Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Well then, support class it is.


The KTOS 26/01/2017 Notes are available.
The KTEST 26/01/2017 notes are also available. ( but small)


thx soo much for the work do u have i hope u will not leave us :smiley:

the devaluation - a chance to change the enhance and trans value to 0. rather than “month” …kek

Thanks for translations Gwenyth.

Game optimizations sounds great.

as for the attribute

Overestimate: Duration

  • Increase the overestimate duration by 1 second per attribute lvl (5)

Devaluation: Increase Chance

  • increase the chance for devaluation by 1% per attribute lvl (10)

Blindside: Critical Attack

  • increase critical attack for blind side by 5% per attribute lvl (5)

Blindside: Enhance

  • increase the damage for blind side by 1% per attribute lvl (100)

This one looks tricky tbh:

  1. Changes to Item Drop Methods
  • Item drop rates will gradually increase the more kills the player does to the enemy being killed.
  • However, this drop rate will reset back to its original rates under certain criteria.

Hope we can get more info regarding these …does it apply for all mobs in all maps? etc etc.

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초, not % ? :stuck_out_tongue:

It should be for all mobs, however it’s difficult to discuss since it’s just on the test server which already has modified drop rates to it, hopefully it can be ti tinctured enough to provide decent results for those playing on the official servers and hopefully partially abolish the DPK system.


right …lol got confused with others % .lol

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Traditional Costumes / Hanbok:



No class restriction

Corresponding hats:


Just another shop support. Pretty much not worth it :thinking:

Devaluation looks powerful.

'3. Changes to Item Drop Methods

  • Item drop rates will gradually increase the more kills the player does to the enemy being killed.’


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Im not sure if I understood forgery properly or not but couldn’t it potentially be really strong when for example said appraiser were using the recycling shop accesories like the one with 90spr etc.
These stat bonuses added on top of party members existing accesories seem pretty good imo :thinking:

I hope iToS get’s these, cultural clothing tends to sell quite well outside their home countries.

Gonna get one for my Ninja’s casual town wear.

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I want those costumes too :grinning:

the buffs / debuffs sound good on paper…

i might get this since my SR is probably a dead end on R9 :stuck_out_tongue: unless a pistol wielder comes out

pretty sure these costumes are exclusive to kTOS only. If they make this to iTOS, they will need to add more countries traditional costumes later on.

Why not, some class costume already reflect their country of origin, besides it’ll still be some source of money for IMC.
Player get ‘digital goods’, IMC earns cash, it’s a win-win until the game closes and all the hard worked invested money turns to nothing but memories.

IMC can copy what KOG does in Elsword and have some fashion event for regional servers.
Winners get ingame rewards plus their ideas are turned into costumes ingame.

Inb4 you see this got released here next week or another week. lol
since its like special costume, probably will be appearing in tpshop rather than gacha, and will be limited (for 2 week? probably) and be gone forever
just like how xmas costume were.