Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Thanks, I really like that flag, it has so many uses…

as i see it… it has something to do with kneeling shot…

can use cannon skill while in kneeling shot state (except for bazooka and smoke grenade skill)?

something like that i think…

the last part i think is… you can cancel bazooka stance by jumping??

well… this is a good buffs for cannoneer

It doens’t matter how many target you can hit when you can’t even kill one of them with your best skill. :joy:

If your best skill can’t do more than 1.5m damage then it is questionable.

Cyclone is still a true multihit and does 25 hits over 7 second now ?

That means on CAP with GM + DOV it still does 100k x 25 hits. over 7 second. How many Mobs in general have more than 2m hp for now?Any way this is still general. This can hit 200k per hit to a 5m.

It just isn’t as good in dealing single target now as compare as last time.
60 hits x 200k cap to single/duo targer with Miko/Dragoon duo debuff/buff + chrono

Mix this with falconer it is still god send.

I don’t agree with disagree but since it have been fix why not capitalize on it if you still like the class.


if you don’t like dopple because of that ,reroll to corsair c3 :joy:


Too slow, with 0 DEF we will die before anything, we also need the speed too.

Like someone up there said, the class is a joke in PVP, crap tier. And when this patch hit iTOS Fencer and many will outdamage Doppel in PVE too(They are already better in PVP). What’s left? grinding mobs? for what purpose exactly? :joy:

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IMC y u do dis? You just want me to have to buy skill reset potion huh? :confused:

Why does barbarian get a million buffs here? BS.

R.I.P DOPPEL 2016-2016

Is imc crazy? Wheres the cyclone’s damage now?

I would refer to Gwen’s post right below that one for a better translation.

because people go barb3-dople, so they buff barb3 to compensate dople LOL

But barb is lame and boring, now you pretty much have to go barb. Ugh.

Might be the case. Also to promote for barb variant classes

Doesn’t change the existing fact now with 0DEF you still dies in second now.
See how Doppel dies in 1 dethrone from the scorpion without defensive buff?

A dead doppel has 0 damage it doesn’t change this fact.

yeah I think the are buffing lower circle classes to be of some use even with low base damage, so prolly stick to your build and wait for it to get buff in some way, rather than rerolling because X got buff this patch and Y didn’t etc

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i did want to see them to promote low scaling % damage to lower circle instead of flat numbers.

This will gradually change the whole game entirely that means every circle will have it use instead of banking for stand alone class at R 78910.

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Pretty much embrace change or at least roll something that will be unlikely to be touched or forgotten.


Lol looking for reroll based on the kTOS patch (im playing at iTOS). Any thoughts no wiz no cleric please :smiley: . PVE oriented player.

I would like that as well, right now lower circles are just there for the buff/debuff or CC they do, not the damage they CAN do

So Doppel sucks at both PVE/PVP period :wink:

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