anouncement was for changes to come this week).

still praying for more Sorc Changes, desmodus and evocation need to stop being ■■■■ tier(well at least desmodus hits ok)


does this mean bonus 30% damage multiplier? if so, no wonder why those pouncing creatures hits like a truck for 190k+ per tick