Tree of Savior Forum

So IMC made earth tower 5f only drop 1 fragment and prevent alt to go ET

have u read new change?

hurm i actually find IMC kind good these few days since the ban many bots.

but come again news that dissapoint me,

now they make alt char can go ET, if u have already enter ET and your alt cant enter anymore. and they even make earth fragment only drop 1. hmm well play IMC.

IMC think ET is a child play lol…to get lolo set without breaking a sweat

with new rank8 and op’ness, floors will become easier/faster?

Only reason i can see the change.

Ive never done ET, but i heard if you do the dungeon and switch chars you can pick up the rewards with your alt.

This is what they said
"- After clearing Earth Tower, logging in with a different character will no longer allow you to receive Earth Tower rewards on that character."

Does this mean you cant run it on another character or that you cant switch chars to pick up the rewards? If its that you cant pick up the reward with your alt anymore then i dont see the problem…

It’s just your problem tho

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ET gear did become tradeable though…

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The “problem” that OP is trying to cry about is also solved in the same wall of text provided by IMC. There’s no need to switch to an alt to pick up your mats, give the crafted Lolopanther straight to him/her instead.

As for the decreased amount of “materials” dropped, no comment. :slight_smile:

ah typo…i mean alt char cant go to ET

why you say its my problem tho?..its everyone problem lol

why create an alt char if cant go to ET when main char done it already?

and they make lvl1 earth fragment only got 1 per floor…do you know how much earth fragment need to complete 1 eq?

40 earth fragment for 1 eq…and 140 earth fragment for weapon…if u go with only 1 char u need at leas 40 run just to finish 1 eq?..because if u want to get essence for eq u need to stop either at 5f / 10f / 15f…if u stop at 5f then u only get 1 lvl 1 earth fragment…

u need at least 20 days for 1 eq?..its not about easier or not but to farm 20 days just for one eq…hurm

its not faster dude…good luck getting 1 eq for farming each day for 20days

please learn how to read. you can transfer lolopanther items in team storage AND trade them in market after the patch goes online.

also I believe this only affects the very minority of teams doing ET. not everyone in your team has the money to reroll every cube for more essence. even if you have the money to reroll the cubes you still have to wait for your teammates to finish farming before proceeding to next.

its not about the trade dude…i know can trade and transfer those lolo…but nerf earth fragment from 5 to 1 make it hard…u can reroll cube but u cant reroll earth fragment…

then u happy farming 20 days just for 1 eq? or spend 30m to buy eq? not much in team will have money but if u do dungeon and sell some rc and mats u can easily get silver for reroll…its normal for high lvl player get 200-300k each day from dg or mission…

so i create different char to high lvl…waste so much time but i can only use it to normal dg or hunting wb only after 1 char doing ET…what a waste…

I’m perfectly fine with 20-30days per eq. Some equipments in game are just meant to take time to get.

Why not do it this way. If you have 2 characters who can go ET, in 20 days you can get 2 pieces of lolopanther, just get different pieces for each so you can ‘share’.

Honestly don’t care either way, take your opinion out of the equation for a moment, how many players % wise have actually even participated in/cleared the 1st 5 floors. I would wager its under 5% of whatever population we have left.
ET is just an aoe frenzy that only accepts a small handful of “meta” builds unless you have a group of friends to static with that don’t mind carrying you. I am not saying that some of the lolopanther gear isn’t appealing its just that 9/10 players don’t own a single piece or even care to b/c the entire dungeon is so poorly thought out and constructed.

better off spending money on attributes… the only good lolopanther gear is cloth glove anyways. rest are not really needed.

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also the cloth boots if you wanna go all-out DPS with a wiz or cleric class. every Magic Attack counts. lol