Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

The patch note is out!

Buff for Pyromancer, Thaumaturge, Featherfoot, Falconer, Monk.


  • Blistering Thrash : There’s 30% chance to inflict Blind debuff to target

Are you serious IMC!? What about the crappy damage? I don’t need Blind debuff or whatever just increase the damn damage!!! :tired_face:

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i wonder how battle league will be now that you can’t spam resurrection anymore

The new battle league stuff is great, PD nerfed, Cryo can’t use freeze attribute and ice wall damage nerfed, ressurection can only be used once, this is what I’ve been waiting for.

Now nerf stoneskin in PvP and make psychokino cc halved, or make it resistable by bloodletting and we’d have much much more balanced pvp.

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seems like imc wants falconners to lean more towards pvp.

So, the latest KR patch changed something rather noteable, as you can see on this page

Mage_Daoshi was changed to Cleric_Daoshi.

We’ve known about Taoist (Daoshi is the korean term) for a while now in the files, listed as a class for Mage, so moving it to cleric all of a sudden seems…interesting. What are they preparing for? :open_mouth:

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Makes more sense to me, because Taoist is a kind of Priest.

Do you happen to have an image of a taoist class? If one exists, i just have no idea to be honest. ( time to prepare a load of alt clerics ?) Although i’m sure archers will be very pleased if clerics happen to get another class before them.

edit: p.s Also, most of 21/04/2016
edit 2: i have no idea what day it is apparently

/goodnight thread!


In game class costume

Fortune Teller
슈페리어 로얄 가드 (royal guard?)


Seriously? How could you ever possibly kill anyone with that terrible damage? Could you please explain to me, IMC? Whilst you are trying hard to aim target with that tiny circle, you got instantly one-shot by Musketeers and Cannoneers or whatever other classes. How do I “lean more towards” PvP? I feel like I am desolate from both PvP and PvE.

it looks like the costumes were just pasted


This has been in the files since tosbase went up pretty much, as a class for Mage rather than now-Cleric.

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Hi can anyone translate this. It just keep ticket and then get it free or need ticket exchange to get it ?

I am guessing that Blistering Thrash is new skill for falconer c2? or was it sonic strike as it said in tosbase

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Ahh Thanks! was confused for moment

You can get 2 T-tickets when you have logged in for 1 minute, 4 for 30 minutes, 10 for 1 hour – that is, 16 T-tickets at most you can get per day (336 tickets in total if participate in for all 21 days). You can exchange a variety of items with these tickets, and the amount of ticket each kind of item requires is labled beside the image on that event website. Some rare items such as Skill Reset Potion and Silver Anvil have exchange count limitations.

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Pyro buffs

Nice one on Hells breath!

Not sure that Flare is now anywhere more worth getting than before though.

I wanted to see Fire Wall get much higher numbers though (I mean why would it not get as long as Ice Wall, with 1+level amount of tiles?)

Oh nice changes.

The Taoist Priest one is interesting… I was already convinced it will be good as a wizard.
Some little things like this that I don’t want to mention because they are just weak assumptions tells me they are maybe started to slowly prepare for rank8 btw…but I rly hope so anyway…XD

I have a pyro c3 sorc c2/c1 on both itos and Ktos.

Oh happy days. Still not touching flare but He’ll breath just got so nasty.
It works like psychic pressure where the skill damage is doubled so this ends up as a lot more base damage. +50% aaaaarrggfh.
World boss slayeeeeerrrrrr.