Tree of Savior Forum

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cementing archer3 as the best early choice >.<

Wow, they are really pushing archer to be a power house…Wonder if the 25% crit chance of swift step will be shared as well. If it is, man…

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woo archers

if the 25% crit rate is also given from swiftstep, it would make them crit buff bots lol
like krivis with zalciai

also, apparently each hit with missile attacks will reduce the monsters def by 10%(stacking up to 50%) to help with the missile damage penalty, not 100% sure, i just heard from a kr buddy

Oh nice they increased mobs spawn rate at some lv160+ areas:
Dina Bee Farm
Vilna Forest
Uskis Arable Land


Where in the patch notes does it say this? Can’t seem to find

The 4th line:
- 다이나 양봉지, 빌나 숲, 우키스 경작지 몬스터 출현빈도가 증가하였습니다.

All the information should be translated now. :anguished:

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I’m so sold. I was torn apart between making my alt a QS -> Sapper or a Cryokino -> Necro but it seems I am now more convinced of committing the troll life of a Sapper XD

As someone who took the swordsman path as a main, that place is the most horrifying among them all because I can’t even fight back .__.

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Power leveling, anyone?

Anyone know where can I find patch note about Archer buff? :sweat:

ps. oh…I found it, never mind then :smiley:

Someone should test that out >.>


Anyone know how to get the item reward from character creation event last Dec 15-16?

Thanks in advance :smile:

@Gwenyth, err I think you dropped something at the end here.

Enemy Missile attacks physical attacks have been reduced by

Whoa this sounds like a great buff to archers too. :yum:

Missile attacks on the enemy reduces physical defense by up to 50% ( 1 stack/ hit = 10%)

The experience share change does indeed work; was level 80 partied with a 139 killing level 150 mobs with no apparent penalty.

The exp was meh; bar filled up only about 27% faster than the 139’s did (14% in half an hour versus 11% in the same time)

So, experience share across levels but no power leveling possible?

Best outcome possible, hell yeah.

Well, good thing all my builds had Swift Step on it lol But Im really curious with this part:

This has some great potential, esp if tis stackable with Bodkin Point (Fletcher). Oh the possibilities! :heart:

What I want to know is if I bring my level 1 to leach off my level 200 if it will work or not.

For me this means I can leach a arena char up with my templar. I also see alot of people leach themselfs a pardoner/alchemist etc. Even having a cleric sitting around to heal can be useful for multiboxing.

Which map is this in? I’ve killed mobs in 3 different 3-star maps now and they’re all giving me 3-4 digit numbers.

Also I think they just patched exp again?

Hello. Tree of sage empty.

12/28 (wol) will guide you through the patch, check the contents of an emergency.

  • When a character dies, it has been modified so that you can acquire experience.
  • If you exceed your party hunt during monsters and characters level 10 level experience penalty is given.
  • The difference in the monster level and character level greater experience penalty is increased The.

We apologize for any inconvenience to the sudden inspection.

Thank you.

Waiting for proper translation

It’s nice that they added evasion to Swift Step and I have no major qualms about it becoming a party buff, however it’s unfortunate to see how much they reduced the duration of the skill. (Also, if they keep making such major changes to Archer skills I’m going to want to re-skill…)

What do you all think, does this prospect of the new Swift Step encourage you to group with Archers more? :no_mouth: