Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

edit: please refer to Gwen’s post right below me for a better translation.

From reddit. Credits to FFXIV_Machinist

Barbarian changes

  • Frenzy - Barbarian attack skills now REFRESH the duration of frenzy, but dont increase the stack level. we now can have frenzy 10 up 100% of the time with the switching trait.

  • Embowel- now stuns targets for 2 seconds per stack of frenzy (1/4th the value in PVP- 10 stacks = 2 seconds of stun in PVP)

  • Stomping kick - Stomping Kicks Area attack value increases by 2 per level of frenzy. (Holy fucking balls - thats 20-40 Aoe attack… thats massive as fuck now. this might make 15/15 stomping a real choice)

  • Cleave - +10 Crit rate per skill level (+200 critical rate at max rank)

  • Helm chopper- Unclear on this one- Looks like its going to increase the stun length based on frenzy stacks, but thats not how the update reads; it reads as if its improving helm chopper stun rate based on frenzy, but that doesnt make sense since helm has 100% stun.

  • Seisim - when used with 5 stacks skill transforms to “Crag” or “Cataclysm” not familiar with this character, based on the word used i assume this means the AOE of seisim is going up by alot.

  • Giant swing - Deals damage to the target per revolution now

  • Pouncing - Stamina consumption reduced. Increased rate of stun to 6% per skill level, also gains an extra 6 % per stack of Frenzy

Corsair changes

  • Jolly roger is removed from the game

  • Corsairs have an innate pillaging trait. Pillaging potency is based on the Corsair circle. C1=Pillaging 5, C2=Pilaging 10, C3=Pillaging 15.

  • Dual weapon assault - Compatible with pistols now.

  • Pistol shot - Adds defense down now.


  • Cyclone area attack is Increased from 3 to 8 (this is a huge buff).


  • Ice spike +1 charge

  • Gust +1 Charge

  • Frost pillar - Cooldown reduced by 14 seconds

  • Snowball - cooldown Reduced by 18 seconds.


  • Psychic pressure - Uninterruptible (this may be incorrect. the word they used was Gain focus)

  • Gravity pole - Uninterruptible (this may be incorrect. the word they used was Gain focus)

  • Rise now works with “aerial” type skill enhancements (e.g. Archer increased damage vs aerial)


  • Riding - you now gain your pets armor bonus, and you no longer consume SP while riding.


  • All skills getting a global damage increase

  • Bazooka - can be canceled by jumping


  • corrected tooltip


  • Einsof is getting some kind of SP recovery modification

  • ??? skill - CD reduction.

Bug fixes:
Hoplite - longstride tooltip fix
Corsair - Fixing weapon swapping for skills
Doppel- No more auto attacking during cyclone
Fencer - Enemies are now properly disarmed
Templar - Forging duration fix.
Cryomancer - Fixed character position on snowball (likely fixes the ability for rolled mobs to hit you).
Sorcerer - Cant cast while jumping
Necro - Fixed flesh strike and quick cast- Fixed dirty pole tooltip
Sage - Micro deminsion - Fixed skill.
Archer - Doesnt make sense.
Priest - monstrance tool tip fixed.
Sadhu- Fixed skill usage during spirit form
Druid - telepathy fixed


Here guys, have some 12/01/2016 Notes.
I may have gotten carried away playing other stuff all day. :stuck_out_tongue:


Reilet!! Thanks :slight_smile:

Basically the only counter to Malleus and some other “homing” missiles.

■■■■ you IMC

The skill hasn’t been removed, ONLY the ‘plundering loot’ effect from jolly roger has been removed - the flag skill is still a thing, just now lacks the auto-steal, that part has been moved into a class attribute.


Finally, thanks a lot

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Basically the ““bugfix”” to Cyclone has turned it into garbage. It’s the death of the class as a deep damage dealer.

Barbarian changes are nominal and don’t make much of a difference. Agravator (Cleave buff) is short, 4 seconds (12 if you time them perfectly) of 100 crit rate bonus is hardly anything.

Having Frenzy 200 attack up at all times is also weak. It’s about the same as having Gung-ho x2 up at all times without having to auto attack, but requires spamming otherwise weak Barbarian skills.

I could go on but basically Doppel is done for. If you need further info check the swordsman forum.

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it’s missing 30 hits of cyclone (25 hits now )… Still usable honestly. They did give you 5 AAR to hit more targets now so, it’s more useful as a AOE Blender then a Single target skill .

Just not as potent as it is in his high prime since it is broken like fencer at cap.

hmm 5 aoe attak ratio means i hit 2 1/2 medium sized mobs ?

godlike !

i lose over 60% of my dmg output


give me more aoe attack ratio please

barbarian buffs mongo dashing :joy::pray:

Doppel Before Patch:
Doppel After Patch:


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what a shitty comparison.

Full buffed vs lazy salty doppel.

and he’s playing in Varena server, not kTOS.



People should calm down, it wasn’t a nerf it was a fix.

Also if this does really bring doppel to a trash tier it will be buffed accordingly. Better have a well balanced class instead of basing it on a bug mechanic.


I hope they can make more better Aoe for mergen, but limit falcon circling buff ~ haha

That ■■■■ be fukin scary with a Falc3 Circling+Aiming, in a huge mob count situation.

exactly, they would have pretty sick synergy, rather than doing it alone, sad I just started the dople bandwadgon

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i think they should give 8 instead (11 total AAR).

It will be more worth while than just 5. Who knows maybe IMC will change their mind like what hapen to pelt guardian.

Dopple just change to AOE monster V2 than just king of the hill. Fencer smiles at every one else at World boss with dragoon presence now.

It’s a reasonable fix but not as “ideal” for most players.