Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Just checked by recording a video and counting the hits, but they appear to be precisely 2 ticks per second on iToS too.
If that didn’t change, coursing will do the damage in my earlier post over 10 ticks or 5.5s, which isn’t bad with the new damage calculations, probably.

I can’t tell if we’re generally nerfed in terms of total damage (per skill cast), but we’re definitely nerfed when it comes to single-target control, at least.
I’m really hoping that 5.5s isn’t lowered down to 2.75s in PvP.

thanks ) what about enchance cost equipment? low?

i’m glad we dnt, a lot more work for IMC

  • a gm already said the Devs dnt speak a lot of english
    imagine how many complaints there would be from ppl who don’t understand things or just don’t read lol just look at how many person complained about crit rate

Mount skill is already fixed, Runecaster cast time now is 4s so maybe wiz2 for surespell.

@artesinka its low but its fixed for all equipment in ktest (thats what i understood)

Oh you’re right, never paid too much attention. and in PvP it would be 2 seconds instead of 3, the duration is rounded down.

Still, the reduction in time itself reduces damage greatly, they also reduced damage through the % skillfactor, I want them to overhaul hunter now instead of trying the hit and miss balancing to coursing and retrieve, they’ll either make it too strong or too weak and… they’ve made coursing & retrieve so same-y now, coursing only has the 40% crit thingy going for it to differentiate it, but both are single target which sucks and don’t work on bosses

No changes were mentioned to falconer, so I guess there’s very few taking falconer, has anyone seen a video with a falconer?.

Hallo, finally got a Druid3 video thanks to Penguin.

Druid has never been a popular choice, the negative sides of the class have put on doubt its usefulness on the current system. As a 3 circle investment on a red emblem class its supposed to do damage, which it did thanks to the Hengestone buffs and Lycanthropy base damage, but as i have to remind IMC, its a 3 circle commitment that gives no real benefit inbetween.

  • Druid 1: Its totally worthless, getting Miko or Priest would bring way more damage and utility to the party. Carnivory hit count makes it a useless skill once you try to fight more than 2 monsters.
  • Druid 2: Transform does nothing other than the attribute boosts, monster skills are slow and weak. They also broke being able to use monster self buffs a month ago.
  • Druid3: This was the only reason you could go Druid at all. Hengestone gave you all you needed to actually do some damage: HP and Attack. But your only real sustained DPS skill was Lycanthropy. ALL of lycan skills have different negative points: long animations, low AoE count on some, really hard to aim hitbox added to the long animations. And also a SP drain that would force you to drink a sp potion every time it was off cooldown and it would BARELY keep it up.

According to the video:

  • HS still doubles HP, but only provides a +10% on damage. I guess this is fine, it wont boost other circles Druid3 may have taken or will take, but it still feels a really underwhelming boost.
  • Lycan skills have lame low damage now. None of the negative aspects have been taken into consideration, using a Lycan as been described by my friend “like driving a tank”, thats because its supposed to do High damage that its hard and tedious to control.
  • SP drain at 80sp per second including the new SP potion buff would still require you to spam 1 sp pot everytime its off cd, and even worse use a shop SP pot to try to not break Lycan buff. This would cost around 1k~2.8k every 30 seconds. Thats just insane.

My feedback will be:

  • Make SP regeneration tics work while on combat or making actions. Right now if the SP tic should happen when you are on middle of an animation (EVEN JUMPING ANIMATION) it will skip it.

  • Make Lycan movements faster or with a wider AoE


  • Increase Lycan skill factor on each individual skill.

Edit: I will also support this korean comment at the moment

This is still on the Test server so i expect Druid3 on the current state wont hit the real servers, it would just make the Class useless.


They reduced sonic strikes defense reduction debuff

Any video/info about Necromancers? Sorcerer summons are looking good with SPR, but I can’t find anything about necro…

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Pyro is back to meme tier.

Several instant skills do more damage, in a equal or larger area and with lower cooldown time than Fire Pillar and Flame Ground, which are stationary DoTs…

Fireball not only is dead by itself, but also killed its own combo with PP. At the very least it still need more % and the attribute should give 100% chance to burn, so we can combo with Flare consistently.

Won’t even talk about the untouched Enchant Fire…


I dig the new Fireball, but rename it Fire Mine, Fire Trap or Fire/Flame Bomb.

If they’re smart with it Pyro’s value should be in zoning for pvp. I feel like just dropping Fireballs Cool down to 10s would make it perfect. Drop Flares to 25.


Fireball seems kinda odd right now, as it will break before you could use it for combos.

Maybe add an attribute to just plain remove any damage on fireball, so you can:

Fireball > JP > Blood Curse

Fireball > PP

It also being an attribute would allow for turning ON/OFF as needed. IMC has all the tools needed to make balancing fun, yet they are not using them.


Will you even be able to duplicate fireballs with sage now?

From 75% to… 10% it’s not even worth the extra sp usage…
Are they… throwing random numbers? atleast it’s the beggining of the testing so everything will change.

I would agree if they add another 50% to fireball and make it cd 7 secs. maybe firewalls cd drop to 25-30 since it hits 5 times :frowning:

They’d have to start reducing duration if they got the cooldown too low.
Not trying have the whole map layered with Fireballs so no one can move.
If this game ever really gets on its feet for PvP.
Classes such as Pyromancer and Sapper should be good for holding down chokepoints and controlling enemy movement through the fear of damage.

If they can generate that threat I think It’ll do alright.

Linker nerf was big enough for pyro. If fire ball is going to be this way, make it a ranged skill (at least).

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im unsure how to feel about mergen’s spread shot, it hit A LOT but only once up to 5 targets, maybe the bounce attribute could do wonders with it since any arrow that bounce would double the damage. triple arrow is okay i guess, good burst aoe.

btw, fletcher got nerfed this patch, magic arrow is REALLY low 129% *25 at 10. barbed arrow damage went half. oh well i was expecting them to change everything every week but damn from yesterday everything feels so different lol

I agree, just when i see the two fireballs hit the mob and the hp reduction wasnt that notable…makes me think ppl will just walk through it and get you. lol

Even with multi-hit Fireball, more tiles Firewall and more duration Flame Ground, current Pyro failed to be a good zoner. It was only ever relevant because of JP + HK linked to fireballs and then the dumb agny making everything explode.

With what we see now in the test server, there is no reason to believe it is going to be any better. :confused:

IMC needs to decide if they want Pyro to be a DoT or burst class, not this garbo.

But Cata got nerfed all around, so it kind of balance the Lancer buff. The classic catalancer lost on the Cata side, and gained more power on Lancer side.