Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Companion now can equip item

Most TP item are now tradable

Most untrade item are now tradable
Didel grandcross, otrava shield, didel shield, most saalus item.
ET item too

New item 315 drop from indun 290

No class requirement


Is there any detail regarding that GVG event? What is it about?
Does it have something to do with this thread ?

Just normal GVG with a special prize.

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Oh, thank you for the headsup!
But dang, I honestly prefer to get those 5k talts over 10k TP for personal reasons lol

I checked out the GvG event, but could someone explain this event that starts today in KTOS too?

Also, is someone able to re-link the KTOS event that had gem boxes with abrasives in them etc? I saw it at some point but didn’t bookmark it. Few golden chests etc in the event graphic if I recall.


Agni Necklace(?) google translate says something about fire magic attribute… is this some sort of love to pyromancers or general fire damage like arde?


It is PCbang event (PCbang = pc cafe/internet cafe etc w/e you call).

Yes it is when using fire magic add some portion of damage.


Thats cool, thanks o/

Nice new patch :slight_smile:

The 29/09/2016 Patch Notes are Available.

Hey guys, I’ve put all the images together for the new Goddess Blessing Cube Rewards that were discussed in today’s patch notes.

  • You can view the list of obtainable items [Here]
    (it’s a long scrolling image, so i couldn’t post it directly)

I also quickly did take a look at the new companion commands, since i dislike them a lot. I decided to buy one and see how it works, and gave my velheider a bow for a weapon.


So my pet can use catacomb club with this feature? @_@


As long as it meets the level requirement. :slight_smile:

I’m posting the information to the Silute community. They are very encouraging updates :smiley:

Nice work, @Gwenyth


Item drops will now produce a glowing effect based upon the grade & type of item that drops.

How is it look? Is it the same with addon item drop?

TP Costumes, Monster Cards, Gems, Equipped Items, Recipes can now be traded.

Include monster gem.

The way that experience is aquired will change.
- When using Experience Tomes, Tokens & items
that can improve item acquisition etc. , the value gained will now be
based upon the final total value, regardless of the map location.
- In most cases, this means that you will acquire even more experience than before.

This is pretty good.

The Fedimian item merchant now also sells blessed stones for item transcendance.

Nice money sink here… it is a recipe…

new hair accessory

- Dark property resistance has been added to holy property monsters

so holy property monster had been added to the game as well?

6. Fixed issue where the Manahas Set was instead giving resistance effects of Earth property, instead of Ice.

So they really copypaste(literally) Cafrisun after all.

6. The Fedimian item merchant now also sells blessed stones for item transcendance.



Has anyone found out how much silver they cost yet–the blessed stones? verified as recipe, not the stones themselves. You still get to farm Saal.

Time to bot 130 or RMT guys


Just get a Scout3 like everyone else.

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