Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Pyro buffs

Nice one on Hells breath!

Not sure that Flare is now anywhere more worth getting than before though.

I wanted to see Fire Wall get much higher numbers though (I mean why would it not get as long as Ice Wall, with 1+level amount of tiles?)

Oh nice changes.

The Taoist Priest one is interestingā€¦ I was already convinced it will be good as a wizard.
Some little things like this that I donā€™t want to mention because they are just weak assumptions tells me they are maybe started to slowly prepare for rank8 btwā€¦but I rly hope so anywayā€¦XD

I have a pyro c3 sorc c2/c1 on both itos and Ktos.

Oh happy days. Still not touching flare but Heā€™ll breath just got so nasty.
It works like psychic pressure where the skill damage is doubled so this ends up as a lot more base damage. +50% aaaaarrggfh.
World boss slayeeeeerrrrrr.

All my characters got buffed o_0. Hope we will see those changes in iToS soon.

Thaum3feather got buffed even twice. So nice.

Hasnā€™t IMC said they are fine with having 2 different versions of the game? Why would we have any reason to believe weā€™ll see any of these buffs in itos? Doesnā€™t seem like ktos is going to see the nerfs we got either.

Maybe because those buffs are totally reasonable?

I donā€™t think we will have Barbarian buffs (we have lots of barbarians already), but Pyro, Feather, Falconer and Monk definitely needed buffs. Iā€™m glad about Thaum buff as well, but donā€™t feel like it was necessary.

i thought they were going to make the two the sameā€¦

If they will rly do that I hope they can manage itā€¦because I donā€™t think that is necessarily a good idea.

They said clearly that 2 versions would be different.

Feel like Iā€™m seeing Monk buffed every few patch notesā€¦
Come here to iToSā€¦ come comeā€¦

While the clerics here are looking forward to shepherdā€¦ I wanna see Zealotā€¦

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For those who are still wondering how strong is hybrid Paladin or pure INT. Hereā€™s a clip.


zaiba deals dmg not paladin


If you wanna show off Int pally, use barrier + damage attribute in a crowd of melee monsters.

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IMO you have to look at it as a whole. If Paladin and Zaibas complements each otherā€¦then it is a way to make a good INT Paladinā€¦and Conviction for example should help Zaibas.

Does someone know what are the koreanā€™s opinions about the game ? I searched for reviews but couldnā€™t find one.
Iā€™m also wondering if the english version will go the same way as the korean one.

Would someone be so kind as to clarify the C3 Thaum update?

Swell Brain
- Scaling magic attack is added. (Base Value = 12.5, Value per level = 2.5)

Is this an attribute? I meanā€¦ it almost sounds like it would have to be. Because:

  • 12.5 + Swell Brain Lv(2.5) = a whopping 22.5 MATK at LV5 Swell Brainā€¦ so that canā€™t be it. Why bother buffing a skill I mean if itā€™s that minimal.

  • 12.5 + Character Lv(2.5) = at Character Lv200 that would be 12.5+ 500 = 512.5 MATKā€¦ so that canā€™t be it either, way too high and going forward it would only get bigger.

If it were an attribute, though, with following the Lv50 attribute max we see in Swell Left and Swell Right, that would mean 12.5 +122.5 = 135ā€¦ which I guess isnā€™t too bad in addition to the INT already.

If anyone has any information it will help, thanks! (C3 Thaum here lol)

Meanwhileā€¦ Murmillo not found 404. :sob:

Itā€™s not an attribute.
Itā€™s part of the skill mechanic. ( like how it currently gives more INT per level in Swell Brain Skill)

value = 12.5 + ([Skill Level] - 1) Ɨ 2.5

Well, that sucks XD Got hopeful when I read there was a buff to itā€¦ and here itā€™s a whopping 22.5 MATK? XD

As if that is supposed to make it more alluring lol The soonest you can get C3 Thaum is R6, making 20ish MATK negligible lol =(

Thank you for the info!

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