Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

It took “only” 800 posts for this to turn into a 100% Cleric thread.?

Has imc lost it’s touch?:


That Krivis3-Paladin3-Zealot2 looks very strong but 5 heal tiles makes me uncomfortable. Would Restoration 15 and Aukuras 15 cover that for me and my partymates @greyhiem

Shadowmancer pvp … err


b a l a n c e d g a m e p l a y


I’ve been waiting almost 900 posts for a video looking like this to turn up.

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You must use Rhevisan items to counter shadowmancer.

With shadow2 attribute to double damage on shadowthorns vs ground-targets, the base %damage is 5648%, and cannot miss (magic skill). You can also cancel all shadow skill delay by jumping immediately after cast.

@OfficialMeat You could bring another cleric, dedicated to support/heal (cleric2). Aukuras heal is ok however it is insufficient if your party takes too much damage (bad gear). Restoration is useful if your party takes the squire foodcamp buff to have faster HP recovery ticks. Also, you must be careful when turning on barrier: take damage for party attribute. Zealot %HP consumption and taking hits for party will make you die fast.

You don’t have to pick paladin3-zealot2, it is just convenient to apply immolation debuff with barrier: damage enemies on touch attribute. Great to solo farm/grind because mobs will always touch your barrier.

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How is this fun pvp?

Why are those noobs not using Rhevisan set?

Sigh… people really need to learn how to play tbl.

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Endgame gear party unique raid

Enchanter stacking additional line attacks

Sapper musketeer3 solo solmiki video here

Falconer3 mergen1 solo solmiki here

Blind faith & kagura combo test here

Blind faith burst spam still works, krivis3 miko zealot2 solo bosses catacombs here

QS3 wugu3 bulletmarker solo siaulai here
QS3 Falcon3 bulletmark1 vs mob here
Reiter3 bullet1 vs mob here

Hackapel2 solo catacombs boss here

Enchanter sorcerer at HG here

Arch3 Hunter3 musket3 vs mob here

Reiter3 rogue2 still farming at HG here

Druid zealot bunny quick spread immolation at dung300 here

Skill-build bulletmarker crystal mine here

Chaplain kabba3 at new library here
Note: decent application at PvP because magic bolt auto attack cannot miss.

Fencer3 matador solo siaulai here
QS3 Arch3 musket3 solo siau here
Pyro3 sorc2 necro3 solo siau here
Sw3 HL2 Barb1 doppel3 solo siau here
Arch2 Ranger3 rogue1 falc1 mergen2 solo siau here

Linker thaum shadow2 farm new library here

Mounted Dragoon3 at new library here
Another one here

Doppel3-murmillo1 dungeon 300 here

Musket3 solo siaulai here

Chrono sorcerer vs mob here

Hackapel solo vs ET boss (with supports) here

Cryo sorc shadowmancer vs mob here

Cleric3 priest3 PD3 PvP here

Krivis3 Monk3 zealot2 vs mob here

Krivis3 pala zealot vs mob here

Cler2 krivs3 miko Pd Taoist2 solo siau here

Cl2-Bok3-Diev3-miko solo ET floor here

Some inquis at PvP here and here

Kabba Test: Correlation between multiple hit chance and blessing skill: here


Im pretty sure you can literally not obtain Rhevisian bracelets anymore. At least not without buying it or the materials from somebody else


“Diev3 pd3 solo ET floor” > it’s not a pd3 he’s : Cl2 > Bok3 > Diev3 > miko :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you for the correction, I have corrected it now.

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But Rhevisan Combo es nerfed now, is like 20% less shadow damage, not enough to resist more than 2 hit like that.

Maybe we need 2 more months without PVP to Unbalance more things…

Does storm calling boost up the new lightning skill from Taoist C2? :open_mouth:

If so, how much dmg does it give?

Yes, because it is Lightning it will be boosted. Similar boost to zaibas (~2x damage). Think @Nekorin tested it.

Zombie build is able to go into the library, though it takes a while to let them clear mobs. Another lazy build.

SPR ~400, did not use hexing to boost dark damage, flags & bwa kayiman don’t affect paladin conversed mobs though bokor commands do affect them.


Any more Featherfoot video? They sound strong on paper, but I’m not sure.

Gameplay did not change a lot. Still link-knot-swell-kundela to farm.

Video is using link-swell-knot-kundela though.

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Yep storm calling boost divine punishment at around ~2x damage.


What is going on there dmg wise?
Carve owl with a 4k-24k dmg range, or is that the visual bug again where it counts several hits as one.
6-20k dmg on zombies even…
34k on Damballa seems low in comparison even.

Seems to be a high spr build, close to 573 ish if that 16.1k sp is anything to go by…
Not bad at all tbh.

@greyhiem did sanctuary not work for minions? I see rods can’t use it though. (converted mobs have patk scaling anyway, so no big issue.)

Oh, I must try sanctuary on minions later. Was wearing windia rod. Yes, sanctuary is only available on mace&shield, and sword&shield.

Chapparition card activation + carve owl also increases damage. Don’t know if owls scale on SPR now, or whether bokor flag buffs affect owls. Yes it should be a SPR build.

Edit: have found info on Owls. Dievdirby owls scale on SPR now.