Tree of Savior Forum

Taoist Priest - Wizard or Cleric?

Why do websites keep putting this class on the wizard tree? Isn’t he a priest?

Does anyone know if those sites have anything to base on, or if it was pure speculation?

The future is uncertain and always in change…

I readsome things about name changing and placement some time ago but would need to use Search and am too lazy…

maybe you can find something good luck on your search…

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Found it, thanks!


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is it just me or does the costume look like an upgrade from cleric? please IMC not cleric c3 that is insane to level XD

Nah, I don’t think so.

Necroing this thread: In the new announcement of the rank 8 wizard classes, in the alchemist circle 3 section, where he shows that brinquetting will change item appearence, you can clearly see Taoist Priest class outfit there. Maybe it will be a hidden from wizard after all ?

PS: That’s just theory, because the GM/tester could have skills/outfits from all classes, but i found it funny being in the wizard section test, side by side with other wizard outfits from rank 7/8

taoist is a cleric class, he is just a gm so it explains why he would have all those costumes