Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

The wiki says that Shepardā€™s main stat is SPR. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s accurate/where that info comes from though? And thanks a ton for this, I didnā€™t know about most of these upcomming classes! :smiley:

nobody knows when theyre coming though, its never been announced, we just know they are gonna come some time in the future

ā€œFormula: 150% + INT + Level + (Unknown Mace Bonus) + 70ā€

Is this per hit or is this divided between the three hits?

Also, the whole mace bonus thing isnā€™t a thing anymore. the ground buff mechanic has been removed

Formula is now just 150% magic attack +70, visually split into three hits, but actually calculated as one.

I imagine the sheperd as a dog userā€¦ hehehe

This just in:

So, seems Daoshi/Taoist is now cleric based :slight_smile:

I got the cleric circle 3 , and I am in doubt about leveling guardian saint is bad?

just got sadhu 1ā€¦andā€¦
its really hard to use oob :frowning:
the gap between move speed and slow animation attack speed are making the whole attack astray, especially when attacking moving targetā€¦well, thats why the difficulty level of sadhu is difficult :frowning:

cant wait to have possession :tired_face:


It could be good. There ā€œcouldā€ be info about it that we donā€™t know about. I have the spell at level 1 but I just donā€™t see why iā€™d use it unless I was a melee character. Maybe monks or paladins can cast it on the tanks to help them do more dps without interuptions :P. with the damage reduction attribute wouldnā€™t be the worst thing for the tank. Also got your 15 tile heals anyway.

@narulight I feel everyone has that issue in the start. I definitely did. but you quickly get use to it. I hardly have an issue with it now except for the times where the game just decides to freeze in on spot for 3-5 seconds. T_T

Thanks mix for the compendium.

Btw. I think the transmit prana and divine might is confirmed that it transfer 60% int

A question I had was chaining a bunch of sadhu to transmit prana.

@MixMix I think your INT is decreased according to this video.

Iā€™ve been considering animus for a while now. Consider a paladin, restoration gives alot of regen.
HP Recovery: +337
Aura Duration: 60 seconds

Does that mean that this item gives a paladin an effective 337 magic amplification?

MAtk + 33
40% of HP Recovery to MAmp

MAtk ~ MAtk*MAmp

Animus only gives 40% of your hp recovery into Magic amplification, restoration gives max +337 from max skill level and another +100 from attributes.

437 x 0.4 = 174,8 magic amp from restoration alone.

Keep in mind it acts as a new type of + max magic attack, itā€™s not a actual percentage based multiplier as some seem to think it is.

But it also adds the health recovery you get from default (100), any con (hp recovery from con is bugged atm?) and collections (which give 5 each).

I started a Bokor Sadhu build recently and reached R4 Sadhu today andā€¦

Wowā€¦ I really, really like this class! With my choice of bokor and effigy spamā€¦ Iā€™m a little rough with the multitasking aspect, but Iā€™ll come around.

My build:

Not optimized, because I have ocd issues with heal, and generally like what Iā€™ve got. High Int, medium and equal Con and Spr, no Str nor Dex. Rod and meme dagger.
Itā€™s somewhat built around multitasking effigy, pandemic, and out of body on bosses, dungeons, and field enemies.
(Andā€¦ running through maps alot faster)

I have a few class synergy questions though.
Does Bloodletting cause issues for out of body mode?
Does Mackangdal prevent falling out of out of body mode?
Does Samediveve increase the ghostā€™s movement speed?
Do you see any major obstacles I may have trouble with while using my build? I have zero interest in PvP/GvG to make that clear.

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looks like when the new classes coem theres gonna be a lot of support builds for cleric.
tbh i wouldve rather wanted onmyoji if we could choose but lol idc, i gues illl end up making a full support cleric (makign sure to go krivis for zaibasā€¦) i already made my future monk. clericc2>dievc2>monkc2>pd>shepherd ( :smiley: )

i have a bokor, only things that ae bad with ur build are bokor things. ( things that are bad with bokor by itslef)

  1. targeting issue when using hex
    2.effigy is broken from lvl 10-15 (skill level)
    mackangal does not save u from oob
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Ok, now i reach lvl 220.

Cleric > Cleric > Krivis > Krivis > Sadhu > Sadhu

The question is about the wepon.

Should i go for Maga Rod

or Catacombs Club ???

The club gives you huge Magic Attack, but the Rod gives you reasonable MAtack and earth bonus attack. And both increase your HP.
(I dont feel the need of SP improve or not, im really fine with my SP)

Wow, congrats.

If youā€™re not going to upgrade the weapons, then the hammer for sure.

but even then youā€™d have to get the rod to +6 to do about equal damage :stuck_out_tongue: