Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Quality of live :open_mouth:

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Like what?


some sort of dps I presume

ara ara~~ cute Shanghai~~ :open_mouth:

/me poker face

ps. serious mode, I just wanted them to rework barrel and flu flu, these two are damn pointless. and Perspective Distortion if possible this skill eat SP too much compaire to benefit it’s give.
Additional, Flare shot is also barely useful, it’s like a downgraded flame ground, and that skill is Rank2 skill while this one is Rank4

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wow, that’s…unexspected :open_mouth:

I actually find scout’s skillset both entertaining and unassuming; underestimate them at your own peril :warning:


I see. Well, I agree about Flu Flu, and as long they dont bring Split Arrow down to C1, anything could be ok.

Dude, I’m sorry what I did back there :cold_sweat:

What this attribute mean ?
i don’t understand

It has a 5% probability chance per level to repair twice the original value.

Squire gives +1 ‘‘excess’’ durability per skill level when repairing a piece of equipment, this gives it a chance to double that amount.

Wow so at level 10 it can give +20 additional durability

Does all archers are like this now ?

This is just riddiculous -_-. No need for pelt or linker they just destroys anything on their path…


Yes and welcome to the Tree of Archer, err I mean Savior :wink:


Maybe I should reconsider my self about barrel, great video , I should saw it earlier, thank you to show me this :relieved:

ps. Wait…so “Barrel” it’s official name now? lol

Did you mean Tree of Runing shot? :astonished:


You should go see more of @WatchGintama’s video on youtube


cbt was Tree of Sword
obt is Tree of Archer hehehehe :v

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