Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

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imc could stop those rumors in their tracks if they just released a statement on whether they would continue to develop iToS even if it failed in korea.

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Itā€™s not my job or any other customerā€™s job to help anyone.Iā€™m not a charity and neither are other customers. If the game dies because IMC had ā€œinternal affair issuesā€ thatā€™s delaying their update, thatā€™s not my fault. And, thanks to hearing about things and not investing into the game from that, itā€™s not my problem either.

Though really, the more I read about the game, the more that hearing that tiā€™s doing badly in Korea is just reaffirming my suspicions. The game really has several issues that just reak of poor decision making. That Plague Doctors have not been nerfed to the ground yet when itā€™s so blatant that it should have warranted an immediate nerf has a ton of unfortunate implications on future prospects of how the game will be developed, but thatā€™s just the most obvious example.

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EHEM! can we please keep heating debates to a minimumā€¦

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Considering kToS still has a healthy population is a good thing. Keep in mind they are 1 region only so its limited to their country alone, while iToS is housing most of the world so i am sure weā€™ll have more than enough players to sustain the servers.

The next thing i want to bring forward is the fact that ToS is on steam, to get games up there you need to sign a contract and be sure that there are game far less popular than ToS which are still very much alive today.

I am sure IMC will support the game for years to come, as it is their livelihood and theyā€™ve spend years and years developing the game for this sole reason.

What we need to do as a playerbase is support them, whether it be buy an item every now and again from the cash shop just to show your support~ would be nice.

Keep in mind that keeping a game up is expensive but games like RO are still alive today in Korea, Japan and Internationally for over 10 years. Whats stopping iToS from doing the same? :slight_smile:

Stay positive guys! :smiley:


if you ask for a source and they continually refuse to provide it. then they are just haters man. no sense arguing with them, they post based on emotion, not on actual facts. you probably will be arguing forever.

theres alot of shittier games out there that been around for ages. TOS is going to be fine


like RO2SEA, RO2KR were dead but RO2NA is still alive until today :smiley:

never assume failure at one region will be replicated at another :smiley:

still alive doesnā€™t mean it is not a failure, if you look around the internet and find like 1/5 of all the comment saying good things about a certain game then that game is probably horrible and the only reason they are still alive is because people who spent money on it donā€™t want their investment to be a waste.

i think this is the reason why RO2 is still alive in NA. not 100% sure though.

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Though the moste popular MMO in Korea is Lineage 1.

Do you play Lineage 1?

If itā€™s unpopular in Korea it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s bad nor it means it wonā€™t improve.

Right now this game looks nice for me, and I understand itā€™s just early stage, so there might be lots of fails and only a bit of content. Yet I hope the game will grow and eventually becomes a great game.

Guys, can you help me recover this thread from the kTOS forums?

The link is:

But it is broken right now.


UNLESS SOON one day iToS is making the game P2W, otherwise i personally donā€™t think it will die so fast :smiley:

was talking about RO2.

at first i believed ToS would never go P2Wā€¦

now iā€™m not so sure :confused:

founders pack is too OP (and i already bought it G_G)
tokens buff are quite strong, specially doing twice more dungeon runs
tokens can be sold for 1~1,5M (korean prices)
hat stats scrolls can be rerolled unlimited times as long as you buy more scrolls

those are all minor signs that ToS is slowly going p2wā€¦ but who knows, it might stop there, or even change some things ;d

i donā€™t think that is P2W. those are rather just VIP package. you got nothing to win.

put it this way: one guy who bought best package ($49) but can only play 3-4 hours a day. the other one only bought normal access package ($9) but able to play for 10 hours a day. how do you judge this pay to win?

here it is:

and why do people always ignore the word ā€œminorā€? am i miss-translating it or something?

i tried to point out something too. token is a way for them to attract players to buy from commercial item, otherwise the company canā€™t make money :smiley: no worry, it is still safe being turned into P2W, my friend. eventually, 95% players will equipped with token (regardless using real money to buy or using silvers to buy).

Pretty please.

Umā€¦ I wouldnā€™t necessarily be so sure: