Tree of Savior Forum

Wugushi C3 or Falconer C1 for Cannoneer C2?

well, if you want the best gain out of your wugushi you have to skill STR only thats true. However your overall dps will just increase by having your later cannon skills crit a lot. It will provide a bigger dps gain, especially with circling.

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Thanks for the reply guys! :smile:

Since this is a old char, if I get a stat reset potion I’ll fix his stats later. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I was thinking in get Falcon C1 xgclaw but I really needed people opnion so as to don’t mess up my build. :joy:

Nirimetus do you agree with taking Falcon C1 for AOE?

We(or just me?) still don’t know if +range from kneeling shot will add range to cannon skills. ar2ra1 might be better choice over ar3 for burst dmg buff in this case.

Here’s something to think about.

Cannoneer has 2 5 sec cd skills. I have an A1-Ra1-Sap2-Sc1-Ro1-C1 (rainbow :grinning:) and I am having “trouble” fitting the r1-6 skills in since between the cannon skills and moving, there just isn’t any space left. Add [kneeling shot] for set up and I doubt you will have chances to use any other skills.

You might want to consider skills that have long(ish) cd’s with significant effects to cannon skills ([sneak hit], [circling] to name a few).

You also might want to go for instant skills (only [twin arrows] comes to mind)

I was actually theorycrafting about my cannoneer too. I created mine full dex for some reasons that I’m gonna state here.
My build is A2 > Sapper 3> Rogue > Can2
Since can is getting buffs and all their skills can be used with kneeling shot, I prefered going into full dex. Why? Kneeling shots adds physical damage based on your dex. I’m planning to get around 400 dex, so that’s around 420 physical attack bonus when kneeling. IMO that’s actually way profitable than STR, since you’ll get almost (if not) 100% crit rate. Also dodge is very useful at later levels. Since you’ll crit a lot, you can reduce your dex and pump some con into it.

Some say is good, i don’t recall well but i think Circling is bugged as of now, i could be wrong tho and they already fixed.

I don’t have Falc on my build but i can pretty much burn a good amount of enemies, move to the next batch and start all over.

I do tho, have QS3 in my build instead of A3, RS help me spread Wugongu when my Gu Pot is on CD, CanBlast i use to finish low HP mob and the other 2 i use for the same reason.

On a DEX build to, these skills probably shine more due to the burst damage they already have.

In my case, i have around 4k damage from my poison ticks x2 (wugongu + gu pot) + my Cannon skills + Caltrops + RS.

I get around 6-7k damage per tick and the cannon skills the 2 low CD ones give me around 8k damage and CanBlast 12-15K, note that i am not counting the critical hits, since they come every now and then for me.

relevant: Today on KTOS cannoneer received another round of very nice buffs:

Cannon Blast:
    - Range of the skill has been increased by 20%
    - This skill now has 2 Overheat charges.

Cannon Shot:
    - Range of the skill has been increased by 20%

    - Range of the skill has been increased by 20%

Siege Burst:
    - Skill range has been increased by 20%, Casting Time has also been reduced by 50%.
        (Apologies. We have encountered some unexpected issues in our scope when  making this change,
         so for now it has been excluded. These changes will be added as soon as possible.)
            ▣ The cooldown time has been reduced from 30s ▶ 7s
            ▣ The Skill’s post-casting delay has been reduced.

(Attr.) Siege Burst:Concentration:
    - An attribute added for the [Siege Burst] Skill. Enables the caster to continue the cast of [Siege Burst], even when attacked.

(Attr.) Kneeling Shot: Focus Fire:
    - When using Cannoneer skills whilst in the [Kneeling Shot] stance, Increases the chance to critically strike by 1% Per attribute level.

Cannon Barrage:
    - Skill Range has been increased by 20%

    - Skill’s Range has been increased by 20%
    - The skill will take effect more quickly
    - You can now use Cannoneer skills whilst in Bazooka Stance. For now, Cannoneer Skills Base AoE Attack Ratio have been increased by 200%. (Character & Equipment will not increase the AOE Attack Ratio any further.)

Bazooka changes + overheat for cannon blast look really nice. When c3 is nice, i assume cannon archer will be very popular.

I would go Archer C3, Wugushi C3, Cannoneer C2, now.

Is this true? is this real life? double cannon blast? where? when? Smoke grenade will affect bosses someday? (think about 4x cannon blast on smoked target if you have a chrono with you Kreygasm )

Oh boy detonate magic circles anywhere in your screen with 7 seconds cooldown.
Now they can reduce smoke grenade to 25 seconds to match cannon blast and i’ll be happy

Siege burst also interesting too. 30s cd>7sec cd (anyone know how’s siege burst aoe ratio?) now we got another low cd skill

Now there’ll be 2 cannon stance
Kneeling for more dmg and bazooka for more aoe(still want to see how’s they increase animation speed, lets hope it, as fast as kneeling)

[kneeling shot] is only more damage if you aren’t crit capped. Sure 700ish more atk (DEX to atk)is nice, but [bazooka] comes with 50% atk.

Now these 2 need 2 very distinct roles if not, 1 will clearly be better than the other. I hope who ever is in charge knows this (very optimistic given the direction they are taking with cannoneer).

since bazooka increases your aoe ratio by 200%, i assume it will be bazooka for aoe and MAYBE kneeling shot for single, when you pick cannon c3 and level up bazooka to 10 i assume it will BIS stance for both.

As bazooka is modifier (50%+) while kneeling shot is a static increase, sooner or later it will get outscaled anyway.

This exactly. Right now the only real distinction I can see is how much more mobile [kneeling shot] is given how fast you can enter/exit the stance vs [bazooka].

that’s true I forgot about bazooka modifier.
maybe kneeling shot only better point is the skill use archer skill point.

kneeling inscrease range for canno skills??

guess so, would be kinda pointless otherwise

do you guys know if the bazooka changes for cannoneer would make the skills affected by the modifier too? or just the bazooka auto attack itself?

Well it did start off with just AA’s. They could have forgotten (or intentionally left out and kept silent about it) hard coding the 50% added atk to the skills.

That has a video of wugong gu having an increased damage when under bazooka.

It doesn’t hurt to have more verification though.

The difference (that i see) between kneeling shot and bazooka is:

Kneeling shot

  • faster start up
  • +20% crit chance for cannon skills (10% for anything else)
  • 1 damage from 1 DEX
  • from archer


  • +(skill level * 10)% increased damage
  • 2x range on cannon skills (or is it 2x aoe ratio?)
  • unable to auto attack (and maybe for skills?) nearby monsters.

Archer C3 Scout C3 Cannoneer C1 (C2 soon)
Having a blast (the pun!), plus the fact that im sneaking a cannon around is funny :3 Cloak is superb, Flare is awesome, Split Arrow for farming and that flu flu thing acts kinda like a Peltasta’s taunt.

Well… actually i am Ar3 Wu2 Fa1 Can2, if u wish wugu in your formula i must be say: it work, but not much. You can more o less loss 500 of damage per tick.

My build must be need phys atk from headgear (120 in the three headgear) and a manamana with red gem lv6, wugu att at lv40 and my damage is 2600 in wugong, 2500 in needle and 2200 (i dnt remember) in trow… i dnt have any trascendent.

I am full DEX, 35 CON. I recomend the falcon in 100%, literly you can clean the 240 dung without any problem if you mobbed before, circling/cannon blast, cannon barragex1, Circling/cannon barrage/cannon shot (run) cannon shot.

My damage is poor in cannon normal atk, but in critical is more powerfull.
Blast 70000 (lv9)
Shot 25000 (lv10)
Barrage 15000x3 (the skill deal 3 hit) (lv5)
In smoke screen is god…

I recomended the build, but if you search more damage in cannonner, be ar2/ra3 o ar2/ra2/sc1. And let me say it, youll search more damage in cannonner later, but wugu skills are awesome o.

im waiting for the update… my kneel shot take 600 more of damage and critical boost up at 800 xD.

Sorry my bad english.