Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

This link you posted might be directed to the old CBT official website, which was obsolete and no longer existed, so I guess you could not find this thread anymore.

i think tokens shouldn’t be tradeable

and then just put an NPC that sells token for 1~1,5M (aproximatelly the price it was on kTOS)

no whales getting ridiculously rich, and F2P players can have token benefits

“oh but they won’t get as much money as they could”
they can have more than enough with skins and cosmetics in general… and i believe this shouldn’t even be used as an argument .-.

plus, it’d be a proof that they’re against any P2W models, as they claim to be


Oh, that’s a bummer, man.
Thanks anyways for the reply!

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Yeah, but not a win for IMC since whales won’t buy tokens anymore.

Right now wales just buy tokens for f2p players. If token was rebalanced so trade is free for all and no stats, then making it unsellable can be a good idea. But I doubt they will get as much money with just skins and cosmetics.

And actually selling token is not pay2win, since market regulates prices by itself. So players pay for it as much money as they can spend on it. Though for new players it would be hard to compete with prices. There should be price cap for any items you sell based on character level, like multiplier for a standard price cap for level 1. So max token price at level 1 would be 100k, while at level 280 it would be 3m for example. Something like that will help avoiding overupgraded low level characters who skyrocket throw all the locations up to lvl 280. Exp books and token 30% benefit should be enough.

That just means nobody buys tokens until lvl 280. Or people will just hold onto any tokens they buy until lvl 280.

What percentage of the total iToS playerbase do you think will reach that max level?

Actually for player who cares about being competitive 1.5m per months is not a lot at all.

And for casual players token is not very important. So I think that removing trading restriction won’t hurt IMC at all, just grants people some freedome.

But I don’t see anything bad in trading tokens.

i’m starting to think that people on the internet don’t know how to read :confused:

or that my english is really, really bad

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I just want premium gestures to be purchasable instead of being a token benefit…but you cant wish for everything ye :c

i like how people just ignore 80% of the text, see the word “P2W” and start screaming “THIS GAMU IS NOT P2W”

i’m really starting to think that the word “minor” means something else in english :confused:


and yeah, they can change the price however they want, and fix it (or not) in the price they feel like it should be

it’s not even hard to do some floating prices based on the number of sales

so why don’t they just sell exp cards and stuff? they’ll make more money
giving away part of your income is part of not letting it go p2w

quote myself


league of legends, path of exile… there should be more games that make more money than you could imagine

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Actually league sells exp boosters. So yeah, if stats would be removed from tokens it’d only become better.

Exp boost and 2x attribute is good enough, add here market benefits and it’s just great. Though price might need some adjustments but we don’t know iToS price for Token yet.

if you really think the money they make from exp boosters is they major income, i don’t know what to say to you

and i won’t even enter the discussion that exp on both games is a completely different mechanic

if you just want to criticize with some useless argument, then it’s okay, good job

i don’t want debate what is right and wrong. i just don’t think any commercial content right now at iToS is going at P2W path.

I don’t think so, I just saying that EXP boosters are not considered pay2win since they give only temporal advantage.

I’m not criticizing, I’ve just expressed my opinion on EXP boosters and other speed growth improvements.

i’ll quote myself again

and after that, i’ll ask you:
so if Riot start selling exp boosters for in-match use, you’d be okay with it?

and to be crystal clear, i’m talking about leveling your champion faster, not you account.

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quote myself, once more

and also about that:

i’m really worried with internet people and reading :confused:


If you agree that mechanic is completely different then why compare?

In MOBAS level is a resource. In MMOs lvl is just a progress measure tool. When you reach max level you are not different from the person who reached it earlier.

Boosting EXP for paying users is a way to BALANCE the game so those who can’t spend 10 hours a day playing are able to compete with those who can.