Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Notice, the new 463 orange-grade items (true endgame items) were added with the last kTOS patch. As I mentioned in the item translation Pastebin, there was a high chance that the recipes would change (and they wouldn’t be copies of the purple 401 purple-grades). They did change. They require two of the Uranium ores, 15 of a new purple ore that looks like Ferinium (it’s not), and a large number of resources from two types of R8-grade enemies. Each orange grade item has it’s own required monster resources, and they aren’t all the same across every item.

This is my personal speculation, but it seems you use five-of-a-kind purple 401 recipes and two of the new Ferinium-look-a-like ores to create Paper Cubes, which may have the orange recipe within it. Kind of like crafting a Gacha Cube maybe?


Although, red flag of danger to me.
It means that nexon is whispering to the goddesses.


Well, like any other fantasy game if we’re fighting dark propertied demons, it will be a matter of time till we’ll be fighting against holy angels/gods.

[quote=“Fuwaro, post:29, topic:324394”]
Re:birth System? it’ll be out after Rank10 and an update:

Tree of Savior Season 5
Angelic Fall -The Celestial Betreyal-

Cos’ we all know demn Gods/Goddesses(Nexon) and Angels(IMC) are the real evil here.

I mean currently holy element is most potent and yet dark is aquirable ingame we’re bound to fight those holy piece of ■■■■ sooner or later.[/quote]

angel(?)/holy type monsters really are coming in a literal non figurative gaming sense(resets sold separately).@_@

Aion online hahahaahaa

May I see a screenshot of tradable ET gear please?

new Ferinium-look-a-like ores


Thanks! Is that 15m for Sissel Bracelet accurate? Or what is the normal price for it on kToS?

Yes. that’s normal price for Sissel bracelet. Futureproofed item.

Were the prices always that high? That seems a lot higher then Klaipedia. Or was there a inflation with R8.

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Good to know, thank you! Can you answer me another question, does Werewolf Card work as intended? (Level 10 Card gives 10% chance that your attacks are “attacks from behind”?)

Also, what is the normal price for a Toy Hammer now with R8?

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ET supposed to be unique right?
did they change their mind on not allowing unique to be traded?
weird IMC >.>

inb4 those are just bug and was not intended to be able to trade

I get the feeling it’s intended. It’s standard procedure when you raise level caps to make the lower level tier of gear more accessible, at least for loot that takes heavy grinding.

Lolopanther is garbage compared to the stuff they released now, why keep it hard to get?

I mean unique in general …wasn’t it supposed to be not tradable?

Unless they have a system where the older unique is tradable, while new one is not …and the new one will be tradable when theres a newer out released …or something

Seeing trading card is tradable now …I wish they improve the card game from just a stupid lame game to a better one (like ff triple triad) to play during boredom time


There was an old thread talking about the goddess are lying and so on (just some theory stuff), it would be fun if we can end up choosing side, to fight alone the devil or the goddess :grin:

So far the history is about reviving GOD, thats it. Demons want it, Goddess’s dont.

Dude this is not an end game already. It’s so weird that they made them untradeable. But fck those lolo equips btw, new equips was better and not that hard to get.

Someone test new necklace - agni necklace

it work with incinerate
no neck 44xx
with neck 44xxx
wtf… that x10 damage… if it is not a bug then…

Miko pre quest sure is hard took them a night to pass step 2.


read what I said after that >.>

so let me get this straight
i do over 140 runs of 240 dungeon for full virtov
then IMC makes virtov tradable in team storage in kTOS - FINE
now they just lift all restrictions on everything? whats the fking point then of the game having these restrictions for a fking year?

now instead of wasting my time running 240 dg i could of done what everyone else did and ran 200 or 130/145 dungeon for silver

appreciate it imc, all that hard work just to be told a year later OOPS sorry your items can be traded now