is it possible to trade with a other person to use the TP points? can anyone make a tutorial for me please?
Wasn’t a visual bug, I thought it was so at first but I couldn’t buy stuff even after overnight. As seen from the thread and some of my friends, this problem isn’t isolated.
It happened with me. Created another character and everything is fine.
Can any1 help with this quest please? Its in lv. 110 Manahas Orsha side, girl just gave the scroll to me and i just dont get what i need to do with it >.>
I think you need to use that scroll on a level 1-10 character.
oh, thanks alot <3 <3
Yeah that’s what I did to fix it. It happened again though, I really wonder what’s the trigger…
U should stop teasing me. >~< Im almost tempted to make a QS first, instead of my main Rogue during the next i_BT.
;-; I’m using it only at C1 instead of Archer C2 or Ranger C1 tho. The game is too laggy today ;-;

Quest Map: lv110 at Orsha. (Helping Novice Revelator)
클라페다나 오르샤 인근 필드의 초보 계시자에게 케도라 상단의 스크롤 사용
케드라 상단은 초보 계시자들에게 도움을주고 있다고 합니다. 오르샤나 클라페다 근처의 1레벨에서 10레벨 사이의 초보 계시자들에게 케도라 상단의 스크롤을 사용해 추세요. 단, 이미 헤택을 받은 계시자에겐 사용할 수 없습니다.
I am stuck at this quest. I don’t know what does it want?
OBT Notice 2015 - 12 -28
A maintenance has been scheduled during the following hours:
- 11 AM - 2PM ( GMT +9)
The official announcement can be found here.
That was like a few posts above yours, lol.
can you guys helping me with login in during this manitence time?
There was a past bin that explain how to do it but the link is broken.
The maintenance is due to end in around 30 minutes, please be patient
Does anyone has a video where I can watch the shinobi and dragon skills? I couldn’t find it on youtube.
U can see the Dragoon skills in action HERE, along with Shinobi skills descriptions. Sadly, I have no references to recorded Shinobi skills, other than THIS and THIS one too, but thats all I got.
Thank you Gunnr! I appreciate it.
OBT Patch 2015 - 12 -28
The introduction to todays patch goes over a recent bug with monsters spawning on a particular map and people interacting with them for some fun silver rewards and whatnot, If you’re hip and with it i’m sure you know what i’m talking about. Those people abusing said bug have been punished and have had silver confiscated & account restrictions applied to the account for 60 days.
- The scenario where Sapper’s Stockade was not hitting 3 times has been fixed.
- Attribute - Shootdown : Crash Monsters will now take additional damage from cannon skills whilst the they are on the ground.
- Swift Step now applies effects to party members aswell. Evasion increase has also been added to the skill.
- Shield Lob + Throwing Spear - The Decreased resistances have been taken away from these skills. (uncertain - otherwise, mobs blocking the skill has been disabled)
- Missile attacks on the enemy reduces physical defense by up to 50% ( 1 stack/ hit = 10%)
- When Bokors change areas, the problem where the zombies remained on the previous map has been fixed.
- North Roxona - Players can no longer obtain any more items or silver from monsters on the map.
- North Roxona - The “concentrated” spawn rate has been corrected in this map.
- If you are killed in a duel, the revive display button has been corrected.
- The problem when dueling an enemy with full hp meant that they could not be damaged by heal has been fixed.
- Spawn Rate Increased on the maps: Uskis arable Land,Dina Bee Farm, Vilna Forest
- Change the team name & Lodge UI themes have been merged together into a new UI.
- Fixed problem where some letters were being cut off the world map
- The registration time on marketplace items is now visible
- Crafters notes has been altered to show the text ‘[Memo]’ in the tool tips of items.
- The UI of the TP section on the inventory has changed again, separating the regenerating TP, A regeneration timer for your TP is represented next to your current TP in brackets with the format; (hours : minutes : seconds)
- TP Warp scroll related purchases have had improvement (?)
- When the party is recieving a reward with the pop-up UI, the problem where selecting an item reward was not possible have been fixed.
- The bonus experience obtained in party not being applied has been fixed.
- Party members can now properly share experience, regardless of the level of the other party members.
- Collections now weigh 0. ( From 1)
- A duplicate material requirement appearing in the Copen Sword Recipe has been fixed.
- Krausas mace not applying the bonus damage to Effigy on the 2nd attack has been fixed.
- Items crafted can no longer contain the character “+” in the Item name or Memo.
- Level 2 Gems being lost when extracting gems have been fixed.
- Simultaneous attribute learning has been lowered back to 1 in regards to the non PC-bang players can learn 2 attributes simultaneously, attempts to bypass will result in the psycho-hassle skill appearing for the player again, please note this is temporary. [Previous post in regards to Attributes]
- Server stabilization work has also been in progress
Treasure boxes added to the following locations:
- Gateway of the great king
- Greene Manor
- Shaton Farm
- Shaton Resovoir
- Lemprosa Pond
- Ashaq Underground Dungeon 1F
- Nebellet Mines 1F, 2F
- Pelke Shrine Ruins
- Letas Stream
- Absenta Reservoir
- Carlyel’s Mausoleum
(Added) Sicarius region is now accessible via 3 oclock direction from Seiru Rainforest. ** Doddler’s post*
Yay! And… I want swift step now ;-;