Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard new R9 discussion

I see…

The reason why I was thinking about shadow2 instead of lock2 is because lock2 doesn’t give any important new skills. The benefit i see for lock2 are mainly more damage to pole of agony, mastema, and full up time invocation.

Shadow 2 gives more damage to the single target skill (4 overheat one) which i thought might be important since elementalist is AoE by nature. Also that create shadow orbs skill looks good too.

I’m leaning more toward warlock2 after hearing what you said. I don’t have a warlock yet, so I wanna ask you, is invocation super important? To the point that full up time is a must?


Shadow2 attributes are great. Shadow thorn attribute doubles damage on ground type enemies. Example, 60k -> 120k damage.

Shadow conjuring attribute breaks links very fast with many linked ground mobs. The DoT is also based on your magic attack value (unlike mastema DoT which uses skillfactor%, mastema DoT is a lot stronger). The DoT deals 20 hits over 10 seconds, great to deliver status effects.

Shadowthorn & shadow conjuring CD are low, 15s and 20s, matches linker joint penalty. Shadow thorn is single target. Shadow conjure is a true aoe and will ignore aoe ratio.

Shadow2 shadow orbs seem to only hit 1 enemy per orb, needs linker joint penalty to deal useful damage. CD also very high. Objects such as ice wall will spawn orbs.

Shadowmancer SP cost is high due to overheat and low CD.
Shadow hallucination is a 20% max HP shield.
Bind is pretty useless at PvE. Shadow pool is ok during emergency mob swarm at PvE.

Quite some shadowmancer vids around:
@Hmmmm testing shadowmancer attributes here
Hmmm plays ele lock shadowmancer.

Shadowlink2thaum3 random mobbing here

Another Shadowlink2thaum3 at new library here

Older vids:
Sor2/ Link2 / Thau / wiz2 challenge mode here
Some Shadowmancer skill explanation here

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I’m more toward Warlock C2, mainly to Mastema itself dealing 20,000%+ damage in single skill with attribute in 24s, so it is up you, shadow c2 with new attribute will probably dealing that in all skills.
I’m lazy, i prefer 1 time casting, the rest of time you can do more things.

Invocation lv5 and lv8-10 (i prefer 10) actually damage quite huge different 1 is 5xx%+ another is 8xx%, and like lv5 only 60% of up time.
But, it is not important due to it quite situational, it is good in Saalus or Boss generate lot of trash mobs, (and when it works, it will kill boss instantly like goon-lancer.)

But as said if you sufficient with elem3 AoE skills, it is not bad for shadow single target.

The best thing about Warlock2 is mastema’s dot, it’s really strong. I have invocation at lv8 so I can stick with the buff all the time, I’ve started to use invocation a lot more after I maxed devil spirits attribute, it makes your spirits really strong and I can’t play without this skill actually.Devil Spirits dmg is insane, mostly when you have a lot of them, perhaps you must have a strong weapon with high anvil (+16~+21) and lv10 trans, so you can always deal more dmg than your party mates and keep summoning your evil/devil spirits.

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Interesting. May I ask, which build is the most popular that includes shadowmancer. I believe linker 3 may be a good addition to shadowmancer c2. Does ppl use shadowmancer together with linker a lot? Like Featherfoot? or there’s more variety on builds?

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Linker with shadow is nice because the cooldowns match. However linker + featherfoot is best because of joint penalty poison damage bonus attribute. Advantage of taking linker + shadow = 1 extra rank available. Featherfoot3 (FF starts on rank 7) vs shadowmancer2 (start on rank 8). Starting to level this build as a first character is more difficult because you lack damage skills until the higher ranks.

The only shadow AoE skill is shadow conjuring with 2 overheat, this is why linker will help your AoE. Shadowmancer skills are also easy to aim, shadowthorns auto-targets so it cannot miss at PvP. Shadow conjure is a cone hitbox in front of you, similar to cannoneer cannon blast if you’re familiar with archer classes.

Warlock skills are stronger at AoE (mastema, pole of agony, spirit spawn).

Linker featherfoot is also stronger vs melee due to levitation, and stronger sustain with HP recovery skills. Linker feather3 farming: here

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Is shadow condensation a good skill to use with link? At least when you fail hangman’s knot.

You don’t have to use hangman’s knot at all (it’s not like featherfoot skills), hangman’s is just to gather mobs to make it easier to use swell body. If you don’t have to swell, you could just joint penalty + use shadow skills.


Also, I have one question no one could give me an answer yet. The bind skill from shadow, can it prevent fireballs from being pushed away by PP? Like a true binding to the ground and not just a “unable to move” debuff.

I’m considering shadow C2 for my pyrokino until master circle for pyro arrives, any thoughts on what could work for this two?

I’m thinking about reset my FF into a Cryo/Chrono and test both Enchanter 2 and Sage 1/Shadowmancer 1 (Missile Hole + Shadow Hallucination for my survivability), although I doubt the efficiency of the Sage/Shadowmancer build …

Tried shadow bind on ice walls and the walls got debuffed. However icewall is already immobile. Are you pyro3 kino1? If you have slots left, you could take warlock3.

Start of vid: joint penalty without hangman + shadow conjure, without hangman + shadow orbs

Shadow2 shadowthorns attribute to double hits is fake (not true 2 hits), it just doubles damage of your shadowthorns skill on ground enemies and will show 2 hits. Applies blessing once.

Shadow2 shadow conjuring DoT is 20 hits over 10 secs of 100% damage each (2000% extra damage if you wait the full duration). Each hit applies blessing and elemental damage.

Shadow condensation orbs on ice wall will hit the nearest enemies. Orbs do not prioritize hitting objects (ice wall).

@Halgenthaler Duration of shadow hallucination is quite short.

Yeah, I know. In my mind, It would work well as the last defense line. ):

But hangman’s knot has that attribute which decreases Aoe def (-5), but it vanishes real quickly, perhaps if you atk fast u can kill things easier.

@gexmnlin13 Just thought with JP, you could use fireball, flare, and any of the Shadow spells, since all of those only deal 1 hit, u can multiply the dmg using link, without breaing it.

Actually pyro3-kino3-sage. I will drop this last circle.
I guess I could go for warlock 2, since it have 2 good DoT skills (mastema and PoA), which is the focus of my build, but the thing is that I already have one, and I don’t want to feel like I’m playing the same character again.

Shadowmancer2 attributes on their attack skills will boost damage against ground-type enemies. I don’t know if Kino3 raise will turn enemies into flying-type, it would ruin shadowmancer2 synergy.

@greyhiem maybe you know if IW can summon bombs of shadowmancer that is a interesent synergy. And maybe have a video?

It does

I dont see any point in this combo. Since one target can only be hit once by this skill, no matter how many shadow balls are around it. So each is still going to be hit once.

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As i see you can put a wall aroud a boss and deal a lot of damage to a boss.