Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

…People Archer’s weren’t op .

THEY are OP now. Ranger got buffed heavily, and rank 3 ranger get’s 45% dps increase with steady aim … ot 100+ dps… a % buff now!

Naturally are archers got dps. mostly single target burst if not build for medicore aoe with most and ludricus sp usage.
There’s still other classes that have synergy between them … but people tend to start going “SO OP” right on the first chance, now you got a reason to scream xD.

As long as they don’t nerf that … Steady Aim Level 15 and rank 3 ranger will be 90% of the archer population…

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Does anything changes with Linker from CB2 ? I just checked all the patch notes recently but didn’t see any changes for them, kinda sad when linker is still mandatory for most wiz builds…
And how about Pelt/Roledero ? I like sword+shield playstyle but its so hard to lvling them in CB2 -.-.

seriously,and i thought wiz’s quick cast was op (+50% dmg but sacrifice many other things).

It doesn’t double the damage of AoEs anymore. It just propagates damage without overlapping it. The elemental attributes have been fixed for it.

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krtToS current attack trend is:

archer > wizard = cleric > swordman.

you don’t find many swordman MVP or kill the most in PVP. but you do see the rest 3 classes get MVP and most killing numbers.

In the world far far away , There a land that people in that land called “To(a)ster”. It is the land that cleric have more dps than wizard.


Wizard can heal too
No more complain :grin:

On a thread of 4347 post I have only read the word fun 5 times (that I can remember)

and am almost sure 3 of those 5 were on my own post including this one :\

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And every Wizard you found are all bondage fertish , they love to use rope to bind and link any fu*king thing they can find, from a burning fireball to a freking behemoth-three-headed-dog from hell.

The truth is i don’t understand why people always complain about buff this - nerf this

Back in RO,
at normal grinding do we need :
a. Tanker = No
b. Healer = Yes
c. Hitter = Yes

at MVP Tanker is a must
at WOE we need all class ? absolutly
at TOS do you feel Dungeon same as MVP at RO ? NOT AT ALL

Let’s wait some content that has difficulty as same as MVP killing at RO
even TOS is not RO


Gratz… the best coment about this
Clap! Clap! Clap!

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For other comparison, i’ve played Dragn Nst

Grinding in TOS = same as normal dungeon ( you can go solo )
Dungeon in TOS = Nest ( you can mix whatever class you want, even solo )
But When the 1st raid come Sea Dragon N*st, even with proper class you can’t clear the Raid

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Linkers never got the chace one-shot nobody no … :smirk:

this is so true I’m about to roll from laughin so harddrd kjk.jfiehjaw

hence Tree of Archers :laughing:

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It is the tree of archer haha or cleric lol
Last three times i did dungeon and exept me, everybody was archer lol

wizard is still strong :smiley: just hope next update buff swordman.

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I’ve written about it a long time ago here:

The puzzle you’re looking for involves the giant crystal and the light-swallowing lamp.

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Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun

Now i’ve doubled your statistics <3

No need to thank me :heartbeat:

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Patch notice for 18th of Feb is up, it’ll be a 6 hour maintenance.

It seems the long awaited team warehouse is being added finally with this patch, enabled for token users. Plus, the other updates which have been mentioned in the last Dev Letter should be added too. :slightly_smiling:


oh thank you!! :heart:

Now is wait for the international version of ToS.