Tree of Savior Forum

[ Swordsman Changelog ] Swordsman changes from kTOS and iTOS

That’s what has been noted before, but iirc they still can’t be used when equipped with a pistol before.

In the same manner that Rods and Maces are not listed even tho you can use those too with DD and Hexen.

ToS wiki is not the most reliable place for information.

i can not say about dust, because it really have been a long time, that i have use it.
but hexen can in fact be use with pistol, i have tested it myself.
and on this same forum you can search for corsair tests, and some players even made test with pistol x dagger to see who is better.
it even took me less than one minute to find the video with the test about hexen.
this is not my video of course, but it will serve as proof.

Is it after the patch that you tested Hexxen with pistol? What was better dagger or pistol?

Oh ok then, thanks. :grinning:
Now to pray that R9 blesses those poor Corsair3s with something good.

manamana will be best, but there is already a long time since i played the corsair, but you can check the video above about one of our forum mates test and as you can see the video is already very old too, even before rank 8 comes.

nope; about the video proof.
now the only real hope for corsair is a pistol off hand class. because there is not really a need to use dagger as corsair 3 anymore.
but if they add a rank9 class with pistol from the get go, i can see many people who took corsair 3 angry because corsair 3 is still really weak if we compare with other options and one of the main spices that make corsair 3 be just a little worth is the ability to use pistol.
but if they simple add a rank 9 with pistol from the get go, it really decrease the overall value of corsair 3.

@tampon :
Here is a different translation of the skill changes. Which one is the correct one, yours or the other?


I find that to be very wrong. But I’m just translating, so is he. I’m sure he thinks he’s right and I think I’m right as well. So ultimately, you guys be the judge :stuck_out_tongue:

rip doppels of tos


ahhh a proper translation
so its not based on cleave level, but based on the new feral skill stack

thanks bro, you did a good job

How good is the pistol shot damage? So corsair pshot will be almost same as split shot with 100% dmg spread at lvl10 attri :open_mouth:

seems to be crit atk not rate according to the ktos thread

ohhh fcuk, i prefer crit rate so i can sell my sisel LOL
but if 10 crit att per stack, thats just too low bro, but if its 10% per stack thats nice boost

im thinking about selling my gale slasher + 8 and upping my wl c2 from that money

i think the shards worth more though

you mean like getting back the shards from transcendence ?


like this?

@wirrebinichwirklich @biowolfmon1

really looks like critical rate to me


Could you double check if the Feral/Wild - Cleave interaction gives Crit Rate or Crit Damage?

gg all that wasted money and shards for a trashtier class xD

get cucked brooooooooo

rip doppel 2016-2016

It should be critical rate.


How many stacks can feral go up to?