Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

By competition you mean bots right? They can teleport, become invisible and change to another channel… so sad to be true.

absolutely… Makes me wanna hatch a red monster gem to pk them all off at once. haha

I’ve tried it once haha however, they can teleport or change channel :sweat:

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Oh my chubacabra!! , 600 per kill!!! Where is that!? :open_mouth:

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I’m 210 atm with my ele, where should I grind sensei?

Are you serious!!, IHow the hell I’m 146 now and still broke :open_mouth:

ERADICATE all the mobs then. lol

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It could be with being in party?
THe Silver destribution is kinda wonky.

my goodness i had bee trauma when i first walked into dina bee farm trying to do quests. ¬_¬
so many monsters…

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Ooh an enochlophobe :open_mouth:

it’s a pain to see them cuties go poof

Two days until patch arrive!, Pray for the Scout Buff :innocent:

There was some confusion during Gwenyths quotation.


Oh my…how could I miss this.
Thank you…

Im curious on what Scout buffs it could be. I mean, tis not like the class is entirelly bad, you can go stealth, you can stalk people (as seen in the Barrel series), you can make weird sounds, but what else it needs? Srsly. :confused:


Quality of live :open_mouth:

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