Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Decreasing stamina consumption still makes it shitt.
It’s still AA3.0 which is a poor man’s RunningStandingShot(lol) with 0 damage increasing modifiers.

Can someone confirm what this change did?

So does anyone know if guild mission/raid bosses drops cards cause if they do sorcs might have at least 2 new summons to try out. Naktis (demon lord) Lithorex (originally quest boss at rukas plateau has one skill that makes your surrounding screen black, would be interesting if the summon would have this as well)

Lithorex was added this patch but naktis earlier, if anyone has seen any video with naktis would appreciate it if you’d share. :slight_smile:

they’re still not nerfing alchemistic missle and combustion?:triumph: those are game breaking and beyond OP skills

they should delete those game breaking and beyond op skills. Alchemist is fine without those. Waste of points.

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They need really rework, and transform alchemistic missle in Alchemistic demonstration (AD :grin: once again! aka mvp king).

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take your RO mindset out of here, this is TREE OF SAVIOR


they should make missile hole something like -3% missile damage for each skillpoint so at level 15 its 45% thats still huge, but not gamebreaking.

Missile hole is still limited to hit counts, compared to let’s say ausrine that gives full immunity. But yes I agree that the skill deserves tweaking for the pvp scenarion at least.

even if it is limited, a total immunity should never be given out…its not hard to see that such a skill will cause problems for the game balance

They need first to buff or completely rework sage then. Because for now the whole rank 8 has only 1 skill. And if you go rank8 sage - you miss damage/utility from other classes. Ausrine is rank5 and more OP than Missile Hole, maybe not only for archers who can just wait in Cloaking.
They should just add some cooldown in PvP to this skill.

I actually like missile hole

it opened up a lot of possibilities specially for lower tier et teams for them to stop looking for tryhard teams every time.

if you are speaking only for PVP then yes it might need “some” nerfs but take a look at ausrine(rank 5, MH is rank 8…) first before anything else

Hey guys question regarding the Hunting Grounds (Open Dungeon) equipment loots/drops? Are they currently BiS in KTOS? I read that you can have like 3-4slots on them. Slotting them with gems (monsters or regulars) then they’ll be somewhat OP?


Anyone knows the actual best swordman’s or monk’s PvP builds in Korea?
I haven’t played this game for a long time, and with the rank reset i want to see if there is an option to save one of my old characters.

Pretty valid point. Immunity is indeed a hazard.

well every immunity should be removed from the game, as it WILL cause problems, ausrine is not different. Such skills will just make it harder to balance the game as it progresses, as you somehow have to balance around those skills, which is not possible. You can rebalance them all kinda easy. Like i said, instead of granting total immunity make something % based, and it will still be very powerful.

not BIS exactly, they are good but have lower stat than other gear, virtov still gives more hp, hasta is still top tier. for 170 they are really good, the new 220 weapons and gear is ok at best, the benefit is the extra slots and potential for upgrade. bracelets and amulets that they just added are just nerfed max petamions/phadas for those that still dont have one

Alright, that Siege Burst change has my attention. I’m really considering taking Cannoneer on the Scout3 I never bothered to get to R7, since it’s also got Archer3 for level 10 Kneeling Shot. Although, with the changes to Bazooka I wonder how useful Kneeling would be. It’s really weird to me they’re giving Cannoneer specifically synergy with Kneeling Shot when it has a skill that is functionally very similar.

Cannon Blast overheat is now 2.”

WHATTTTTT How supose to survive against a double 40k cannon Blast in PVP? I need to make a cleric full CON now LOL

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Missile hole

Kneeling shot doesn’t use cannoneer skillpoint.
Put point in bazooka mean increase dmg and aoe for artillery mode, but have less skill point for other cannon skills, good or not I think depend on build.