Tree of Savior Forum

Archer Hidden Class

So, I just saw this on /r/TreeOfSavior and couldn’t find a topic about this here. What do you guys think?

Skills translation (credit to Okunira):

Appraise: Open a store to appraise items. The higher the skill level, the greater the chance of adding sockets and potential.

Overestimate: Increases the level of your shield and secondary weapons of yourself and party members.

Lv 1, Cooldown: 50 sec Increased strength 1 Duration 40 seconds

Forgery: Appraiser displays imitations of accessories he wears. Except for themselves, party members can use imitated items. If you use the imitation, the effect will be applied onto your accessories.

Lv 1, Cooldown: 5 minutes Imitating duration 60 seconds Buff duration 180 seconds

Devaluation: A chance to change the reinforcement value and the transcendence value of equipment to 0. Physical damage, magic damage, physical defense, and magic defense are reduced when enemy targets are monsters. If used on a boss, reduction is halved.

Lv 1, Cooldown: 20 sec Devaluation chance 50% Apply up to 6 enemies Phys/Mag damage 4% decrease Phys/Mag defense 4% decrease Duration 120 seconds

Blindside: (Missile) Use a magnifying glass to find the enemy's weakness and attack. The attack will be a critical hit. A target within a certain range based on the hit enemy, increases the change of being hit by a critical strike. (The effect of attack is independent of the character's crit chance.)

Lv 1, Cooldown: 40 sec Damage 192 Attribute 0% Minium critical chance increase Duration 12 seconds

Attributes translation (credit to merru):

Overestimate: Duration - Increase the overestimate duration by 1 second per attribute lvl (5)

Devaluation: Increase Chance - increase the chance for devaluation by 1% per attribute lvl (10)

Blindside: Critical Attack - increase critical attack for blind side by 5% per attribute lvl (5)

Blindside: Enhance increase the damage for blind side by 1% per attribute lvl (100)

It is a Rank 5 class.


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Fun discovery.

I guess when they finally introduce the hunting grounds like they’ve mentioned, they’d release this as well. Would be awesome, considering my Archer is dirt poor… :cry:

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I don’t know, I was really hoping that they’d make a DPS class

i was hoping as well, but from the data mined before, what we can get are pied piper and appraiser, both sounds to be support

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What do you expect? Archer is practically only DPS classes. Another hidden DPS class would be tat boring. Also, Archer didn’t have a shop class up to Appraiser, so it was bound to happen, with Cleric, Swordsman and Wizard featuring such classes already.

Bad luck that it hit one of the hidden classes, but he doesn’t look so bad for 1 Rank. It will be a total horror to fight against an Appraiser in PvP, especially those whales will become useless if he devaluates their equip to +0 non-transcended xD


Cloak + Devalue then proceed to 1 shot them. Im hoping it to be a money oriented class not a PVP support class. I always thought it would be like an alchemist of archer. Made an archer sitting at lvl 250 because of that. Super good in PVP nonetheless.

More like deal no damage because they have ausrine, kill yourself because they have r7 or deal 1 damage because they have missile hole.
You guys are thinking devalue is a dispell or some sht, the biggest problem is the defensive buffs not people equips, devalue is not gohei.

Idk, rank 8 was the retirement of archers for anyone that knew better, unless you were an SR rank 8 was just 1 big fk you.

Jump on the Cleric bandwagon, I saved you a seat.


Pretty sure no ones making a claim Devalue was like a dispel or whatever is in your mind. High level of transcendence in armors and + 10% Defense for every rank make it more harder to deal damage against these people. Devalue is very good utility against them. Unless you havent fought yet someone with high level of transcendence in armors/weapons before.

I was hoping for the puppeteer :sob:

hunting ground first, …around 2-3 month after then this class

  • hunting ground part A
  • hunting ground part B
    after a while then the class

so what? Devalue lasts 2 mins while Ausrine only lasts like 30 seconds?
If you’re lucky the whole group gets devalued in one go(up to 6 targets).
Even if they are invincible, if you devalue their equip to the ground so they can’t deal more than one damage on you, what can they do during the invulnerability time? Nothing! Meanwhile, you just have to wait until Ausrine is up [make a campfire and laugh at them unless they have a Miko; I hope that devalue is a Rank 2 or 3 debuff so it can’t be healed by Miko] and then murder them because their def is shyt and their atk is shyt too.

Really, who needs Ausrine if Devaluation can nerf enemies to the ground while Overestimate can boost you even higher? …

What Lvl of a debuff Devalue will have? This is the question. If it will be 1 or 2 lvl then it will be defeated by counterdebuff buff of Clerics in the PvP.

You guys don’t get it, if it’s a rank1 or 2 debuff it will be useless

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