Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

a moment of silence to all doppel players, class is dead in ktos, itos coming soon.

Just because doppel was slightly nerfed…you are overdoing it.

Maybe we should wait a few days before declaring a class dead.
Good doppel players will adapt and learn to not not rely on bugged skills but will find new ways to deal good damage.


You are talking to the best one right now.

please not in this thread…

Doesnt’ look like it. Since you are depending on a single skill to weight a class power. Also a bugged interaction that was gonna get fixed.

I’m a bit surprised they buffed slightly Kino abilities. Also rogue capture fix was inevitable, lvl 1 capture is still enough to capture Raise and throw it on the Kino tho =3


I am stating the truth here bro, Doppel has always always been the class that rely on 1 skill only, which is Cyclone. Dont really understand why need to giev fake hopes to people.

Without it, every Dragoon can outperform it because range and skill dmg. Class is ■■■■ in PvP and now the PvE side is rip too, imma reroll to Sword 3 Cata 3 Dragoon 2 when job reset is available.

below is a screenshot of my doppel to back up my statements.


The kino changes were a head scratcher for me. Making them interrupt immune was … why? That’s all I can say. Doesn’t this warrant a change to [surespell]?

Tree of Kino, they are the best class in GvG and TBL, roll that guys.

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Surespell works with CHANNELING abilities. I believe this change to Kinos affect the “casting time” interruption, let’s say like DIevdirbys can get knockback (not knockdown) while carving and it will interrupt the skill inmediatly while putting it on cooldown.

@akisera i see a screenshot of a bug. So it has been fixed. I don’t see any problem

Lol bug? great, basically it just means u have no idea what ur talking about.

Welp, i m outta here, continue to play your doppel if u had 1 (which i assume, cause ur trying to tell me the best one out there about Doppel’s issue and nerf, lol)

Peace out.

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what new ways when there are no other ways xD

doppel is about cyclone in lategame pve and nothing else all the other skills are fillers especially all skills that arent doppel skills, most of them not even worth the time to use them
everyone who says a different thing doesnt know the class

oh and to silverwolf ye quarrelshooters cls power certainly doesnt come from one skill alone HUMmmmmm…

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True, I learned in the Falconer thread that their Circling at C3 can spread and magnify damage, Dopps having mostly multi-hit(despite fake) skills can easily utilize this, specially now that Cyclone got a hefty amount of AAR.

Taken from the wiz ktos thread

Stone shot is TOTALLY awesome on PvP. Pavise can be used to push Clerics out of their SZ. People tend to focus too much on numbers and damage, while ignoring actual play styles.


Nothing to blame but poor balancing here, you’re just ■■■■■■ up due to IMC being IMC.

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Oh, so it’s for the whole duration? That’s not a slight buff then, but a really nice buff. Psychic Pressure is strong on TBL, but usually leaves the Kino open to attacks.

i doubt that will help i think you just dont realize how big of a dmg nerf to cyclone we are talking about here

the only reason for a doppel to be in any kind of lategame pve is due to that skill :confused:

feelsbadman rly bad

What da hell is this? This is a massive buff, why imc always has to be like, be immune or be one shoted.

i believe enemies atk, would not disturb it, but knockdowns stuns, and so on would still do so, mainly they have give a “sure spell” effect to PP and gravity, of course this is only my interpretation of it .