Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

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why do people keep calling the korean server dead? theres tons of people whenever I go on it o-o


Well, for those who havenā€™t spent any money on the game yet, getting info on how itā€™s doing in Korea helps a lot for deciding whether or not to buy in to the game due to the long term prospects.

People are spoiled and expect WoW-level end-game content from a newly made game.


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can some 1 tell me about earth tower , like what drops we get there and where is on the world map .

Are there any examples of eastern developed mmos that died in the east but continued being developed for in the west? I literally canā€™t think of any, and it gives me some anxiety for iToSā€™ s futureā€¦

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Guild Wars 2

The only Rpg with better GvG than RO

Do you really want to use that absolute crap of a game as an example?

You may be right, but it just makes me embarrassed for western players that such an abomination is even supported hereā€¦

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Gw2 was a good example :yum:

Right, but if you were asked to bet money on whether an asian game dev would stop western development if it failed ā€˜at homeā€™ would you actually say you would bet on the dev continuing?

Ah yesā€¦ ArenaNetā€¦ the Asian developers located in Bellevue, Washington, USA how could I forget???


ToS could have some similar feature from GW2: Best guilds from each server fight each other to conquer a Castle for herself and for her serverā€™s pride and glory.

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Some people want other content and some want this kind of content. If you canā€™t respect other opinion you can just leave this forum :slight_smile:

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If the developers donā€™t read my opinion iā€™ll not care, if they read and just say ā€œwe wonā€™t do thisā€, its ok too. But you arenā€™t a developer or an IMC Staff member. They decide what they want in their game and what is hard or not to implement.
Like you said, they want to make a type of game, so they know if my idea is good or just an abomination, not you.

You can argue about someoneā€™s idea, but donā€™t try be a developer who knows what IMC want for her game.


Noooooo, I think several people who hear the Korean version is doing badly will withhold their money regardless of whether or not a game can keep on living if the home version dies. Itā€™s not always about whether or not a game will keep on living anyways so much as whether or not a game will be good or the LIKELIHOOD of it, and the Korean version doing poorly would mean much less likelihood of good updates for it in the future. Which is also why your example of Ragnarok Online 2 is terrible because Iā€™m not going to spend my money on a terrible game and Iā€™m sure many others arenā€™t either.